Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 5

Published: 23.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 5

“What we’ve created from little girls is human pigs, not only sexy little piglets, but who are, as you can see, ready for slaughter! We’ve invited you to come and see for yourselves how pleasurable it is to get a sharp blade into living human pig meat, a pretty little girl with big tits, to butcher it alive for consumption!

“These worthless little cunts have made it easy by feeding themselves, so that they are now ready for slaughter! If any of you believe $1,500, paid in advance, is too much to witness a human little piglet being slaughtered, in this case a six-year-old pisser named Pipi, you may leave now, and my associate will fully refund your money.”

Nobody moved. They were all in. Another man came on stage to hold Cunnie while Cal brought Pipi forward. Standing behind her, he lifted the prematurely highly developed child onto the butcher block from behind it, so that she was forced to spread her legs to be seated on the well-used block.

By doing so, the naked Pipi gave everyone an outstanding look at her bulging and flared cuntlet, clearly well-used and abused, while she continued to scream hysterically. The child demonstrated the reason she was given her name when she produced another substantial spray of urine from her gaping cunt.

Pipi knew what was about to happen, and she was terrified out of her mind. The men all applauded her active demonstration of fear as she continued to produce a jetting stream of her warm amber urine for them. Her bladder had also grown in size, as well as her new large full breasts.

The naked Pipi’s fear piss sprayed over the top of the block and onto the stage in front of it. At last, it diminished, until its internal source was finally emptied. Chuck’s left hand grasped his granddaughter by the nape of her neck and held her up, her legs still spread, and in a rapid gesture, plunged the foot-long blade of his butcher knife deep upward.

The long knife ran directly into her gaping little cuntlet, producing a sharp scream from the child and cheers from the attentive audience. He ran it in so deep that his fist on the handle smacked audibly into her tender cunt-meat. The sharp edge of the blade was pointed to the back, and it opened the firm flesh separating her cuntlet from her anus.

This invasive intrusion made Pipi’s two little fuck-ports into a single hole. He jerked the blade out of his granddaughter’s freshly spit groin, and without hesitation plunged it into her lower belly. He had twisted his wrist around before the new stab, so that now the sharp edge pointed upward, toward the impudent dimple of her navel.

Unable to help himself, Chuck began to ejaculate as he ripped the big knife upward in Pipi’s tender belly, opening his porky piglet-like granddaughter, slicing cleanly up through her navel, stopping only when the sharp blade cut into her sternum where her ribs met. Her scream was heard above the shouting of approval from the gathered crowd of mostly ranchers.

“Let’s get the kid’s fuckin’ guts out!” shouted a mature woman in the front.

She was a regular at violent performances in the city and had caught wind of this one in the small rural town. Ramona always showed up without panties, because she put squares of fudge into her cunt, which she handed out to men in the audience to make friends.

She always sat with her bulbous breasts nearly exposed by her spread blouse, the rigid nipples poking the material into little tents and threatening to come free, and held her knees wide, so that her candy-filled cunt was on display to anyone who cared to look. Many did. Ramona was also always very popular, handing out her intimately stored sweets to men sitting near her.

She shared her moist sticky cunt candy with men in the audience but never had any for the naked children being severely abused. It was unnecessary to please the kids. Ripping a naked little girl open with a butcher knife was a popular, though completely illegal, sport in the city, and was practiced privately in several bars at after-hours late-night shows at bars she frequented.

These occurred at least monthly and at some of the otherwise quieter bars twice a month, for appreciative spectators who remained behind or returned after closing, to see the illegal kiddie-snuff shows, loved by people who knew that the long gut-revealing rip to the naked little girl’s tummy was permanent. She deserved it, for being a fucking girl.

These kiddie-snuff fans were adamant that as it progressed, the belly ripping did not affect the naked little girl’s ability to sense the horror of what was happening to her. It was the kind of thing men loved to watch with their penises out under the table, masturbating as they observed the incredibly cruel snuff performance on naked little girls.

They loved to hear the nude nymph scream as they enjoyed a drink and their firm fist gripped their penis, their primary lover, giving themselves a powerful fist fuck, masturbating as the shocking show of pure evil progressed. Most of them timed it perfectly, ejaculating as the pretty little naked victim spilt her guts out onto the stage.

The mature candy cunt woman had personally eviscerated alive seven of her own naked hysterically screaming young granddaughters in similar shows for regular patrons of a late-night bar in Detroit. Her three daughters couldn’t believe their little ones had all disappeared within two years. It remained an unsolved mystery. Grandma swore she had no idea what happened to them, and there was no reason to disbelieve the caring elder relative.

Now that she was out of young granddaughters, Ramona traveled hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles so as not to miss an evening of kiddie killing. She had become addicted to the entertaining sport and had a network that always let her know when one of the highly illegal sessions was going to happen, and where she could find it.

She was startled to see the advanced physical development of the little girls at this show, boasting firm muscles and bulging breasts, but despite their exceptional physical maturity, she was happy to watch them starring in a kiddie snuff show. These nude piggies would die as well as the immature kids she loved to watch being butchered.

It was getting harder to find such satisfying fare, and she felt lucky to have been informed of this event and to arrive in time to see it. She watched the gleaming intestines of the remarkable little girl start to show as the blade had advanced, and as they began to squiggle out, she felt a familiar and welcome stirring in her candy-filled cunt.

She reached into her moist organ and pulled out some, passing them to other customers who had been admiring her exposed fudge-stained vagina. It was what she liked to call her ‘sweet box’, and that she affectionately referred to when speaking with established friends as her sweet chocolaty candy cunt.

They always got to sample her sweet wares, generously flavored by her personal passionate vaginal excretions. She spoke of her vaginal moisture as her ‘cunt cum’ to friends who shared her excitement at seeing extreme, terminal torture, particularly when the victim was a naked little girl.

Tonight there were half a dozen naked little pre-pubescent girls brought together, all of them endowed with large breasts far too early for such youngsters. The first little girl to die, Pipi, had just been beautifully slaughtered after she was eviscerated alive for the appreciative audience by her grandfather.

The man had a gift in the use of a blade in the tender meat of youth and had done an exciting job with his naked little granddaughter. He was now ready to do the other five little porkies, the second being another of his granddaughters. His son Cal was assisting him, as Cal’s wife, Susan, sat in the audience.

“This could take quite a while,” Chuck commented, “Why don’t we get my step-daughter Sue, the mother of the one we did an’ another little piggie name of Cunnie, up here to help with this pleasant chore?”

There was a burst of applause as Sue arose and stepped up onto the barn’s small stage, the temporary butcher shop.

“Let me git started with my other daughter Cunnie,” she said, pulling her eight-year-old naked child with the huge breasts and bulging muscles forward. “Hank, git me a rope onta her ankle, an’ we’ll fuckin’ pull her up to hang naked like the pudgy fuckin’ little sow she is!”

Hank obligingly got a rope over an overhead pully, and bending down, tied the other end to Cunnie’s right ankle. While he was down there, his eyes were in line with the nude child’s little pussy, and he found the temptation too much. He stood up, unzipped his fly, pulled out his erection, and lifted the girl high.,

He then lowered her groin so that the flower of her little cunt came down onto the flared head of his penis. Her weight took her further down onto him, so that she was properly mounted, and the audience cheered him on as he fucked the child vigorously, with the mother’s approval. Sue was a modern woman, who knew what people liked.

Hank kept up the vigorous fucking of the child until he bellowed and ejaculated into her depts, then lifted her off him, his penis now spurting his cum in the air. The little girl, who normally would weigh eighty pounds, with her added weight and huge tits from the pig feed, was now a hundred and twenty pounds.



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