Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Life Is A “Drag”
Link: Email LS666 / 03.09.2022
Life Is A “Drag”
John is suffering from dysphoria brought on by urges he has had since college. He has been called a sissy and picked on since a kid due to his stature and feminine attributes — then there was that time in high school where the cool kids invited him to a party — he felt honored until he realized it was some sort of, “Ugly” party, where the cool guys invited ugly girls to humiliate them. What’s that? He is not a girl?
At the party after having some alcohol and weed he allowed the girls to dress him as the most beautiful girl there said she would fuck him ,but as a woman. He spent the night getting high as they pulled out a Ouija board and did demonic stuff, but he let it slide so he could have the girl.
He remembers her dressed as a witch; as she called him into a bedroom. She kissed him and asked him if he wanted to know how good a woman felt during sex. He was high and entranced. She told him to surrender to her; and he will know; as she seemed to put a spell on him. She held him and said he could be like her; as she seemed to do some sort of summoning.
He felt this weird feeling. It was as if he was no longer in control. She guided his head to her breasts and he sucked them. Before he knew it, he was kneeling before her — this vision of feminine beauty — a goddess. She looks down and tells him that he’d makes a better girl then guy. She asks if that is okay, as she gets her pussy close to his face.
Then she says, “The question is whether you would be willing to give yourself in order to feel what I feel?”
He nods his head, “Yes.”
She tells him to close his eyes and open his mouth and stick out his tongue as he is expecting a wet cunt. Then he feels the head of a cock on his tongue. He opens his eyes and peeks. Before he can do anything, she grabs his head and shoves her shecock in his mouth; as he can hear the others’ laugh out loud.
She tells them all the leave. She has business — before they all can play — then she pounds his face until he is breathless. She stops. She pulls him to his feet and guides him to the bed. He tries to fight, but its like his body has its own mind. She positions him above her cock as it presses against his neither-hole.
She tells him not to worry about her as the others want his body — she just wants a small part of his soul — and she guides him down on her as he is impaled. Her hands guide him up and down as she chants. Then he feels weak, as he is being drained, and she explodes inside him. He gets this tingle, like a pleased whore, as she does. She then slides his limp body from hers. Her eyes glow and tells him that he’ll thank her later. She calls to the others — they all come in and have sex with the witch and rape him.
John looks back from his office on campus as he reads about the cult and the readings. He takes a walk down the hall and sees a few of his high school students talking about what is going to happen. He hears some from the Christian group saying they want to attend the reading and he pulls them aside.
They tell him they have Jesus and will be alright. They tell him he should go, so he can see its all smoke and mirrors. One even tells him to notice the name of the “Drag queen,” doing the readings. Her name is Cheri Buster. He thinks about the few who say they are going; and knows they are all virgins and the name itself gets him.
He has been blessed with some spiritual gifts — when he became born again — and feels he has the strength and yet keeps getting these feelings of someone calling him. John has a “Servant’s heart,” but has been confused about who has been calling him to serve and where. It’s night and John is home as he decides to relax and put this out of his mind — so he has a stiff drink.
He has forgotten how good his drink tasted. He feels it start to relax his mind and body. He pulls up a chair and starts to read articles about the one who will be reading and there is some sort of static in the video. He starts to feel tired and strange as he guesses maybe the drink was too strong.
He falls into a half sleep as he hears a voice calling him.
“You said you would serve me, when you took that oath,” he hears, “Go and serve me as you promised. Go to them and show them what true service is.”
He feels God is calling him to shut down the reading.
It’s the night before Halloween and time for the “Satan’s Book Club” reading and time for John to fight. He goes to a special hall that had been shut down for years as they got a permit for ambiance. Cheri and a few friends are in a special room blessing their make up in the name of Satan — more like using a spell to make it evil — they then put their darkest drag faces on and feel the magick and know it’s time.
John shows up to see what seems to be more Christians then Satanists there and is worried. As they pour into the hall he is getting strange feelings. He finds Cheri. He tells her that he will not allow any crazy stuff. She tells him he needs to relax and hits him where it hurts. She says he is just afraid; that heir God is stronger then his; and asks if he is afraid he is one of them?
He tells her he is not afraid. She tells him that even God gives free will for his people to choose and maybe he is scared the Christians will choose them? Or maybe, just maybe he will? He gets angry and asks how he can prove them wrong. Cheri tells him the is a way where he can even control what is done by dressing like them. She will even allow him to do the reading.
“Unless you are scared?” she says.
He takes the challenge. She takes him to a room adjoining to one where they are putting some light make up on the others and there is an outfit laid out. The outfit looks a little seductive and there is a dresser set-up like an altar with the make-up on it.
She walks him over. He dresses. Then she puts the drag make-up on him — it’s thick and dark — as she applies it, he gets a weird feeling. Then she tells him to look in the mirror.
“I knew it, you are sexy inside,” she suggests.
He looks like some sort of “Drag queen succubus.” He starts to wobble. She hands him a drink to relax. He takes it straight down. She then pulls out a set of horns. He refuses to wear them. She tells him, it’s what will make the whole thing. She then puts on the horns. John starts to feel what a breeze through the room.
They leave the room. He sees everyone dressed up and looking almost like zombies. He cannot do anything. He is given some fruit punch to drink with the rest as they prepare for the reading. He notices Cheri is gone. He is told that she went to pray before the reading. He and the others are taken into the reading room as it gets late.
On a table is a book next to a Ouija board. He says it is “Evil” … and that’s when Cheri walks in. She looks at him and makes a challenge — she tells him that the says his God is stronger then the board — so prove it. He is feeling the drink as it has been spiked, but takes the challenge anyway. He kneels with her at the board with two other of her crew and she tells him to put his hands on hers and on the planchette.
As the others watch the Ouija board spells out, “Mine.” And then, “Join me.”
He says, You’re doing it,” to her.
And then it spells out the words, “Surrender is eminent.”
She says it is almost time and gets everyone to kneel and tells them that John will be doing the reading. Cheri walks over to a sort of throne and sits as they take one more drink and cheer the night. She then says they will say a prayer first; and has him recite the “Lord’s Prayer,” and then gives him a book to recite one for Satan. He now starts to feel wobbly, so she sits him in her lap side-saddle.
On a screen are the words for all as he starts it is more of a prayer of submission. She whispers it won’t be long now as she hands him another book. He opens it. He starts to read, though now his voice is almost a mumble, due to the drinks. He begins to read a story of submission and transformation that quickly turns into thoughts about sexual perversion and surrender.
It goes into the sin of lust and sodomy; and then what seems like making a pact. He is now feeling horny, as well as the others, and feeling something inside. Cheri tells him not to worry as she will take care of him til the others are ready and she slides his body to where he is on her lap with legs over hers.
She tells him to finish. As he starts to feel something between his cheeks. It is a cock and is hard and big. She whispers in his ear, that it’s his, if he wants it and to finish reading. As he continues the story that becomes a pact to give himself, in a sissy feminine manner, and to become some sort of succubus.
Before he knows it — he is squirming — and positions himself over her cock.
As it slides inside, she asks, “Who is more powerful now?”
She tells him about the time with the witch as she is related. She begins to hold him — as she starts to slide in and out — as the others are guided into a sort of orgy.
She fucks him hard. She calls for Satan to enter him through her. She fills him with her hot sticky seed. It is the seed of Satan. He now feels nothing but lust. She makes him get up and kneel. She calls the others over and instructs them that in order to have favor with Satan, what they must do, and they begin to shoot their loads on him; and piss on him; and then rape him; and seed him over and over.
Lucky bitches HELL yea HAIL SATAN sweeties 💋👅💋