Writer: Guardianwolff-666
Subject: Life
Link: Tumblr / 22.06.2023 / Meditation With Sallos
Give thanks to Satan for the little things. They could always be worse. Give thanks to Satan for the bad things that happen. They are lessons learned. They make you wise. If it’s death of a loved one, he teaches you compassion and empathy. You might learn something about yourself.
You find what strength you have, how great your resilience is. With what you learn you can pass on to others. You can be life changing, amazing, a man or woman of great wisdom. This is what Satan wishes to pass on to his followers. If you spend the time in meditation, Satan will sit you at his table.
He will know you by your respect to him and his demons. Whatever you can make offer to him he will accept. It doesn’t have to huge, or grande or expensive. He will accept what you can offer. Just offer it in love. Give it freely with joy in your heart. It means everything to him. This is Life.