Meditation With Gamygen by Guardianwolff-666

Writer: Guardianwolff-666

Subject: Meditation With Gamygen

Link: Tumblr / 08.04.2024

Meditation With Gamygen

Hail Satan!

The fog blocks the vision, just as the wind prevents the stillness.  The rain rids the dry air. And the sun prevents the night. Accept and embrace all that is the experience of the Left-handed path.

Sometimes it’s the camaraderie of your brothers, and sometimes it’s the lonely path. Sometimes it’s the healing embrace of a hug and a kiss.  Sometimes it’s the vengeance of a false accusation. Sometimes it’s the joy of love … and sometimes it’s the pain from the loss of a love.

Be all these things for it is because of all these things you will grow and learn, rise above, and hurdle all obstacles. Congratulate yourself when you win, and motivate yourself to not give up when you lose. This Earth is for you. The decisions you make on this planet will either make you or break you. Choose wisely grasshopper.


Sometimes it’s the bump and grind, and sometimes it’s a soft and sensuous. Sometimes the tantalizing whispers, and then the blasphemous scream!  Sometimes it’s the aroma, the tingle between your legs, and sometimes a yearning and desperation for release. Sometimes it’s the endless stroking and edging … and sometimes it’s the bliss of an uncontrollable orgasm that takes you over the precipice.

1 thought on “Meditation With Gamygen by Guardianwolff-666”

  1. Love the pic on this blog!

    Anyone know who he is? I have seen him before (pissing inside a church, I think).

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