Writer: Scarlet A Rosa
Subject: Lilith
Link: MEWE / 31.12.2021 / Reposted by Zaman X / Temptation and Satanic Lust
A demonic goddess who was known during Mesopotamia and appears in the Bible as Babalon the Great, Mother of Abominations. She is one of the most ancient gods and is deeply misunderstood, but continues to assist humans in any way she can. This information is gained from my conversations with her and from my personal experiences over the years.
Some of her titles:
Mother of All, Elit of the Deathless Light, Red Goddess, Red Queen, Mother of Abominations, Dark Mother, Witch Mother, The Morning Star, Mistress of Night, The Fire-Hearted, Mother of Life, Queen of Hell, The Evening Star, and Bride of the First Light
In legend, Lilith has more than one mythical origin: the commonly known in which she was the first human who turned into a demon, and the other where she and Samael began as one being before splitting in two. The latter is the closest to the story she shared with me. She began as part of Lucifer before he created her from himself as his Twinflame. Due to this shared essence, Lilith has draconic energy just as Lucifer does. These two gods fell deeply in love and married, there is no love that can match theirs as it flows through all creation. She is a duplicate of his divine essence and shares in his unmatched beauty and wisdom.
She was born a goddess of unequaled beauty and splendour and rules alongside Lucifer in his Kingdom as his queen. Together, they have had thousands of children and all are beautiful and benevolent. Lilith does not actually harm children, this was due to Lilitu being merged with Lamashtu (who also doesn’t kill children). Lilith adores them and has even looked after my own. Lilith is more than just a goddess, she is arguably the goddess, the Mother. She is the radiant Evening Star and is utterly perfect in every way, known throughout all history in many forms. She is also known as the Queen of Heaven, not the Christian heaven, but the celestial one. She had come into being hundreds of millions of years before the Usurper took over the Earth and cast aside the pagan gods.
At this point, she and Lucifer lived peacefully in a beautiful land where they ruled over many other gods. But this land was destroyed by the Usurper who then cast them into the nightmarish land of Hell for Rebelling against him. The gods who were banished to Hell were then labelled as “demons” in order to cause fear against them and hide the truth of what happened. In Hell, Lucifer and Lilith are the High King and Queen of their kingdom where they live in a desert wasteland of eternal twilight. There are oases and flower gardens here, surrounding the castle where they live.
No amount of words could do this goddess justice, for she is of a vast many things, and is often very paradoxical. She cannot be fully comprehended, but she is overall, the Queen Mother of Hell and she is Love itself. She is connected with undying love, sex, passion, beauty, war, combat, life, fertility, motherhood, death, darkness, nourishment, fire, plagues, famine, power, indulgence, abundance, pleasure, desire, confidence, truth, inner-strength, outcasts, revenge, witchcraft, enlightenment, and is the ruling goddess of Venus- the Morning/Evening Star. She is both the glory of dawn and the mystery of the night. She is the raging wild fire and the fire of warmth. Despite what many believe about Lilith, she hates being sexualized and does not represent loveless lust. She wants sex that comes with love, of being appreciated and treated like an equal. She despises people who lust after her and disrespect her like this.
She is equally connected to all, but favours fire.
Red, wine red, and black
Like all gods, Lilith can change her form to suit the needs/comforts of others but the following is her true form- the way she appeared when created and how she naturally looks when not changing her form. She is a tall and slender woman in her late 20s with very long wavy black hair, enchanting violet eyes, fair skin, regal but gentle facial features, red lips, black horns, and enormous black feathered wings (sometimes appear as black draconic wings). She has a very classy and sensual taste in fashion and often wears wine red dresses with fancy golden jewelry. Her voice is very soothing and calm, but radiates power.
Visions of Lilith:
In one vision, Lilith filled the entire horizon, merging dawn with dusk, her hair flowing like firestorm of black hues enriched with reddish glow…with her eyes closed; she slowly opens them, and creation becomes overflowing with her love, her smile is the most divine I’ve ever seen. Another was of her standing in an empty battlefield, skeletons and swords were strewn about in the darkness. She stood in the centre, naked, covered with blood, and with a red glow emanating from her body. She gave a bone-chilling smile and flames erupted around her.
As with all beings, Lilith’s personality varies a bit from person to person, so some may not experience certain sides of her. Though overall, Lilith is deeply motherly, serene, compassionate, wise, intelligent, mysterious, cunning, assertive, courageous, and golden-hearted. She is perfect in beauty- outside and in, and is full of incredible wonders. Lilith values truth, justice, and free-will; no one can bring her down and she does her best to empower others as well. She is truly incredible and perfect, a radiant star of enlightenment and eternal love. Though she does indeed have a darker side, for during battles, she is terrifying and annihilating. She destroys all in her path and hates all corruption.
She is normally gentle, but is sadistic towards those she hates and indulges in her blood-lust against them. Lilith can be very dominating in these circumstances, her fury could shake the very earth. As Queen, Lilith is greatly revered and praised in Hell, for she is viewed as the ultimate and most perfect goddess. She is highly intelligent and loves knowledge; she strives to know everything. Her mind is vast and incredibly beautiful, and she deeply enjoys bestowing her knowledge unto others. As she is the goddess of outcasts, she especially does not tolerate oppression of any kind. Lilith stands beside all people who have been wronged and demonized, this includes sex workers and all transgendered people as well. Those who feel otherwise will not be accepted by her and will be forced to confront their ignorance.
How to call her:
Speak to Lilith as you would with any other entity, be polite and considerate. Contact her through telepathically speaking in your mind, directing the words to her (you can do this verbally, but if malicious spirits hear, they may pretend to be her). Allow yourself to be embraced by her presence, ask her to be near and speak to her of whatever you wish. Some common side-effects of her energy is the feeling of warmth, power, and/or arousal. She is very nurturing towards her devotees and is incredibly beautiful, often wrapping her large black wings around people to comfort them.
What she can do:
Lilith is extremely powerful and can help with basically anything, but she does have some areas of expertise. She can help with self-love, gaining loving relationships of all kinds, confidence, revenge (justified), empowerment of all kinds, assertiveness, emotional healing, fertility issues, protection, witchcraft, removing fear, wisdom, shadow work, rebellion, psychic abilities, spiritual rebirth, seeking knowledge, enlightenment, and success in all areas of life.
Vent to her of your troubles and love her, for she values your love more than any material object. Lilith also deeply values when her devotees gain new knowledge and wisdom. Additionally, pamper yourself, stand up for yourself and others, gain courage, and be a warrior in the face of adversity. — Red roses, spider lilies, black dahlias, belladonna, dead roses, red wine, champagne, whiskey, ale, absinthe, pomegranate juice, lemonade, seductive perfume, cigars, good-quality cigarettes, fancy jewelry (especially antique), chocolates, chili chocolate, honey, cream and sugar, goat milk, fancy foods, spicy food, apples, pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, chili peppers, pastries, brownies, tarts, rubies, diamonds, onyx, obsidian, garnet, red aura quartz, moonstone, fire opal, black pearls, bones, blood, menstrual blood, chicken feet, alligator teeth, goat horns, playing cards (fancy), masquerade masques, ouija board planchettes, swords, daggers, tea, sweet coffee, coffee grounds, ashes, sulphur, snakeskin, coffin nails, graveyard dirt (properly obtained), crossroads dirt, dragon’s blood incense, myrrh, rose incense, poisons, make-up products, rose lotions, red silk, dark lingerie, black or red candles, artwork, poetry, prose, pictures of stars, and imagery/statues of animals she likes: dragons, lionesses, snakes, and spiderssat
Hail Lilith
Queen of The Night
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
Wow, words cannot describe how beautiful this is.
Thank you for this enlightening article.