Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.
Feature Writer: Regis
Feature Title: LILLY WHITE 5
Published: 05.04.2024 / Previous Chapter 1 / Previous Chapter 2 / Previous Chapter 3 / Previous Chapter 4
Story Codes: Racial Discrimination, Interracial, Scat, Young Ones
Lilly White 5
The fenced circle in the clearing, which included a holding pen, very much resembled a corral on a ranch. It was made of long three-inch-thick poles, slung between posts, and was oval, twelve feet across, and eighteen feet long. It was surrounded by people wearing either jeans or shorts and flowered shirts, the owners of the island.
The holding pen attached to the corral was secure, and for good reason. Inside it were several naked girls and a few boys, who had been collected to become entertainers for the people. A woman in white spike-heeled shoes, a short-skirted white suit, and carrying a small white purse, known to the viewers as Ms. Lilly White, was calling the shots.
She had a new addition to her outfit, a string that ran down inside her blouse, with two feet of it dangling from where it came out through a grommet in the blouse, between her sizeable breasts. There was a brass ring an inch in diameter tied to the end. Invisible was the rest of the cord, and where it led.
This was a new device for Mr. White, who had, for her pleasure, had her clit pierced, and the other end of the string was tied to her clit ring. It was a simple and effective arrangement. All she had to do was to hook her thumb in the ring dangling from between her breasts and give it one or more pulls, and in this way masturbated herself.
Candy, standing naked near the gate to the corral and leaning on the fence, watched the look on Ms. White’s face, and the bright little girl quickly figured out what she was doing. She had no idea of clit-piercing, but could tell by the woman’s facial expression that she was pleasing herself, as the naked boys and girls were doing. Why should the pretty lady in white be left out of the fun?
Everybody perked up when a Texas longhorn bull with horns each longer than three feet was brought in through a gate at the other end of the corral. At the same time, two burly men brought in a woman in her late teens. She had the swarthy look of a Hispanic woman, had a voluptuous figure, and was wearing a dress with a flared full skirt and spike-heeled shoes.
The men promptly began ripping off her clothes, to the ribald cheering of the crowd, until only her heels remained on her. They gave her a long stick with a red cape tied to it and promptly scrambled out of the ring. She tried to follow them, but they used riding crops to slash her, preventing her from exiting the corral.
She stood, braced with her feet apart, facing the bull. Her bald cunt was prominent, with its flared inner lips dangling from recent sex or masturbation. The naked children crowded to the fence to get a good view of what was going to become a bullfight, featuring a naked female matador in heels. There was no doubt in anybody’s mind that the bull was going to win.
The naked Conchita held the cape up as if it could protect her against a charge from the imposing beast with the double-curved horns. As it lowered its head, its forehoof pawed the floor of the corral, throwing dirt back several feet. With a sudden bolt, it burst toward her, and with the cape moved to the side by her panicked turn, it moved past her.
One of the bull’s horns caught her side below the ribs, broke the skin, and dug a shallow trench in the muscle, but did not pierce her torso. It was a near miss, but a stern warning to her. She was vulnerable.
“OLES” shouted the crowd, a sound she was well familiar with, coming from a city that still hosted bullfights. Too often she had seen bulls with lesser horns gore matadors to death.
“Fuckin’ shit!” Arnie, who was standing beside Candy, shouted, “That bull’s gonna fuckin’ kill that bare naked cunt!”
Candy was shocked by his language, but realized he spoke the truth. The naked woman in heels who was so much older than she was, like already in her late teens, probably graduated high school if she’d stayed in and not dropped out was probably going to be killed, and the people watching were cheering the bull on!
Without pause, the bull turned and charged her again. This time it was not going to be fooled by a cape. It lowered and turned its head so that it speared her, right in the center of her lower belly, maybe puncturing her bladder because she pissed, then raised its head high as it passed where she stood, and lifted her in the air, impaled on its horn.
The horn ripped upward through her bare bacon, right through her navel, and when she slid off the horn, she dropped onto her back on the dirt floor of the corral. The children watching were in shock, as was the woman whose belly was ripped open. She tried to roll onto her side and was only partly successful when one of the bull’s horns drove into the side of a large breast, with the tip emerging through the other side.
Again the bull raised its head, and its powerful neck easily lifted the naked young woman high in the air by her impaled tit, grossly distorting the speared boob. The bull threw its head to the side, and she flew high in the air before again crashing to the ground. Now loops of the girl’s intestines slid out of her ripped belly. This was beginning to get messy, and to the crowd, exciting.
Fresh bitch blood stained the sand from the cunt’s ripped belly and her punctured breast. The enraged bull was nowhere near finished with her. She lay on her side, with several yards of spilled viscera in front of her, and she raised a leg as if to help close the rip that ran the length of her belly. That presented her cunt to the bull.
With exceptional precision, the bull drove a horn into her vagina and again lifted her high in the air. More of her guts escaped her torso, as did her liver and her stomach. The crowd was screaming its encouragement to the bull, and the beast responded. It threw the cunt high into the air again, flipping and completely eviscerating herself.
When she landed, the bull got its hooves into her, with one fore-hoof driving her nose back into her skull, ruining her beauty, and promptly trampling her to a merciful death. Naked little girls heaved and vomited at the sight of her destruction, while three of the four young boys ejaculated at the excitement of seeing the nude woman being so grossly demolished by the bull.
Lucifer was Himself masturbating at the wonderful obscenity playing out in that remote island corral. He thrust his penis into the little vagina of the naked six-year-old girl He had brought with Him to enjoy what his favorite group of evil-doers had going with their captive children, and the young Hispanic woman and the bull.
He ejaculated a spray of fire that roasted the naked little girl from the inside, while enjoying the desecration of the young woman gored and trampled to death by the malevolent brutality of the raging bull. Things would get much more interesting as the event in the corral evolved, and His Evil Majesty was ready with many more little girls to roast with his bursting fire-flare of semen. The Unholy Penis was ready!
I loved that story the more depraved the better of having sex with young girls and enjoying the depraved sex
I’m glad it worked for you!
Yesterday Regis, I came across a photo of a young woman holding a roll of barbed wire. It got me thinking….
Naked bitch is firmly secured to a table top outdoors, lying on her back, legs spread, and the table is firmly secured to the ground.
A large needle attached to the end of a 300 foot long barbed wire is carefully thread through her, in through the cunt and out through the mouth. She will become a fucked bitch, but for now is alive and fully alert.
The end of the barbed wire extending from her mouth is attached to the tow bar on the back of car.
So the setting is, 10 feet of barbed wire from car to mouth, 2 feet from mouth to cunt, then 288 feet extended out along the ground.
Car is then slowly driven forward pulling the first 100 feet through her torso, before accelerating at high speed for the remaining 188 feet. Attached to end of barbed wire is a solid metal ball 4 inches across with 2 inch spikes. This passes through the remains of the torso at high speed, exploding whatever is still left of the fucked bitch that the barbed wire hasn’t already destroyed.
My goodnes, what a devious, delicious idea. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it.
Well done!
Love this story! So descriptive in beautiful Satanic evil
I got very aroused thank you
Hail Satan
Another excellent story from Regis, who knows no bounds or limits to his tales and knows what pushes our buttons.. The more evil, nasty and perverted a story is, the harder my cock becomes. Hail Satan.