Mohenjo-daro by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Mohenjo-daro

Link: MeWe / 09.07.2024


There are many lessons to be learned by opening up the black book of lies. Sometimes the biggest deception is what is not in the book, such as a nuclear blast. The ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, located in present-day Pakistan, is one of the most important archaeological sites in South Asia.

What sets this site apart from others is the discovery of a layer of radioactive ash found in the ruins, indicating that the city was destroyed by a nuclear blast approximately four thousand years ago. There is no mention of anything similar to this in religious texts. Another indication that religion only wrote about what they had knowledge of in the immediate geographical area.

According to the Sumerian Tablets, written about 4,500 BCE, first man was created in Eden. Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Isn’t it odd that long before the book of Genesis was written, 1,500 BCE, there was a Garden of Eden, in a neighboring society? More importantly, how did the all knowing forget to mention this?


So, he forgets some details. Not only malicious but forgetful too! I guess, it must be difficult running everything and dealing with so many evil, bad, twisted people — like us.

The reference to the “Garden of Eden” and to “Ancient Atomic War” is really interesting — it had me researching this too — thanks, Hoku.

For those who are hearing this name, “Mohenjo-daro” for the first time — Mohenjo-Daro is famous for its art found at the site, including trading seals like the Pashupati Seal and sculptures like the Priest-King and the Dancing Girl. The Indus Valley Civilization declined in the second millennium BCE, and the Harappans abandoned their cities, including Mohenjo-Daro. Some Historians believe that Indo-European Tribe or Aryans destroyed the civilization by invading it. They brutally killed the people who belong to that Indus civilization. Is it radioactive? Was there an atomic war thousands of years ago?


“In the territory of Rajasthan in northwestern India, a layer of exceptionally radioactive cinder was found close Jodhpur, which was sufficient to warrant an examination. Afterward, the old remnants of Harappa toward the north and Mohenjo-Daro toward the west were uncovered in Pakistan, where proof of an atomic blast going back a great many years prior was found. Mohenjo-Daro was worked around 2,500 BC and was rediscovered during the 1920s. The site experienced noteworthy unearthings from that point forward. At the point when the exhuming achieved road level, 44 skeletons were found dissipated all through the city, spread in the city, proposing that they had endured an unexpected and rough passing. Certain zones of the site additionally indicated expanded dimensions of radioactivity.”


“The city’s original name is unknown. Based on his analysis of a Mohenjo-daro seal, Iravatham Mahadevan speculates that the city’s ancient name could have been Kukkuṭārma (“the city [-rma] of the cockerel [kukkuta]”). Cock-fighting may have had ritual and religious significance for the city. Mohenjo-daro may also have been a point of diffusion for the clade of the domesticated chicken found in Africa, Western Asia, Europe and the Americas. Mohenjo-daro, the modern name for the site, has been interpreted as “Mound of the Dead” in Sindhi.”


“The Book of Genesis contains several morality stories going from Adam to Noah. Do these fictional stories really refer to historical events before writing was invented? The founding of Sumer with the construction of the temple city of Eridu 7400 years ago is pertinent to this question. We can readily compare the Sumerian literature relating to their oral tradition with archaeology. They say their founders came from Aratta, which was east of Susa and accessible by water. This would place it on the Indus River. This is consistent with the biblical story of Cain, who was exiled to the land of Nod “east of Eden” and built the first city, The biblical location of the garden of Eden is in the Euphrates delta, though this paradise probably refers to Natufia in the Levant. Abraham, the founder of the biblical tradition, came from the cities of moon worship in Mesopotamia, where scholars described history taking place there that had really occurred in other countries.”


“During its heyday from about 2500 to 1900 B.C., the city was among the most important to the Indus civilization, Possehl says. It spread out over about 250 acres (100 hectares) on a series of mounds, and the Great Bath and an associated large building occupied the tallest mound … Just what ended the Indus civilization—and Mohenjo Daro—is also a mystery. It was suggested that the Indus River changed course, which would have hampered the local agricultural economy and the city’s importance as a center of trade. But no evidence exists that flooding destroyed the city, and the city wasn’t totally abandoned. A changing river course doesn’t explain the collapse of the entire Indus civilization.”



2 thoughts on “Mohenjo-daro by Hoku Lani”

  1. Thank you both for your research into this . I had never heard any of it but it’s very interesting . Maybe one day more will be revealed .

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