Manhood Is Gatekept To All Hell by Trans Gym Bro

Writer: Trans Gym Bro

Subject: Hellenic Gods And The Major Arcana

Link: Tumblr / 07.09.2024

Manhood Is Gatekept To All Hell

I think a vital piece of information that transandrophobes are missing is this — I’m so serious — To be a man, in the eyes of society, you need first and foremost a working dick and balls. Even if we shelve that clearly transphobic notion for a moment, there’s still all this:

  • You have to have abs
  • You have to have wide shoulders
  • You need to always want sex and be good at it
  • If your chest isn’t flat it needs to be because you have huge pec muscles and no other reason
  • You’re expected to be straight (into women)
  • You’re expected to not present as feminine in any way (because that implies you’re not straight)
  • You’re supposed to be athletic or at least interested in athletics
  • You’re supposed to have at least some facial hair
  • You’re supposed to be at least six feet tall
  • You cannot be fat
  • You’re supposed to have a sharp, chiseled jawline
  • You’re not supposed to take it up the ass
  • You need to have huge muscles, especially biceps

And this is just the appearance stuff. There’s more behavioral stuff I could touch on that gets even

stricter. The point is if you do not fit all of these + the unlisted behavioral expectations, including and especially the dick and balls part, you are not a real man to society.

Trans men are not considered men by society. We are denied manhood and any privilege that might come with it because we are trans. We’re not supposed to be men, or supposed to want to be men, according to society.

But we are. And society hates that. And transandrophobes will try to take that from us in any way we can. By erasing us and lumping us with women. By forcing us to detransition, or not allowing us to transition in the first place.

By gaslighting us (often via assault or abuse). By making everyone else think we’re “confused and annoying children” so we’re not taken seriously. By misgendering us (ex. “You’re not a girl so I can punch you”) when we’re perceived as men. By leveraging misogyny against us when we’re perceived as women.

Trans men are oppressed for being men, because we are refusing to “stay in our lane”, and manhood is not supposed to be our lane. This is why we need the term “transandrophobia”. The oppression of transmascs is a problem, and the problem needs a name so it can be solved.


So, I re-posted this as it’s important. Not just to trans men, but also to all men. It’s something that I have battled all my life with — being firstly the smallest, shortest, and youngest, in my secondary school — I was not masculine but not feminine either. Just me. I wasn’t muscular or good at sports. I didn’t have any facial hair or a deep voice. I wore glasses and had a broken tooth.

And I didn’t have a big dick.

The girls called me cute. That means “ugly but interesting” … but interesting enough, I did my fair share of action. Having a girl gave me my first head job at ten years old.

Sometimes, I feel we get stereotyped or try to be, what we are not. I am still the smallest, shortest, and most insignificant. But I don’t care. I have other more important attributes and I wouldn’t change anything about myself — and that’s how I believe we all should be.

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