Lilith, I Await Your Command by Werewolf-Fucking-220

Writer: Werewolf-Fucking-220

Subject: Lilith, I Await Your Command

Link: Tumblr / 03.06.2023

Lilith, I Await Your Command

I sit alone, waiting for darkness’s comfort to embrace me; the screams of the dying rouse me from my silent reverie and I raise my eyes to the corpses at my feet. The living, cry out for succour but I can not give it to them.

I see the city walls burning, the ashes throw a greying blanket over the land as I feel the tide turn, and the fire in my eyes rekindles, burning away my tears for the damned. My body changes as my mind is taken over. Black wings, centuries old sprout from between my shoulder blades, their dark feathers dripping with pitch.

I look down at the clawed feet beneath me, watch them move forward out of my control, I feel the sword arm that is not mine, raise the shadow blade high. From my lips that are no longer mine, echoes an unworldly cry, ethereal and brutal as it shimmers in the air. Her reign has come, she is Lilith, those who do not bow before her, will fall before her.

Their blood will soak my hands that aren’t mine … the Dark Moon is risen, she has taken me. With my body in thrall, she will sweep the world clean … cities will burn, kingdoms will fall, and as for those that remain … they shall belong to her, one and all!

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