Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Lilith & Lucifer
Link: MeWe / 12.04.2024
Lilith & Lucifer
I wanted to share something to consider regarding The Dark Goddess and The Dark Lord, without almost no references to Abrahamic propaganda. Please take a moment to read and feel free to respond or discuss.
The ancient Pythagoreans who were part of the Golden Chain, the knowledge of Egypt to India. Showed god as the Pentagram with the number 666 underneath. The pentagram is the symbol of Venus who is the serpent, this is where the Baphomet comes from. The androgynous serpent. Lucifer is another name for Venus as well.
This 666 is the symbol of the reborn soul and god.
Chiva is the ancient name of the serpent god associated with the moon in the Near East, which is originally male, this was also spelled as Sheba B and V are double letters so one can be exchanged for the other. Sheba becomes Shiva further east where this knowledge came from. Shiva is still called Lord Chandra, the Moon God. The Chiva is also called The Breath of Life. The prana energy of the soul and all creation which is shown as the serpent in Hinduism. The Chi is Shi.
In Hinduism Shiva is called … Kabala Iswara, the Lord of the Kabala. In ancient Kabala letters are numbers and numbers are used to spell letters.
The 666 of the Abrahamic Book of Lies is originally spelled Shiva in numerological code. That they took from the Pagans. This shows that the name of Shiva is the Agathodaemon the serpent kundlalini, the breath of life itself. This is why after erasing the Vav and replacing it with Stau they also changed the spelling later to Xi Chi Stau, erasing the original name.
Now let’s take a look at the Goddess Kali Ma, who is the most wrathful aspect of the Dark Goddess. She brandishes a bloody sword in one of her many arms, and with her frenzied tongue lolling from her mouth in ecstasy she stands upon the beheaded corpse of Shiva, holding his severed head aloft. It is hardly her first kill: Her blue body is crossed with a bandolier made of the heads of demons and men.
The message is clear. Time destroys everything. It destroys all mortals. It even destroys all gods. Everything is subject to impermanence and change — even the gods themselves. Yet look beyond this fearsome image. Kali is the Goddess in her purest aspect, her highest register. The Creatrix and Annihilator of manifestation. The Divine Mother, presiding over both Birth and Death.
So in conclusion, Kali Ma standing over her partner Shiva, as Lilith and Lucifer, worshiped long before there ever was an Adam, Lilith and Eve, or any minor god who founded a death cult followed by 2.3 billion lost souls.
Hail the Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Thank you for sharing your Wisdom