Mother Nature Calls by Destiny1961

Writer: Destiny1961

Subject: Mother Nature Calls

Link: LS666 Email / 11.01.2024

Mother Nature Calls

I have found myself doubting who or what I am. I have found I may have a second spiritual side. I find myself in an “all-inclusive” church. I found myself reading a different version of the bible than what I have known. They have preached about letting go and allowing the spirit in. They say to be filled with the spirit we must empty ourselves of, well, our self. I felt this spirit calling but in a feminine way. I have dressed in women’s clothing and not only like the feel of women’s underwear but have taken steps to grow boobs. I have even thought about sexual situations with men as a girl.

I think back to a few situations taking care of male friends almost like a prostitute would. But the feel was almost like that of a female and it felt good. Over the past few years, I have gone the wrong direction and tried black magick and summoning dark spirits of femininity. While lost I swear I have felt something but now feel, must get myself right. So my new pastor is a female and a lesbian so I know she will not judge. It is a usual Sunday and I sit in the pew as I am reading I look across and see this beautiful Native American woman. I notice her staring and feel this tingle.

The one thing I have been feeling is the spirit of lust and as I look at her can picture a night with her under the stars as she rides me. The mass starts and in the middle of it I find myself standing and for a few minutes go blank. I come out of it to hear a few members of the congregation say amen. I look over and she mouths the word as well and winks. After mass, I sit there confused as Pastor Jenn approaches. She pulls me aside and asks if I know what I said.

She tells me I prophesied about a new world, one where all are accepted and we all become what we want. She then tells me I broached a few things some worry about. But she tells me the message must have been for someone or it would not have come out. She tells me there must be a lost one who is into dark things and needs to know they can be saved. She talked about divination as well. Then she mentions Gaia or Mother Earth or the divine mother or something. I look at the candles near the altar and remember the praying and lighting of them in the Catholic church. The one thing about this church is it is old school and stays open so we can go in and pray.

It has been a few weeks and that woman has been giving me the eye as if wanting to send a signal to me. I have thought about her and how the natives would call on spirits and have found myself researching. I even fell back and did a sort of ritual as have been feeling that so-called mother goddess calling me. I have found myself starting to wear female underwear under my male clothing and now to a point where you can tell. My moobs are now little boobs and am using a bra with extra hoping someone will notice.

I have even hoped that a man would notice to a point maybe he will want to play with them or suck on them and maybe let me suck his dick. Maybe even suck on them as he makes love to me like a woman, or at least a trans woman. I now sit and feel that strange feeling and take a look over to the woman and I stand as if guided. Again I go blank and this time am looked at funny when the Pastor says the message must be for someone.

After the service am pulled into the office. Pastor Jenn says she feels I am fighting something. She tells me I mentioned how God loves all of us no matter and as a lesbian, she understands wanting someone of the same sex. She tells me I mentioned Mother Earth and my concerns of divination or magick. She then says she has never felt this before but that there may be a feminine spirit I need to allow to be free. She also cites things like back in the day when there was free love.

She talks about the use of drugs and orgies and people thinking it was a sin. She then lets on that it was back then she found herself. Not to say to use drugs but she had and as she was in the middle of an orgy she had her first experience with another woman. She tells of a spirit about her and she was a native and lots were. She tells how after this woman and a night under the stars she found who she was. She said that it was then she realized we are all here to serve in many ways and she found her true love. She tells me she will leave the church open to pray. She leaves and I go kneel at the candles and light one.

That woman kneels next to me. She tells me that I worry about magick and yet I am doing magick. She tells me my boobs will be alright as she puts her hand on my ass. As she rubs my ass, she asks if the pastor told me all I said. She tells me I called on the Mother Goddess to help me. She then asked if she told me about the orgy and I am surprised. She tells me she woke up at that orgy.

I am confused as she explains about the magick. We kneel here and light candles as we ask for things, is this any different than a candle ritual she says? She then surprises me even more as she says so are birthdays and to think about how we blow out the candle after we make a wish. I am surprised as I give her that confused look as she lets me know she knows my birthday is coming. She says that the spirits heard me and wonder how I feel about being in an all-woman orgy.

She jokes and says I can have my cake and eat it too. She then says the girls would love it and I can be one of them. As she rubs my legs I turn to see from the corner of my eye the front pew full of a handful of beautiful native women.

At this point I now am getting an erection as she says, “We will take care of that.”

She tells me her name is Catori and we will call the spirits and enjoy. She tells me it is not wrong to show love as we are all meant to serve and their job is to serve me. They tell me my spirit is calling. She then tells me they may call on spirits I may know as dark or demonic but they are not as they are there to help my journey. So she told me to meet her the morning of my birthday as it will be a new birth. She tells me they will have something that will allow me to go all night and not be afraid of falling short.

It is getting close and I decide to look up the name and find it means “Spirit” and she mentioned the orgy with Pastor. Was she the one who vanished and who or what is she? I’m figuring she has Viagra or something like it and to imagine all that pussy. I meet her and she introduces me to the others as we go out in the woods. We get there and there are candles set up and there is a cake. She tells me wishes will come true.

She has me get naked and kneel and she removes her top to expose her beautiful breasts as the others do the same. She lights a candle on the cake and tells me to make the wish and blow it out. I ask to be able to feel that feminine side and to be with all the women. She looks at me as I blow it out and tells me the spirits hear but to remember to be filled I must be emptied.

She then tells me there is an old ritual of the peace pipe that would bring people together. She asks me to kneel and the others around us as she pulls out a pipe. But this is not your normal pipe as she lights it and takes a hit and then passes it to the others. It gets to me and she asks if I will be one of them as they all blow big clouds. I take it and gag and choke slightly as I blow it out and feel weird. Then the others get up and start to dance around us as they call to the spirits.

She has me stand up though wobbly and I can understand some of the spirits they are calling as possible demons. She asked about when I talked about the sacred prostitute and my thoughts. She tells me it is an honor to take care of your own and they are prostitutes and there to take care of me. She then kisses me and sucks on my nipples and then runs a finger down me by drawing blood with her fingernails. She then does the same to her body and she tells me to taste it.

She then tells me we must empty me as she licks my blood and works her way downward. At this point am feeling what was in the pipe as she is now on her knees with the rest dancing and singing. She takes my now erect dick into her mouth and down her throat. They are calling for me to empty and I now feel Catori shove a finger up my ass and then two. She hits my prostate and I shiver and move forward as I grab her head and shoot a big load.

She looked up at me, pulled me to my knees, and told me I must taste, but she swallowed it. She grabs the pipe and takes a large hit and holds it and gives me one more and as I feel strange she sticks her finger down her throat and as she gags pulls my head and kisses me as she spits up what she swallowed. There is much and it runs out of our mouths as I cannot help but swallow some and as I do I feel something hit our faces. I notice the others who are now fully naked and they all have cocks.

They are all trans females and now are stroking and shooting loads on us and some pissing as I am kissing and swallowing this disgusting mix as my spirit is breaking. She tells me to feel Mother Earth through my body as there is nothing between me and the now wet and sticky ground. She lays me down as the others still are stroking. She tells me the way to the spirit is through the anus and I remember that is something I read about Satan.

She takes off her skirt to show her huge erection as she sits on my dick which is now hard again due to the drugs. She tells me through the blood we are now sisters and it is now my turn to take care of mine. She is stroking as I explode again a big load and feel as if we have become one. She says we are a special breed made to take care of others as she is ready to explode and commands my spirit to open my mouth. I do and she leans over me and shoots a load on my face and in my mouth before she slides into my mouth gagging me and making me spit up through my nose as well.

She then tells me to open my womb to accept the seed and then I feel one of the girls shove straight into me all the way and explode and as she pulls out the next and next til I am flooded. I feel my spirit as it changes and then Catori gets up and is replaced by another. Then there is mention of Gaia giving me the spirit of the sacred one and I know it means prostitute. They say the Mother Goddess owns us all and to enjoy. As we explode over and over the ground looks more like a mud wrestling ring as we roll around in the muddy orgy.

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