Writer: Angelina Dawn
Subject: Lilith And Satan Had A Daughter
Link: MEWE / 26.08.2022 / The Sacred Daughters Of Lilith And Morgana
Lilith And Satan Had A Daughter
Lilith and Satan had a daughter who they placed inside the body of Anka-Ruy in 4 AD until her death in 39 AD for breaking sacred Egyptian temple laws of Isis. She was a High Priestess and she used the black arts more than was permitted and only for her own self gain.
She was raped-tortured and crucified because Egypt was under Roman rule at that period of time. Egyptians were permitted to worship their own deities, aka gods, but if a law was broken it went before the Egyptian Counsel of Elders because there was no more Pharaohs permitted to rule Egypt. So after being found guilty of heresy — She was put to death by Roman and Egyptian laws.
Anka-Ruy was a Dark Witch, and like her mother, Lilith, she was only doing what was deep inside her cold soul! But her soul roamed the earth for centuries until she again found a host home. That was in 1987 in San Antonio Texas, as a child of Robert and Victoria DeFrasco, her name is Angela DeFrasco — and that was my story, but it’s far from over yet …
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