Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 6

Published: 25.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 6

It was a challenge for Hank to get her into the air by the rope around her ankle to swing upside down, but he was a strong hand, and managed to get the screaming porky little girl up, swinging naked upside down by one leg, flashing her cum-dribbling cuntlet at the audience, her harsh screams filling the hall.

He took the extra precaution of binding her wrists together behind her, to prevent the naked child, now suspended in the air by one leg, from using her hands to interfere in her mother’s work with the knife. The only thing she manage with her hands free was to pull out her own intestines once her belly was opened, but her mother could do that.

Cunnie’s protruding sex organ, for which she was named, stood open from the excitement of watching her younger sister being ripped open and slaughtered by her granddad, and from the fucking Hank had given her moments ago, now had her excitement turn to dread as her mother picked out a large butcher knife.

Holding the inverted child steady by her waist, Sue held the big butcher knife ready to plunge into her tummy. Lucifer grinned openly at how well things were progressing. Several of the men in the audience had their penises out and were rapidly pumping them with their fists in their excitement at what they were witnessing.

The God of Darkness grasped his huge raging erection, and with passionate zeal, masturbated himself energetically to the point of an immaculate blazing ejaculation of fire. This delighted Him completely, as the naked little girl who he had riding his cock at the time turned rapidly to carbon, from the inside.

Chuck selected another naked little porky girl, a kid with her hair cut short as if her mom didn’t want to bother with fixing it up all the time. He hung her up in the way Cunnie was slung, hanging by a rope tightly bound to one ankle, her bare bulging belly and cunt fully accessible to his blade as she hung upside down.

Unable to resist, Ramona left her seat and climbed onto the stage. “I’m an experienced kiddie-snuffer,” she proclaimed, “and I’m here to give you a hand with the slaughterin’ of these naked fuckin’ tykes!” The audience applauded, and she picked up a butcher knife from the supply cart.

It was clear from the way she handled the tool, and in this case, the weapon, that she was experienced in its use. Particularly as a weapon. Her preference was to butcher little girls alive before killing them, and she had this in mind as she seized a naked child by the back of her neck.

She pulled the screaming kid forward and held the girl by her throat as Hank got a rope from an overhead pully and tied it around the nude child’s ankle. Without much trouble, since she was a little one that didn’t weigh much, he pulled the rope so that she was tugged into the air.

This naked little girl beefed up with muscles and large breasts from the pig food, swung in the air upside down, her gaping cunt fully displayed to the delight of the audience. She wiggled and thrashed her three free limbs and her head, giving them all an intimate show as she screamed. The pretty naked little porkie was strung up like the others, ready for slaughter.


Lucifer geared down his sexual output from flame to semen after peeling off the carbon carcass of the little girl he had incinerated with His last ejaculation and loaded a second naked six-year-old girl, this one a gorgeous Oriental, onto his enormous penis, her little cunt stretched impossibly to get onto Him.

He had no plans for this delightful pretty youngster to survive his massive orgasm, as none did, but he wanted this one to fully experience the joy of serving him longer than the one he had just roasted with a spewing of His orgasmic flame. He had better control than that but didn’t often exercise it.

Massive doses of his cum flooding her little ovaries to bursting inside her was a far more satisfactory outcome, giving the child much more time to experience the pain before her little ovaries burst open, spewing his cum into her lower torso. He loved how the little darlings screamed before they died.

The Devil sat, invisible to the audience, who were mere humans, in the front row, grasping the nude little beauty by her hips, pumping her up and down on his raging erection, with screams only He could hear. She had been a virgin, the way he liked them to be before he fucked them.

The naked screaming child’s blood coated the rigid shaft of his huge cock to provide interesting color to the spectacle of her delicious rape. Meanwhile, up on the improvised stage, Sue inserted the point of her knife in the well-used fleshy vestibule of her inverted and naked eight-year-old daughter Cunnie’s vagina, inching it in slowly, loving every second of the gradual incessant destruction of her unwanted daughter’s sex organ.

This was a pleasure for her that had been long delayed, and now it was time. The farm dogs, her husband Cal and father-in-law Chuck, as well as many farmhands, had enjoyed pumping their penises into Cunnie’s cunt portal, and as the screaming child’s mother, Sue was pleased the men had set this up.

She was going to be the last to use Cunnie’s cunt, a right she well deserved for her patience with the little farm-bitch. Planning to grow their little piggie girl operation, the men had brought in a large supply of kids, and being a temporary stay, she and Cal had agreed to take on half a dozen at a time.

The little girls they took on could run naked in the yard as Pipi and Cunnie had done, and she knew of a kennel where dogs were available free for the taking. She would collect only adult male dogs, which could be easily trained to pull down and mount little girls, to fuck their little cunts raw.

If they knew what was good for them, they’d likely enjoy being mounted and raped by the hounds, as her two daughters had done, but that was of little concern to Sue. If they hated having the hounds rape them, what difference did it make to anybody in the long run? The kids would soon be butchered.

It would also be handy to have the nude little cuntlets available on demand for Cal and Chuck to relieve themselves in, masturbating their cocks in the depts of little girls’ cunts, because fuckin’ was all little girls were good for at the farm, like the stupid little bitches couldn’t even collect eggs without breakin’ them.

It would be a lot better for the men to get the semen out of their balls and into the kids, rather than have them fuck their wives, an’ risk more fuckin’ birthin’ of kids they’d have to bring up to the age where they could grow themselves tits and then perform in a great gutting and butcher show like this one.

Cunnie was twisting her torso as she hung naked upside down by one leg, and Sue had to be careful to slice down through her little piglet daughter’s belly to make a good opening. Her objective was to release the child’s inner pack of piggie guts, without killing the stupid little cunt, so she’d experience her gradual show killing.

She did well, and the crowd cheered her as she put down the big knife to get her hands into the tangle of her daughter’s intestines, to pull them out, disembowelling her naked little girl for their entertainment, and her satisfaction. After all, she had put up with the little cunt and her sister for far too long. This put an end to all of that.


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