Writer: Guardianwolf-666
Subject: Love – Fire Mediation
Link: Tumblr / 06.11.2021
Love – Fire Meditation
Relax! Breathe deep. Let your worries drift away. There is no conflict, no obligations, no place you have to be. No appointments to make at this time. This is time set for yourself and there are no time constraints to be met. There is just absolutely no time. Your breathing is slowing down. You are getting more relaxed. You can feel your heart beating slowly. All sound has disappeared. Your attention is focused completely on my words and my feelings I am sending to you.
You are on a beach, standing in the sand. You can feel the sand between your toes. It’s night time. You see the moon up in the sky and waves crashing against the shoreline. And you see the campfire close by. As you walk close to it you feel the warmth of the fire. Engulfing your body. It feels nice, comforting and safe from everything going on in the world. You pick up some sticks gathered at your feet. These sticks represent your fears, doubts and excuses. It may be just a few, it may be a lot.
You put them into the fire. As they burn in the fire, you hear them snap and pop. You are at peace because every fear, every doubt, and every excuse you once had have disappeared. The universe is before you. You are no longer an insignificant part of the universe but the center where you are in control. You love everything about you. You love the strength you have come to realize that is in you. You love the boldness of heading into new territories because you realize you have nothing to be afraid of.
Your world is centered around peace and the love you have for Mother Earth. You love how her energy radiates throughout you entire body. You feel love. Love that does not require anything given back. It’s love that gives and gives and only asks you to pass it forward. You feel the gratitude that the deities gather around you grace your heart, soul, and mind with thankfulness. You freely accept their gift because you realize it is what you need. It is what you want. In the solitude of the night sky, you are not alone. The deities have joined you at the fire.
You feel their acceptance, their desires. No disappointments. You are at one with the universe. All joy is abounding and you feel happy. You are back at the fire and you still feel the warmth, the love, the peace and the joy. You will take it with you wherever you go. Satan has made this possible. You can feel it. You know he is the source of the love he has for you. Because he loves you, you will not take it for granted. You will admonish in it and pay it forward. Satan is the source of all the good things in your life. This is the power in the most powerful name of Satan. Ave Satanas.
Guardianwolff666 and Spirit Guide