Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 1 by Regis

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 1

Published: 07.10.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: Mary, a single mom, lost her first child early, and her doctor suggested because she had such substantial mammaries, that she take a job he knew of at a research station at the university, where she would become a full-time milkmaid. She took the job, and was startled they were researching the feeding by nursing of children up to puberty! Then she stumbled upon the real reason for the research, the production of shocking snuff videos, and her life was now at extreme risk.

Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 1

Mary’s doctor had referred her to the job, as an antidote after the brutal rape murder of her eighteen-month-old daughter. She hadn’t even known what a wet nurse was, but the doctor said it would be good for her, with her large lactating breasts, to be able to give her milk to another child.

Since she had been a single mother, he suggested it was not a good idea for her to have another baby right away. She had been producing milk at a high level, because she had not yet introduced her little girl to any other kind of food, and nursed her a dozen times a day.

She had read in an alternate living newspaper that mothers filtered the poisons out of food when they passed it on to their kids as milk, and she intended to keep the child on mother’s milk exclusively until the kid was at least six, as long as she was able to keep up a sufficient level of production. She didn’t know the limits of her capacity.

As it turned out, as long as her daughter kept nursing, her production not only remained high, but it increased to meet the growing girl’s needs. Her doctor had been kind enough to give her a ride to the interview, and she had started work the very next day.

Her remarkable breasts, with their high milk production, made her ideal for the job the doctor had referenced. They also wanted someone without too many friends, as she would be required to remain at the worksite more than be home, so she was warned she would not be able to maintain a highly involved social life.

Mary enjoyed suckling the kids, had elongated nipples from suckling her little girl, and the job paid well. She was proud of her huge breasts, and always wore clothes that presented them to advantage. She had to admit that she was proud of her well-built body.

She felt this was the perfect job for her. This was what a woman was meant to do. She wondered why some of these kids were still being breastfed. Some of the girls being nursed were as old as twelve, with some of them starting to sprout little titties of their own.

However, because the nursery operation was located in the subbasement in a research building as part of the University campus, in a part of the grounds which was set aside for special research projects, Mary realized it was not the everyday kind of nursery.

She supposed that this was some kind of special study, having something to do with that newspaper article she had read in her doctor’s waiting room. It must have something to do with women using their kidneys and breasts as filters or something like that, but she decided it was none of her business anyway, as long as they told her what to do and paid her for it.

The children at the nursery didn’t wear any clothes, and that was explained to Mary right away, as she was not used to seeing girls right up to the age of puberty being naked all the time. It had to do with the tests they were conducting in this long-term study, and the effects of fabric on their skin would skew the results.

It was also more natural, she was told and made the bonding of the children with their wet nurses more complete. Some of the girls were so attractive Mary found their nakedness downright stimulating, and realized maybe that was what they meant by bonding.

Because of the need for bonding, they explained to her that the wet nurses also had to be naked while they worked with the children, which of course was all the time. She did think it funny that as soon as they turned four, all the female children were required to wear gorgeous high-heeled shoes, scaled to fit them perfectly.

The wet nurses were also given spike-heeled shoes to wear and were told it had to do with the children feeling at home like it was that bonding argument being used again. She had never thought of young girls as being sexy before, but these nude girls in their spike heels were.

These miniature spike-heeled shoes made the naked kids look taller and emphasized the delights of their growing young figures. Their legs looked longer, and their posture was more, well, stimulating. Maybe the parents were European because she knew that all Europeans often did funny things to make their kids smart.

Perhaps these were all especially talented kids because they were all taking some kind of lessons from professionals, like dancing, gymnastics, swimming and fencing, which involved learning to fight with those funny skinny swords. The slender foils looked dangerous, but always had a little ball on the end.

They also took boxing and wrestling lessons, and some were studying Judo. It was quite a strenuous schedule these kids had. Maybe that’s why they needed to eat nothing but tit milk. Mary didn’t even mind having to wear high heels all the time herself, as was required.

She was surprised they needed her to wear a ball gag whenever she went into the mirrored room to breastfeed the kids because it was explained to her when she started that the kids’ minds were not to be contaminated with the sound of speech, whatever that meant.

However, when she heard that, it didn’t surprise her that none of them could talk, the beautiful young girls just babbled. That was when she noticed for the first time there were no boys over the age of seven. In fact, after the age of about three, the male population was substantially reduced.

She guessed the girls must be more used to getting along on a pure diet of mother’s milk. There must be a logical explanation, she thought, she just couldn’t think of one. The ball gag was a humiliating addition, but it was required, and she could put it on herself.

After the first time, she always did it herself. This was unlike any job Mary had ever had, but it paid well, and they took good care of her. And she got to do what she was best at, and as long as she nursed the girls well, there were no problems. At least at first.

The gag thing and the “pollution by language” thing confused her. If she could figure it out, she might have the solution to what this was all about. It wasn’t that the kids weren’t smart, or that they even spoke foreign languages because they just babbled.

All of their lessons were by example. The milkers were allowed to watch the lessons during their rest periods, and Mary particularly liked to watch them swim underwater in the large glass-lined pool that allowed her and others to view their swimming and diving lessons and practice sessions.

What did bother her at first was that the kids were always naked. For her first few days, she fed only infants, and she liked it because it was like having her babies, without other responsibilities. ‘How many people got paid for being Moms,’ she thought.

The only rule she had to follow was that she must always wear high heels and the gag. These were excellent shoes they provided her, a perfect fit, that gave her legs and her whole posture a definite sexy look, particularly with her huge set of tits, that she thought of as her milkers.

Her posture was emphasized because all of the rooms had mirror walls, and this always made her aware of how she looked. Mary noticed something else that was very strange. The weird woman who was matron wore an English riding outfit, complete with highly polished leather boots.

She was the only person she saw in the work area who was not naked. What was so striking was the woman carried a riding crop wherever she went. It wasn’t as if she was likely to encounter a horse in the subbasement of the research wing at the university, but Mary never saw her without that uniform and riding crop. There was no accounting for some people’s tastes.

At first, it seemed reasonable that she lived in the same building as the kids, because she was on a twenty-four hour call to provide her milk. By the end of the first week, she was offered a new position, but it started right away, so she’d have to give up her first weekend off.

The money was much better, so she took the offer. In the new position, she was required to feed kids up to four years old, and because she had to nurse hungry children every hour, and because the little boys and girls were nude, the temperature was kept in the high eighties all the time.

When she had worked that first day for only a few hours, she felt less uncomfortable being naked with her big breasts being exposed. After all, she needed them open for her work, and it wasn’t as if she needed to be ashamed of them, and there were only other naked women around.

Her milkers looked great in the mirror, and she often caught herself admiring her great figure with her huge boobs, long slender legs, rounded ass, accentuated back and tight tummy. If she had any fault at all, it was the extra-large size of her breasts.

They were balanced by her nice round ass, and she liked to have tits bigger than anyone else. She thought the way her nipples were enlarging from all this nursing by the bigger kids with their suctioning mouths, she would look silly with them mounted on smaller tits.

With these mirrors on all the walls, she also noticed for the first time the extent of her nipples. She had never noticed before how large and pink they were, or how they almost appeared like the erections on little boys. Not that she had ever seen erections on little boys until she came to work here.

The four-year-olds were limp when she started nursing them, but as they fed she was startled to notice their little buds take life and grow firm. She didn’t know little boys could get it on, but it was nursing that was stimulating them. They grew particularly stiff when she did as recommended, and she inserted a finger into their anus to stimulate them while nursing.

She felt weird that she was part of what was happening to them, and when possible, she always selected girls to nurse at her breasts. By the second day at the new job, Mary learned that by tickling the testicles of the little boys as she was feeding them, their penises became rock-hard.


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