Writer: Astra Ravana
Subject: Mirror Magick
Link: Tumblr / 29.11.2024
Mirror Magick
Mirrors are a big part of our lives. Mirrored surfaces, both man-made and natural exist almost everywhere. Every culture has myths regarding mirrors and I’m sure some of these we have all heard. Such as breaking a mirror is worth seven years of bad luck, so you shouldn’t keep them in the bedroom, or to cover all your mirrors after someone dies, so their soul isn’t trapped. Mirrors are more than just shiny bathroom fixtures, they are literal portals and amplifiers with several magickal utilities.
Trapping Energy by Charging Mirrors
Mirrors can be used to ‘trap’ the energy of any setting you find particularly powerful. For example: leaving your mirror close to the ocean waves or in a dark forest overnight. It will absorb the potent natural energies, then you can use the mirror in late works as you please.
Lunar magick is another area where mirror work is ideal. Place a few mirrors under the moon to charge them with the energy of that phase. If you want to use them for a specific purpose, consider marking them with a symbol or sigil. When you need the energy of the moon or a moon phase, you can access it as needed by using an appropriately charged mirror.
Mirrors, like crystals, can help to amplify the power of your spells and rituals. Keeping a mirror on your altar can bolster and increase the success of your workings. Just as focused sunlight on a mirror ignites a fire, focused magick will ignite a spell. Make sure your spell components are reflected, or better yet, perform the work on top of a mirror, to substantially increase its power.
Scrying and Accessing Other Realms
When correctly utilized mirrors can be used to access messages and visions that we wouldn’t normally be able to connect with. Scrying is an ancient divinatory magick that is often used as a form of fortune-telling. Traditionally, a lot of scrying was done with water, the ancient Celts and Greeks even practiced this form of divination. Mirror scrying is an evolution of these water oracles, with historical practitioners like the famous John Dee, who used highly polished silver, brass, mercury, or obsidian.
Scrying with mirrors can be particularly powerful due to the idea that your reflection is the manifestation of your soul. When viewing your reflection, if you’re well in tune with yourself, you can ask your soul questions regarding your life and development or even open up the door to another dimension entirely. Mirrors can be enchanted and signified into being gateways in and of themselves.
Many scrying mirrors are black because one’s reflection can be rather distracting. The traditional material of a black mirror is obsidian, however, you can craft your own by painting one side of a piece of glass black. Picture frames are great for this. A black mirror is the best option for scrying as you won’t be distracted by your features, leaving you open to interpret your visions.
Mirrors, such as reflective surfaces and magickal conductors, are often used in banishing spells. Banishing magick can be used when someone is directing negative energy your way or you’re being harassed. In this case, a mirror can be used to return bad energy to the person who sent it.
Banishing magick can be a wonderful tool when applied to bad habits or negative thoughts as well. To banish an idea or behavior, enchant something akin to: “What you’re banishing] you’ve caused me pain, I banish you, now stay away. Mirror help to reflect my plight, and keep [what you’re banishing] out of sight”. Keep the mirror close to you to protect you from what you’re banishing.
Mirrors are also an incredibly effective defensive tool. They can deflect any negative energy, ill intent, or malevolent spirits sent your way. By placing mirrors in areas where you need the most protection, you can repel any unwanted energy trying to infiltrate your space. For added potency, draw a protective sigil/symbol on the mirror and/or place a protective crystal in front of it.
Hexenspiegal: The Witch’s Mirror
A hexenspiegal is a small mirror used as a protective charm to reflect away baneful/attack magick, the evil eye, and other bad omens and intentions, as well as return the energy to its sender. Its basis is in German folk magick. Translated, it means “witch’s mirror”. Hexenspiegals may be suspended from cords, fastened to walls, or, in the case of small ones, worn as jewelry. You can make your own by cleansing, decorating (optional), and signifying/enchanting a small mirror to your intent.