Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 02.10.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: In the time of Zoda, the great Roman slaver, there were highly produced shows to entertain and divert the citizenry, featuring sharp steel swords and spears, knives and hacking swords, all designed to part the flesh of naked females, often very young. It was a time of destruction in their great arenas, where cunts were split open and bare bellies ripped, to cover the sands on the floor with blood and female gore. Ladies died to be in these shows and also died in them. The butchery of naked cunts was a tradition, and the tradition was maintained for generations. Everyone of note owned female slaves, and

Meghensa’s Fall To Enslavement 6

Not having to be fucked and beaten by vicious animals was the only positive thing about Meg’s life as a slave. Everything now was so horrible she did not know if she could endure it. But endure she must. Meg dreamed of someday regaining her freedom, returning to her father, and living a life of the luxury she had enjoyed in their beautiful home.

She would have her bedroom, along with the privacy that brought, would have her warm-mouthed toilet slave to eat her excrement directly from her anus, and a pee slave to drink her urine by clamping her lips over her little cunnie, and a pair of naked young maids to attend to her every need.

Should one of them ever displease her, she would have the girl returned to her father’s stock of slave girls that were sold to the Coliseum. Those girls had to entertain installs under the stands, where sooner or later they were butchered alive just to entertain guests as a regular part of the debauched entertainment.

She would be in charge, and responsible for the death of any slave that she thought deserved to be killed, if even for the sport of it. Her father allowed her to kill young female slaves at his banquets, and her favored way of dispatching them was by opening their bellies with a knife.

Once they were opened, she took delight in getting some of the female guests to vomit when she disemboweled them while the guests who were used to the gore cheered her on. It was her favorite sport, and her father encouraged her to do it. He liked to see the youngster doing the task that got men ejaculating.

If only her father won big time at gambling and was able to buy her back. She knew deep in her heart that he loved her more than he loved her mother, and as far as Meg knew, her mother, a gorgeous twenty-three-year-old blonde cunt, had not yet been sold to debtors.

One day all would be well if only she could endure the hardships of being a slave. Her current Master made that very difficult, but she had the spirit, and the will to succeed, even as she was made to do so many despicable things for a Royal Princess. She vowed that when she gained freedom, she would have him killed.

She was also determined to do her best at her obscene dancing, to titillate her owner so that he would value her above the others, and keep her rather than let her go to another owner when he tired of her. The biggest risk for slaves was always changing owners, as they never knew what a new owner might expect or have planned for them.


Meg’s hopes faded one day when she was attending her Master while he visited a slave auction. She was not allowed to see the auction block itself, where groups of slaves being offered were displayed naked. Her Master, knowing that only the best side of slaves was ever shown on the block, went behind the stand, where the corral of slaves was kept.

Half a dozen male handlers were preparing a group of women for the block by raping them, to make their vulvas appear to be highly aroused. Everyone knew that a woman whose nipples were erect, and whose vulva was moist, red and open, would fetch a better price on the block. Freshly fucked females always looked more erotic than trembling naked ladies with tight cunts.

These women were newly enslaved, as they were cowering in dread of treatment that was commonplace for most female slaves. Even the most docile and modest female glowed with sexual arousal after a good raucous raping, and these sensuous young creatures with their large breasts and tight waists were being well raped.

One of these women caught Meg’s attention, as she was being serviced at both ends, with one sturdy lad fucking her vagina while another was passionately humping his stout penis deep into her throat. The woman was strangling on the big male organ, and she squirmed and squealed as the boys with their big cocks brutally fucked her.

She was in excellent condition and had a very attractive body. Her breasts were firm and her nipples stood up like small dark corks. She was a mature woman, probably nineteen or twenty, but despite her advanced age, Meg was sure she would bring a good price. Cunts as beautiful as her always did.

At last, the boys finished with her, the one face-fucking her pulling out before she choked to death. They did not ejaculate, because these six boys were required to service all of the women in a short time, and there were more than forty women in that single holding pen. They let the woman get to her feet.

She had her back to Meg, but even as she stood Meg could confirm the woman’s quality. The raping had done her good, as her cunt was now fully distended and open. She would truly bring a handsome price on the auction block. The woman turned, and Meg was startled and shocked to see that it was her mother! Anxiously searching, she saw that there were several of her mother’s household women in the same pen.

Her father had either sold off everything, or else everything he owned had been seized, including his wife! Meghensa realized there was now little hope he would ever buy her back. She had the feeling for the first time that she was doomed to a life of slavery! She would grow up as a slave! If she ever got to grow up at all!

Although she could not see the slave auction platform, Meg heard the bidding for her mother and heard the woman fetch the auctioneers a very high price. She knew that if her mother went for a high price, she would probably get to live a few months longer. That outcome was not necessarily a good thing.


Meghensa watched others of her mother’s retinue of slaves moving up the stairs that led to the platform. A few of the women came back down. They were the ones that did not fetch a good price. Those who came back were sold at a guaranteed price to the Army. These would go to the army barracks where they would serve as barracks whores.

There they would be subjected to nonstop gang rape, and they were unlikely to live more than three days in Army service. Army cunts seldom lived long. They were fed only stale dry biscuits and water and had no sleep. All three portals were used to entertain the soldiers. Such women were fucked to death.

That feeling of hopelessness was just settling in on the young girl when another event reinforced her gloom. A trio of Arab sheikhs arrived at her Master’s home and laid down a bag of gold for an evening of excessive sexual violence. The bag was full of gold, very heavy, and word went through the slave pens that the Arabs had bought the lives of twenty young female slaves.

Meg felt a curious twinge of excitement and knew that she was now home. For her home was not a place or a Master, but was slavery itself, in which she knew she would spend the remainder of her life. She felt a strange acceptance and calm with her lot, and knew that she would become a great slave.

Only girls with the experience of owning slaves, and having then been owned by several Masters, had the potential to be great slaves, because only with that special knowledge and experience could a slave become great. She knew the ropes and was confident she could continually please her Master and any of her subsequent owners.

Meghensa had seen work slaves, servant slaves, meat slaves and sex slaves, but she was one of the privileged few, with the training of a dancing slave. She would possibly live for years because of her special skills. Only when her Master tired of her and her appearance would she be in any danger of facing death.

She knew that time would come, and when it did, she hoped it would be a death worthy of a girl born free, a death in the Coliseum of Rome, with the throngs watching and cheering her as she was ripped open by the lions or the sword of a brave gladiator. Most of all, she hoped that when her time came, she would be owned by the greatest slaver of them all, the Great Zoda.

She had been in the stands with her second Master and had seen the performance all of Rome was still talking about. She had seen the incredible crucifixion contest, in which a dozen matched Greek women had been crucified by teams of soldiers, nailed to their cross in the most unbelievable ways and erotic postures.

She had seen the bulls fuck the girls strapped to benches, ripping their bellies open and ploughing through their guts with their enormous organs. She had seen the three buxom girls being ripped, gored and trampled by elephants, and she had seen the flooding of the Coliseum, with the maidens from the audience being fed to the ravenous crocodiles.

She had even been allowed to watch with her Master of the time the rape of the beautiful, famous and enslaved Princess Uterissa by the deformed dwarf, and her subsequent killing by the Master slaver Zoda. It had been indescribable, and Meg was excited by the memory of the unrestrained and excessive sexual violence.

Now that she was certain she would never be anything but a slave, she determined that she would become the best slave she possibly could, so that she might live to see more and more of the exciting sexual events her owners devised, simply for the debauched entertainment of his depraved guests, most of them Roman.

She decided that her life would build to the most exciting death ever and that it would happen before Caesar himself. Meg was confident she could be the most sought-after slave in the Empire and went to sleep for her afternoon nap with the confidence that she could begin that rise tonight at the exciting cunt-slaughter party.

The killing of women for sport and entertainment had reached a new high in the Roman Empire, and little Meg was the slave of a man who had mastered the fine art, through innovation. He had invited special guests for the debut of a remarkable new technique of killing a woman for the delight of spectators.

Among these guests were three senators and a woman reputed by many to be the next wife of Caesar. The guests were reclining on silken pillows while a dozen mahogany-skinned huge-breasted slaves milked themselves into the guests’ eager mouths. Their cunts were shaved clean, and the guests were all equipped with a mug of finger-long barbs from an acacia tree.

While the female slaves worked their breasts to keep the milk flowing and spurting into the mouths of the guests, the guests planted the spikes deep into the black women’s bare vulvas. Many of the guests had not tasted mothers’ milk since they were infants, and most of them had been nursed by black slaves, so the novelty was most welcomed.

They particularly liked the pleasure of torturing the women who were feeding them. It was a mark of their host to respond to nurturing with cruelty. While this novel sport was taking place, the young dancing girls were assembled. Tonight they would begin with a contortionist act. All of the girls were fully trained in all the arts of dance, including those that required extreme flexibility.

Six of the eleven- to thirteen-year-old dancing girls, including Meg, were lined up facing away from the circle of pillows where the guests were reclining. Spreading their legs, they bent forward, keeping their knees as straight as possible, and dropped heads until their heads and shoulders passed between their knees. They grasped their ankles with their hands in a fashion that lent support and enhanced the appearance of their slender arms and legs.

The dance mistress cracked her whip, and the girls raised on their toes, arching their feet and putting themselves in a position that made it incredibly difficult to maintain their balance. They were doubled over, facing backwards, which was the natural way now for them to move, so as the dance mistress’s whip slashed across their bare buttocks, the young dancers walked on their toes backwards around the room.

The six girls formed and stood in a small circle, their tight buttocks facing outward, and slowly bent their backs even further, pulling their heads upwards toward their naked crotches. The audience was impressed, but the remarkable contortion of their bodies put them in a position to do their trick.

They all opened their mouths wide, and in unison accomplished a remarkable feat: as one, their little rectums were spread by the nose of an emerging stool. Even more amazing, little Meg did in public what she had all her life had a slave girl do. As naturally as a child eating candy, she took her own dropping firm turd into her mouth.

She chewed and swallowed it, to the delight of the debauched audience of Rome’s leading citizens. With her acceptance of her role as a slave, she took naturally to what she knew was expected of slaves. From her experience since infancy, she knew that all slaves ate shit. She did not know that only the lowest of slaves were required to eat their shit.

As repugnant as she found it, eating freshly produced shit was what she believed all slaves did, and she showed less hesitation in performing this self-debasing profane act than did the others. Now the immature little ladies bent their knees and gradually lowered themselves until their shoulders touched the floor.

In a smooth and continuous movement, they raised their legs, and elevated their hips, so that they were now inverted, resting on their shoulders with their long slender legs raised high. Once more in unison, they brought their legs forward, so that their little cunnies were positioned directly above their heads.

The audience clapped their approval as each bare little cunnie produced an amber spray of fresh urine. Their liquid offal arched upward, they curled over and splashed down onto the bare titless chests of the little girls, who were peeing on themselves, amusing the audience by giving themselves a warm golden shower.

The girls thrust their hips forward, and in the process produced a thin but stronger stream, that now fell onto their faces. The darling young dancers opened their mouths wide and managed to capture much of the spray of pee splashing over their faces. This was a grossly obscene performance, the only kind that was of interest to the jaded guests.

To these innocent young virgins, what they were doing was a perfectly natural act, the kind of presentation expected of sex dancers. Eating and drinking their excrement for the entertainment of their Master’s guests was what was expected of them, and for them to find doing so to be objectionable was unthinkable.

Meghensa had learned her true role in life and was dedicated to excelling at whatever was asked of her. She knew that even though the act was fully rehearsed, she could do nothing until the whip stung her flesh, as the guests expected to see slaves being whipped, as these naked girls were now.

Whipping them was, in her eyes, a perfectly natural and important part of the act. Her acts were all she lived for, and they were more important than anything else. Meg was a slave who knew her place. It was an honor to be a slave to such an important Master, and she had a firm resolve to maintain that relationship.

She was disappointed that she would not see the new method of killing a woman, as her act was complete and the dance mistress had no further use for her that night. She knew it involved cooking the victim from the inside, and used a huge bladder made from the hide of an ox.

At the rehearsal, she had seen that hoses would be inserted in the victim’s rectum and down her throat, and that scalding-hot water was involved, but she wanted to see it in action. That treat would have to wait for another occasion, as she could not question her Master or Mistress.


2 thoughts on “MEGHENSA’S FALL TO ENSLAVEMENT 6 by Regis”

  1. Enjoying Meg’s story Regis, thank you. Also the Porkies and Boiler Room arcs.

    The frequent references to shit & piss got me horny enough tonight to put on a brand new dress and heels, and head down to the abandoned toilet block in the park where the toilets no longer flush. Sadly, there were no contents left by anybody in any of the six toilets, and all that was on offer was a few drips of pee at the urinal. So all I did was squat and piss on the floor then leave. In a display of remarkable restraint I refrained from masturbating. I may return tomorrow when I shall be even hornier, and hopefully there will be some deposits for me to play with. This brand new dress was purchased specifically to be ruined through such public scat sessions.

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