Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Lilith in Hawaii
Link: MEWE / 09.04.2022
Lilith in Hawaii
There has never been a Goddess in all the western traditions as maligned as the Dark Goddess Lilith. She has been called terrible things like the epitome of all that is evil in the world. She is considered wild, uninhibited, argumentative and sexually deviant. She has been called the temptress, the prostitute from hell and most popularly as the succubus that comes and not only steals the semen of men as they sleep, but also kills them in the process.
Some of these qualities might very well be true and some, not likely. One thing I know for sure is that she is a powerful and ancient goddess. Much of the evidence found about Lilith on the internet is very biased. Although some may consider her evil, I consider her Divine and my Creator. She is not for the faint of heart, so consider your self warned.
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever
Hail The Hawaiian High Priestess of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Long Reign Hoku Lani
As always Hokulani gives a sound point of who and what is our Dark Mother.
Lilith is seen as evil just by all those ones that made the wrong choice to follow an evil gOD that is at the base of the monotheistic religions as the jewish, xistian and muslim ones.
All we should be consider a great luck to have wonderful people as Hokulani that give a different point of view and that is definitely the real one concerning these topics.
Lilith be blessed for sending among us people like Hokulani!
Hail Lilith now and forever !
As The Mistress
K rubber states
Thank You Lilith
For the Gift of Hoku Lani