Lead Others Into Lust by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Lead Others Into Lust

Link: MEWE / 11.12.2023

Lead Others Into Lust

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Mathew, chapter 18, verse 6.

Another scare tactic from the Abrahamic religions, this one from Christianity. I teach all that listen to the sound of my voice, to partake and amplify their lust. It is a gift from Lilith, to be shared with family members and strangers alike. I say teach your children to embrace lust and they will grow up free.


To stumble they mean to “sin” … and the punishment for this sin, being to die, rather than to encourage the young ones to experience the pleasure of lust. Harsh, right? And the sin of lust, being one of the greatest of joys, demands our attention. Sharing, teaching, and embracing our lusts fulfils our being. Think of it as nourishment — without the sin of lust we’d be better of dead anyway. 

4 thoughts on “Lead Others Into Lust by Hoku Lani”

  1. Such wise and true words. Lust is good and should be taught and encouraged to all members of the family, especially the children. Thanks for such a wise post.

  2. If lust is bad, then why dose it feel so good. Why is there power when I orgasms. I feel and believe it should be taught to children. I drank my father and mothers juices when I was 3. I love it


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