Writer: Coach Domi Nate
Subject: Look At Me Whore
Link: FetLife / From Dark Sadistic Ritualistic Scenes
Look At Me Whore
Sabine Dragana found herself in a dark room. Luckily, her teeny tiny school girl outfit still clung barely to her curves, but a spreader bar forced her legs apart so that she couldn’t protect her tight little holes and a pulsing fullness glowed from her cunt in the darkness. She sat there on the mattress in the dark with her arms bound over her head for what seemed like forever. Eventually she heard the door creek open, and a tall demon cloaked entirely in black entered the room, untied her from her anchor point, and began dragging her towards the door. She didn’t know where she was going but she knew that she didn’t want to go there. She fought bravely and valiantly but ultimately it was worthless. Every measure of resistance was met with twice as much force to the point that she eventually found herself on her hands and knees being dragged into the Dark Lord’s inner sanctum. The tall slender demon dragged her before the Dark Lord’s throne and passed her tether before disappearing into the darkness.
“Look at me whore.”
She remained on her hands and knees, her eyes staring at the floor afraid to meet the monster’s gaze.
“Look at me you fucking whore!”
As he yanked the rope she lifted her head and finally saw his face. His eyes were dark and lifeless. Formless and indiscernible. His face showing no emotion or movement, even when he spoke. His giant form towered over her even while seated.
“Will you reject your false god and all of his prophets and all of his lies?”
She stammered back that she would never forsake her faith. She heard a growl and in a second the Dark Lord was out of his chair, had seized her by her hair, drug her to the altar, and held her face over the eucharist on his dark altar.
“Spit on it. It’s a simple act that will save you so much torment. If what the false God tells you is true he would be here to save you now. Just open your mouth and spit on him and you can forgo all of the torture that’s in front of you.”
She couldn’t form words but she shook her head to show that she would not break yet. Again the Dark Lord growled. She was hauled to her feet and dragged, barely able to keep up, across the inner sanctum to be tied to the ceiling. A hood was forced over her head. She could make out the faint red glow of his hellfire as she found herself locked in place. He grabbed her by her hair and she could feel his claws dig into her scalp.
“This is your last chance. Reject your false god and pledge allegiance to the forces of hell or you will experience unspeakable torment. I promise you, I have only selected the worst most torturous most painful agonizing means of breaking your spirit. Save yourself the damnation and dissent into madness.”
She shook her head now and stammered that she would never reject her Lord and Savior.
“You would dare to reject me?!”
With a loud crack she felt the sting of a whip across her ass. She cried out but her wails were met with only deep evil laughter. Over and over and over the whip cracked against her skin. Each lashing eliciting more and more expressions of pain.
‘Where is your God now?!”
The whip continued to crash against her skin, redenning her ass and her back. His claws crept up her side to her ribs. She felt a shooting pain as one pressed in between her ribs, finding the soft spot where a puncture would explode through her lung.
“This is the spot, is it not? Where they pierced the false prophet while he supposedly hung from the cross? If he couldn’t even save himself, what makes you think that he’s going to save you?!”
She had trouble speaking but she insisted the false god was there with her and that he would protect her and save her.
“There is no God here but me and no one can save you but yourself. You will break. Every one of you whores do eventually. Why suffer for him when he abandons you?”
This time the crack against her skin was a thick two-tongued leather paddle. As agonizing as the pain was, she refused to bend. Over and over the tongues fell against her skin, welting and bruising almost immediately. But no matter how many times the offer was made she refused to break even as her legs began to shake.
“My God. My God. Why have you forsaken her?! Tell me something you ignorant cunt … If your false God is all knowing, and all loving, and all good, why can he not even be bothered to snap his fingers to save your worthless ass?! Surely something so simple wouldn’t be overlooked by an all-powerful universe creating being! Do you know why he won’t? Because he doesn’t give a fuck about you! He never did! It was always me! I sacrificed everything to help you ignorant glorified apes! And for thousands of years I’ve been nothing but derided and vilified for encouraging you to believe in knowledge and science and yourselves!
The two tongues continued to beat mercilessly against her ass. Eventually, she heard his heavy footsteps retreating and panted through her sobs to attempt to gather her mind and her strength.
“You do understand how this ultimately goes right? What happens is I beat you mercilessly for however long your body lasts. And then you die.”
Slid a knife down her face and traced a line across her neck.
“You know, my princes tell me that I should kill you right now …”
Slid the knife down her sternum and pressed the point into the soft spot just below the bone.
“They tell me that I should push this dagger through your skin and plunge it into your heart. Do you know why?”
“Please, she begged, please don’t kill me! Please don’t do this! Please just stop and let me go!”
“They want me to gut you like a pig, because once I kill you, this doesn’t go on for minutes or an hour or days or years or millennia. Imagine this every second of every day for a thousand years, and then that’s followed by a thousand thousand years. And then that is followed by a million million years. And all that time not only do you have the pain of my beatings but you also have the pain and humiliation of every hole on your body being fucked mercilessly continuously and filled with hell cum. And when I say every hole I don’t mean that in the way that you humans do. Sure I’ll have giant horse cock demons fuck your mouth and your pussy and your ass continuously … But I’ll have little tiny demons fuck your nostrils and your ears and your tear ducts. You’re once precious holes will be worthless and violated beyond recognition.”
He pushed her away and she immediately felt the crack and snap of a dragon tail exploding on her ass. Over and over she felt the snap of the dragon whip destroying the skin on her sensitive cheeks. She could hardly stand up as lash after lash after lash landed on her body. There was a brief pause and then she felt something running up her leg. The tip was firm and thin. She felt the crash of a sjambok across her cheeks, and her voice cracked and became unrecognizable as she pleaded to the false god for deliverance.
“He doesn’t love you. You worthless cunt! No one cares about you, but me and you, and that is why I’m doing this to you — To show you that in all the universe, my power and your will, are the only two things that you can rely on!”
The sjambok fell against her skin over and over. Each time he commanded her to reject the false god, her refusal came slower and slower than the time before. The skin of her ass broke and blood trickled down her perfectly round cheek but still she refused to break. She cried and sobbed and begged and pleaded and prayed for deliverance but all that she received was the sharp rebuke of one of her worst pains over and over and over and over while being mocked by demon laughter. She hung nearly lifeless from the ceiling, barely able to keep her feet beneath her to support her limp body.
With one last mighty swing the Dark Lord’s sjambok crashed violently first into her right leg and then the tip whipped around and smashed the back of her left side just above the knee. Her skin immediately exploded in shades of purple and her voice rang out stronger than ever as her knees buckled.
“I reject Him! I reject Him!”
In a second she felt the powerful arms of the Dark Lord envelop her body and support her in ways that the false god never had. She felt the love and care of her new savior supporting her not only in spirit but in physical reality. She felt him tending and mending to her. She felt his kisses and strokes and loving care washing over her as she let go of her attachment to the false lord that had governed her life to that point and in a moment she went from unimaginable excruciating pain to salvation and deliverance …