Lilithian Rosary by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Lilithian Rosary

Link: MeWe / 25.06.2024

Lilithian Rosary

The Lilithian Rosary I constructed was based on a design during the period from about 1537 – 1714, when persecution of Catholics in Ireland as well as in Great Britain, became government policy. Catholic clergy in Ireland were expelled, and those who did not leave were forced into hiding.

If found, they were subject to instant execution. As a result, the priests were hidden in private homes, sometimes in a “Priest hole,” and mass had to be held in secret. Often in the countryside on, “Mass rocks,” as well as privately in homes. All Catholic items were forbidden including statues, stained glass windows, and even the possession of a rosary was illegal.

Unfortunately, the faith was kept alive, and many were able to practice private devotions without any penalties. For those wishing to have a rosary — a “Tenner Rosary,” was the perfect choice — it was easy to hide so that if someone unknown to you were to approach, it could be quickly tucked away.

Tenner rosaries have a crucifix, the Our Father, and ten rosary beads. Lilith Tenner Rosary (LTR). To partake in the centuries-old tradition of black mass, I created my own Tenner Rosary. As we often find ourselves persecuted and not understood in the workplace or socially, the rosary is small and easy to use. I used thirteen beads, of which five were Tiger Eye to honor Lilith, six stone, and two metal.

I also fastened an owl to one end, to signify the beginning of the prayer and ended with a stone etched with Sigils of Lilith.

Based on the compact size, and crafting the rosary of thirteen beads was due to many occultists assigning, “Six,” to represent the number of men, and the number, “Seven,” to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs “Jacob’s Ladder” toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number, ’Thirteen,” represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination [6 + 7 = 13]. Instead of a crucifix and the, “Our Father,” I chose an owl, my spirit guide, and a stone etched with sigils of Goddess Lilith. For the Hail Lilith beads, I used Tiger Eye beads.


Sacred Mother of Heaven, be gentle unto me. I am the newborn that hangs at your breasts, I am the infant that laughs upon your knee. Shelter me beneath the hem of your seamless garment from the heat that devours at noon.

Protect me from the burning winds of the desert. Conceal me from the wrath of Geradamas the righteous, whose eye searches into hidden corners and condemns the wicked. I praise you with great praise. More beautiful than the sunrise the secret shadows of your desires. More beautiful than the sunset, the dark power of your promises.

Bless me with the myriad blessings of your love. Shower down upon my head the shining droplets of your scented oils. Anoint the instrument of my lust that it may ascend to impale you. I dedicate its power utterly to the rapture of union. I am the true son/daughter of your womb. I am the de-flowerer of your children. Lead me in the ways of your wickedness and shelter me in your shadow from the flaming sword of the all-powerful. Truly, truly, truly.

  1. Open with the prayer to Lilith and beckon to Lilith for insight
  2. 3 bead section Lamentations for Inana’s Tree x3
  3. Bead 4 Hail Lilith
  4. Bead 5 Regard Lilith with Devotion
  5. Bead 6 Hail Lilith
  6. Beckon Lilith to fill your spirit and dance upon the desert winds
  7. Hail Lilith
  8. Lamentations for Lilith’s Vengeance
  9. Bead 10 Hail Lilith
  10. Bead 11 Celebration of Lilith’s Victory
  11. Bead 12 Hail Lilith
  12. Bead 13 Honor Lilith’s Immortality
  13. Close with a prayer to Lilith

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