Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Lilith, Yesua, & Mother
Link: MeWe / 05.09.2022
Lilith, Yesua, & Mother
The Sea of Galilee where many alleged incidents of Yesua occurred was named after the goddess Lilith and it was an area sacred to her. It was also a pilgrimage place where people went to worship her. It is easy to see how Galilee = Lilee = Lilith = Lily. It is worth pointing out that it is actually a lake and no sea at all. As with many biblical stories, facts don’t really matter as it is more impressive if miracles were performed at the sea?
Lilith was worshiped there as the goddess of the lake. By calling it a sea it equates Lilith with the goddess of the sea, Aphrodite, as well as with Jesus’s mother and Mary Magdalene who are both named after the sea too. (Mary = mere, the sea)
The fact that Yesua found his disciples there suggests that he was seeking out Lilith followers as his disciples, which is significant as she is considered by some to be a sort of she-devil like Hecate, Diana, Artemis or Ishtar, etc. It also signifies that Yesua was staying true to the Hebrew tradition of goddess worship and especially of their worship of the Hebrew mother of God Asherah, with Lilith being one of her daughters.
In the New Testament the titles of Asherah such as ‘mother of God’ and ‘Queen of Heaven’ are bestowed on Yesua’s mother, signifying that she is to be considered an incarnation of the goddess Asherah. As her name ‘Mary’ meant ‘sea’ (mere) as well as a ‘horse’ (mare), ‘marry’, ‘mar’ and ‘nightmare’ it means that she was thought to represent Lilith as well. This may also explain why the writers had Jesus treat his mother with disdain, ignored her, called her ‘woman’ and appeared to disown her on the occasion when he said ‘who is my mother?’
Lilith was worshiped as the daughter of God by many cultures and she is why the churches have to adamantly insist that their God doesn’t have a mother, or a daughter, or a sister to try and distance themselves from her because they know their God can’t compete with them and will inevitably come out second best in any disagreement or conflict.
The rite of circumcision was considered to be a representation of what Lilith would do to people if she is not given the proper respect, or is being taken advantage of, or abused..
One of the reasons why the catholic church is named after the cat is to honor Lilith’s tradition and of course to honor Cybele the ‘Magna Mater’ or ‘Great Mother’ of Rome – the universal mother.Jesus too was named after the horse, another of her totem. The Hebrew word for horse being ‘sus’.
Lilith is later adopted into Christianity as the elusive, mysterious Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost and this is why the churches have to hide who the actual identity of who the Holy Spirit is. They will say they don’t know who or what the Holy Spirit is.
It is also interesting that The word ‘Holy’ in Hebrew is translated from Lilith’s other name ‘Qadesh’. This means that the ‘Holy Bible’ was named after her and that the Bible was originally meant to be dedicated to her worship, before its censorship.
Lilith was called Qadesh or Kadesh by the Egyptians, Anatolians, Babylonians, Canaanites and Hebrews and she is often depicted with wings and birds feet.
The beautiful lily flower is named after her and is her symbol and it was also the symbol of the vulva. The Bible describes how Solomon decorated God’s temple with lilies and Yesua’s direction or parable to ‘consider the lilies of the field’ was another way of saying ‘consider Lilith’, or ‘consider the mother of God’, or ‘consider the vulva’.
As the stories and tales in the Bible were taken from other societies and the names changed to fit this Heleneazation of a new religion, why not say it. I say the Virgin Mary considered an incarnation of the goddess Asherah is to symbolize being The Goddess Lilith. After all, why would her statue fit so nicely between my temple’s pillars and through the gateway?
Hail the Beautiful Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Fearless in her Proclamations for Lilith
Thank You for sharing your Wisdom
best alwas
Hail Hoku Lani the ever-wise prophetess of