Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 01.10.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: In the time of Zoda, the great Roman slaver, there were highly produced shows to entertain and divert the citizenry, featuring sharp steel swords and spears, knives and hacking swords, all designed to part the flesh of naked females, often very young. It was a time of destruction in their great arenas, where cunts were split open and bare bellies ripped, to cover the sands on the floor with blood and female gore. Ladies died to be in these shows and also died in them. The butchery of naked cunts was a tradition, and the tradition was maintained for generations. Everyone of note owned female slaves, and

Meghensa’s Fall To Enslavement 5

Now that Lillithee was no longer a virgin, she was not kept with the virgin dancers, and Meg saw little of her. She did see her first performance because it was at a banquet at which Meg danced. A total Eunuch, one with no penis or testicle sack, led the nude child in, crawling on her hands and knees.

She wore a collar and was brought in on a leash as if she were a pet animal. This was a common method of presenting slave children. Some were raised from their earliest years as crawling pets and were never allowed to learn to walk upright. They were trained to move with their asses raised, which spread their buttocks to display their genitals and anus.

Meg had owned such a pet when she was eight, a pretty little Egyptian girl, one with the loveliest little cunt one could hope for, and it flowered beautifully, displaying a view into its deepest regions, with her little cervix on show, but it had died from the whipping she gave it once when it made her too angry.

Meg seldom thought of the past; there were too many new things to experience and look forward to. The master was entertaining several men and women travelers, and they all lounged on large down-filled satin pillows as naked little slave girls, with their skins bronzed from hours in the sun, fed them.

Musicians played, and Meg and her several dancing friends danced an energetic and obscene dance, in which they impaled themselves through the anus with specially designed and constructed wooden flutes. It was something their Master had come up with, to titillate his guests.

The flutes with one end on the floor reached up the the girl’s navel. The balls at the end of these special anal flutes were pressed a full foot’s depth into the pretty young dancing girls’ colons, and they looked like polished and varnished wooden tails as the girls began their remarkable dance.

Only two of the profane young dancers had not had their colons flushed prior to the performance. These two moved over to a pair of guests who had made a special request. They had something quite special in mind.

The guests grasped and then pulled out the hollow flutes. The round head of the flutes made a delightful “pop” sound as they were pulled free from the grip of the young ladies’ rectums. As expected, the instruments were smeared and the inside was packed with the girls’ brown muck.

The two daring guests put their tongues to the fouled instruments to sample the virgin offal, then used the dirtied flutes to spank the girls, marking their buttocks with their own dark and stinking excrement. A pair of six-year-old slave girls brought forward moist perfumed towels.

The naked dancers spread their legs, and the nude slave children wiped clean the bums of the two offending dancing girls. They had been well struck, and angry red welts stood where the flutes had landed. The little girls also cleaned the outside and the inside of the fouled flutes,

The orally-cleaned instruments were then replaced deep in the young dancers’ colons. All of the dancing slave girls had been fed a morning meal of day-old beans and cornbread, flavored abundantly with hot peppers, to ensure they were capable of ample gas production.

They continued their dance with the polished wooden tails protruding from between their buttocks, and within minutes they all began to pass gas. This expulsion of raw methane caused the instruments to whistle, making rude music on the specially designed anal flutes.

The guests had before never seen these remarkable instruments, played so adroitly by the rectums of the young dancing slaves, and they laughed at each unexpected toot of the flutes. The girls giggled at the rude sounds they were making and at the stench of the gas they were producing.

The wind instruments in their colons all had a different tuning, so that as the young dancers farted through them, they all produced a different note, making it a musical event. The audience was delighted, and smacked at the wooden tails as the girls danced by, to provide a very uncomfortable poke inside them.

The slave master’s merciless whip frolicked among the dancing girls, stinging the buttocks, faces and open-pouting vaginas of the beautiful young naked virgins. Meg felt properly degraded by this obscene exhibition of her naked talents. Her face was red and flushed from the humiliation of what she was required to do.

She knew more than ever that she was now a real slave, with no value beyond her willingness to do as she was bid by her owner and his slavemaster. It was excellent preparation for what lay in store for her. She was certain that when she matured, she would at last become carrion for his incredible meat market.

She was certain that when she grew breasts, it would be so that she could be hanged by them in the vegetable market until someone selected her to be carved on that terrible butcher’s block. She knew she was no more than a piece of living meat, entirely at the disposition of her master.

The man who owned her knew even better than her father the true value of female slaves. Lillithee was being used, like the young dancing girls, as preliminary entertainment. The male slave led her to the middle of the floor, where she suddenly stretched her arms forward.

She dropped the forward part of her young body to the floor, as she had been instructed to do, leaving her buttocks severely elevated, her anus and vagina fully exposed. The male slave stepped forward, and stood on her wrists, painfully holding her fixed in that highly compromising position.

A large male monkey was released into the hall, and the beast quickly climbed the drapes and swung around the hall above the diners by stout velvet ropes suspended as functional decorations. Most of the male spectators had their penises out and were masturbating as the beast swung down to the crouching girl, anticipating what was coming.

On the monkey’s hip was the visible brand in the shape of a human penis and scrotum, a sign that the animal was properly trained in the art of raping humans. Meg had seen many such examples of the craft of bestial husbandry, in which animals had been specially bred to bring out extraordinary characteristics.

She knew that through inbreeding and selective crossbreeding, abnormalities could be predicted and developed. For hundreds of years, animal breeders had supplied these curiosities as pets, as well as for the grossly obscene side shows and sex circuses that thrived throughout the reaches of the Empire.

Of all the unusual examples of selective breeding she had seen, Meg had never imagined a beast like this monkey proved to be. As it became aroused, she was startled to see that the beast had two penises, one above the other. This was the result of an incredible breeding program, with this startling result.

The monkey’s upper penis was longer and thinner than the lower organ, which was the size of a fully grown human’s penis, but appeared to be both thicker and longer than most she had seen on men. Male stud slaves as well as Masters and their guests at banquets always had their genitals on full display, for use.

At the banquets, it was common entertainment to have men as well as beasts couple with girls, usually very young. As the hairy primate moved around the girl with its tail raised, Meg saw that the remarkable animal appeared to have two pair of swinging scrota, with each of them containing a large pair of gonads.

It was the most amazing animal she had ever seen. The monkey climbed over the pinned girl, fondling her genitals with one hand-like paw and stroking its own two penises with the other. Its long tail swung like a thick furry snake as it explored her with its paw, preparing itself for the astounding bestial attack.

The animal, equipped to enter both of Lillithee’s fuck portals at once, both her rectum and her cuntlet, sat on her lower legs, its twin sets of testicles swinging freely, and began licking her anus and vulva with its long tongue, forcing and sliding the mouth-organ into both of her lower openings.

The trained monkey was tongue-fucking the kneeling young girl! It was warming her up with the affectionate exploration of her anus and cuntlet. Lillithee quivered but knew better than to attempt to get up. She was well-trained and knew there was no escape for a slave girl.

Any attempt to run away meant she would be instantly killed, or worse, released into the Coliseum to be mauled and eaten alive by bears, lions or tigers. To survive this bestial rape today before this group of several wealthy masturbating men meant she could be raped again another day by another beast or human stud.

She believed forced sex with an animal or slave stud would be preferable to be displayed naked in the arena, ripped open and eaten alive by big ferocious cats like lions, leopards or cheetahs on the Coliseum’s blistering hot sands, for the entertainment of thousands of screaming Roman citizens.

The big monkey surprised her by climbing back up onto the overhead ropes. It settled directly overhead and sat masturbating its twin cocks with both fists, using its gripping feet and long tail to keep its position secure. Then suddenly it swooped down, and in seconds had its long upper cock wedged into her saliva-moistened rectum.

It humped its hips with a violent motion, driving the firm flesh shaft deeper into her colon until the stout lower penis came into contact with Lillithee’s gaping little cuntlet, prepared by the action of its tongue. This lower primate was perfectly trained and knew what it was doing.

The marvelously endowed monkey pressed its hips forward, mashing the head of the lower penis into the vestibule of Lillithee’s vulva, until the little female organ gave way, and admitted entry to the animal’s second dong. The monkey was now prepared for full double penetration.

Several hammering thrusts drove the pair of organs into her twin fuck-shafts at their full length, and ensured she was entirely impaled on the remarkable twin penises. He was in, so the slave stepped off her wrists, to allow the screaming young Lillithee to respond appropriately to the monstrous bestial rape.

The monkey moved with amazing power, humping its hips against those of the girl kneeling beneath him. He was force-pushing the boundaries of her ability to accommodate him and was painfully forcing those limits. Lillithee had been trained only with smaller animals, to ensure this experience would be wholly excessive.

The amazing primate fucked into her to the bizarre music of the anal flutes provided by the farting dancing girls. The beautiful young victim of the bestial rape reared up and struggled, as she had been taught to do. The monkey’s large twin sex organs were so well seated inside her that there was no possibility of her slipping off the pounding shafts.

Suddenly she screamed, as the large ball at the base of each penis swelled up inside her, locking both of her fuck-holes to the rutting double shafts of her bestial rapist. She somehow struggled to her feet and stood with the monkey on her back. The hairy primate pawed at the young girl’s flat chest, where it expected to find breasts.

The animal had been trained on real women, not on young girls, and it was surprised that there were no soft mammaries to cling to and maul. Instead, the monkey reached its long arms up and locked its fingers together behind her head. This powerful hold forced her arms out to the sides.

Also, this grip forced her head to go forward so severely that it appeared the strong animal might break her neck. She was forced to face the floor as she stood, knees bent, struggling to maintain her balance as the monkey humped rapidly into her, fucking both portals with its amazing dual organs.

The tooting of the anal flutes in the butts of the farting young dancers provided an obscene audio background as the brutal and entertaining rape of both Lillithee’s fuck-holes progressed, and the tempo of its thrusting into her increased as the double-endowed monkey redoubled its efforts.

Masturbating men throughout the dining hall ejaculated as the girl-raping monkey reached orgasm and pumped its jism into the colon and vagina of the trained young slave girl. When at last the beast withdrew its remarkable organs from the girl, it surprised the dancing girls when it continued with the perverted performance.

Instead of swinging up onto the cords provided for it, the animal did as it had been trained to do: it doubled its fists and went to work on the young girl, battering her with powerful blows. The animal beat her to submission until she was lying belly up on the floor, covering her head with her arms.

The monkey straddled her tummy, its twin penises thrusting into the air, still ejaculating its spunk. While it sat on her, it continued the terrible beating, encouraged by the audience. The horrific pounding continued, to her stomach, her ribs and her head until the naked young girl was beaten unconscious.

Her twin fun holes, fully exposed between her wide-spread legs, had pursed outward with each blow of the monkey’s fists, and after she passed out, her bulging anus ring and gaping cuntlet dribbled great gobs of monkey-cum. There was also blood in the fluid that trickled from her holes. She was not to be envied.

Meg looked at the young girl’s battered bleeding face, all from blows from the monkey’s fists, and was glad she had not been selected for training to mate with animals. There were much worse duties given to young slave girls, but becoming an animal sex-mate was frightening.

Meg’s life was difficult enough as it was, without having to endure the humility of being brutalized by animals, still wild, trained to fuck girls, and then to do them harm. This was a shitty way to live, and everything she had to do made her feel more like a cunt than anything else. but it was all she had.



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