Writer: Maidintheshadows
Subject: Kneel and Receive Communion
Link: Tumblr / 25.10.2021
Kneel and Receive Communion
Voice from the Shadows — A Mouth-Watering Monstrance … Huh?
Arising from my cauldron as I strummed my needy clit was this first photo sent by one who wanted to know who would place his cock, an ample one at that, through a huge bronze sunburst and say, “Come and worship”?
I would … because I know what it is happening and what everything means surrounding the cock exposed and offered. I have to admire the person who developed this photo because it is one of the sophisticated yet simple forms of sincere blasphemy I have seen in some time. Any Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran would know immediately how blasphemous this is because, for them and their followers who are “into” the practice of their respective forms of xianity especially, would see the symbolism right off. The “bronze sunburst” isn’t a sunburst, it’s called a monstrance … not a monster … a monstrance and the name is taken from the Latin word, “Monstrare”, which means, “To show.”
And what is in the center when you see this in any one of the above churches or in a procession is a consecrated wafer … look them up on google. In other words, it is not a reliquary it is a special creation and it is not bronze … they are manufactured in gold because of their special use. The consecrated wafer is just that, consecrated, and therefore the center contains no less than the body of xrist himself and is meant to be venerated as if Jesus were standing there before you in all his glory. A cheap monstrance would cost about five thousand dollars and rises to the infinite … most churches spend about twelve thousand dollars especially after the common wafer is consecrated by the priest and the wafer is suddenly transubstantiated and becomes xrist himself. When the faithful see it, good Catholics are supposed to make the sign of the cross, etc … that is, if they know what it is. I have taken the liberty of adding a second picture of what a monstrance looks like with a wafer. It is also carried and offered to the faithful who are to lean forward and kiss it as a sign of devotion. Now you see the blasphemy and how far this blasphemy reaches. As a devotee of the Dark Lord and a phallic worshiper, I have to say I like this photo in a big way.
I would be on my knees worshiping in a minute.
Often we simply take blasphemous photos, artwork and media representations at face value and often miss the depth of the impact of the blasphemy. Sophisticated blasphemy can be more fun because you can often engage in it around xians and they have no idea what you mean and will join you in doing so because they don’t understand what you are saying or what you mean. An example of how this is accomplished when I attended a catholic service. I was quietly praying in Latin and several ladies joined me by kneeling not knowing what I was saying and everyone said, “Thank you, Lord,” at the end when I finished. If they only knew what I was praying for and praying for them to be doing. And we all sat down for a meal afterward and I was complimented for the “wonderful” prayer.
As we grow in our relationship with the Dark Lord, he calls us to mature in our methods of reaching others and in how we worship and blasphemy is part of our worship … Amo galli. Ave Dominum Tenebris.