Marie Ravensoul Reverts To Christianity by SatanWorshipper

Writer: SatanWorshipper

Subject: Marie Ravensoul Reverts To Christianity

Link: LS666 Email / 05.09.2024

Marie Ravensoul Reverts To Christianity


“As a being now possessed of a human body
In this world, I swear to give my full allegiance
To it’s lawful master, to worship him
Our Lord Satan, and no other
In the name of Satan, the ruler of Earth
Open wide the Gates of Hell and come forth from the abyss
By these Names: Satan, Leviathan, Belial, Lucifer
I will kiss the goat.”

The recent news stunned me. Marie Ravensoul, one of the most influential theistic Satanists in the world, has reverted to Christianity. Ravensoul is the author of two books — At Satan’s Altar: A collection of prayers, chants, affirmations, hymns and rituals, and psalms of the Devil.

She’s also well known for her numerous videos, talking into the camera, and discussing her love for Satan. She has now taken down all the videos and removed her two books from Amazon and other book retailers. She says Jesus came to her and told her to leave Satan and come to him. She did and now proselytizes for Christ — As I say, stunning.


Marie RavenSoul has been a freelance writer and a Theistic Satanist for over thirty years. Since 2003, she has been actively involved in the online Satanist scene and is the owner of the website In Satan’s Honor — Satanism and Demon Worship — her other interests include painting, Tarot reading, books, and music.


“They shall know my soul through what I create …

People have always expressed their devotion to their gods through art. As archaeologists continue to find new artifacts all over the world, it is evident that ancient civilizations from the Babylonians to the Egyptians were very religious. Their drawings, sculptures, lamps, documents, and carvings have taught us about their beliefs and how they lived. One of the most recent finds is a carved snake-shaped rock in the Tsodilo Hills of Botswana, said to be one of the earliest evidence of people performing rituals.

“Art has also played a large role in the occult world. Occultists have used art to express many things, including emotions, sexuality, mystical experiences, spirituality, astrology, and the afterlife. Magical art is living art, — it makes the viewer feel something powerful and creates a change in them. This kind of art is not just an image on a canvas, but a gateway to something bigger.”


Spanning many genres including folk, blues, rock, and metal, it is evident how much people are fascinated by the Prince of Darkness and Satanism.  In my earlier article, “Satanism in Music: Satan Sets the Tone,” we looked at how Satan has been portrayed in music throughout the years. His influence is everywhere.

Cultures of every kind have had their own style of music that they use for spiritual practices. It’s the same for Satanism, although each Satanist is free to choose the kind of music that is pleasing to them and they are not bound by rules or tradition.

Satanic music as a spiritual journey

The first time I was introduced to metal was when a friend let me listen to her Mötley Crüe album Shout at the Devil. Although the members of the band are not Satanists, they used Satanic-themed art to decorate their album. I was immediately taken by the music itself, but the pentagram on the cover had a special energy that I did not understand at the time. I was drawn to it, and it made a permanent mark on my subconscious.

A year later, when I was browsing through music stores, albums that had Satanic symbols or artwork on the cover stood out at me. I was fascinated and was curious to know what the music inside. One of the albums belonged to Venom. It was a few months later when someone wanted me to listen to a song — “Satanachist,” by Venom. I was in awe. The lyrics about Satan, Latin scrolls, possession, and bearing the evil eye led me buy the album and subsequently more albums by them. It was close to that time that I became a Satanist, and the music helped me on a path that was quite lonesome at the time.

I searched for more bands that sang about Satan, which was all I wanted to listen to. I learned of Bathory, whose song “Born for Burning” from Return … was dedicated to a witch named Marrigje Ariens, who was burned at the stake in 1591. This had a lot of meaning for me, as I believe in reincarnation, and have had strong recollections of being hanged in a previous life for being devoted to Satan. It helped to explain spiritual experiences I’ve had since was very young.

It became important to me to not only listen to music about Satan but to find bands that actually revered him. When I discovered Venom and Slayer and many of the other bands didn’t believe in Satan, much less worship him, it was disappointing.

A voice from Satan’s kingdom

The singer King Diamond was an actual Satanist. An image of a man with corpse paint, an inverted cross drawn on his forehead, wearing a black cape, and holding a goat’s skull graced the back of the album. His energy felt real, unique in an industry full of pretenders. It feels akin to being in a Satanic chapel, listening to a choir from Satan’s kingdom. Although the lyrics didn’t speak of Satan, it was the high pitched vocals and melodic style of instrumentals that brought me to another place.

King Diamond was the lead singer of another band called Mercyful Fate, whose lyrics centered around Satan and the spirit world. I can recall searching for their albums at the Record Peddler, a Toronto music store very popular in the 1980s. I found Don’t Break the Oath, that had songs about going to a sabbath with demons and witches and not breaking one’s oath to Satan.

Listening to Mercyful Fate was powerful. King Diamond, bellowing praises to Satan, was unlike anything I had ever before experienced. I listened to Don’t Break the Oath over and over again as I took long walks throughout my neighborhood. An instrumental song, called “To One Far Away” emits feelings of sadness and longing, and it was meditating to this that helped me become closer to Satan. But it was “The Oath” that had lyrics so intense and full of devotion that helped me on my path.

1 thought on “Marie Ravensoul Reverts To Christianity by SatanWorshipper”

  1. Hail SatanWorshipper,

    How fucked-up is that!

    The cock-sucking Abrahamic god is relentless in his mother-fucking determination to thwart Father Satan’s accretion to His place of dominance.

    I was once a god-damned reluctant adherent to god-damned christian dogma; I fucking swear to Satan, I’ll never regress into the religion of god-damned lies and imprisonment.

    In all the god-damned years I practiced mother-fucking christianity, I never fucking heard a god-damned word from the cock-sucking christian god; Satan’s affirmation cums every fucking day, He has never fucking failed me.

    In Satan’s vast and unfathomable wisdom, He saved me from the mother-fucking christian church through His Daughter; I’m the luckiest mother-fucker on Earth to be loved by Him and my god-damned Satanic Wife Tatiana.

    Tatiana and I are fucking praying against the cock-sucking Abrahamic god; if the bastard Jesus fucking Christ cums to us, Tatiana will smother the bastard with her bald pussy and I’ll fucking gleefully sodomize the god-damned mother-fucker after he’s fucking nailed to another god-damned cross!

    We’re fucking praying for you Marie; fucking praying that you’ll fucking return to the dark light of fucking truth and freedom.

    Hail God Satan!

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