Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 15.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis:  A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 7

Lucifer at last decided Adele was ready. Through Helen, He had brought the cunt through the system and introduced her to the entire thread of evil He had produced with His enabling of women to form the Kiddiefight Club, and now she was at the point He needed her to do His Unholy Work.

He strode about passionately, his tail and his long erection wagging with each step, his full scrotum swinging wildly in time with his movements. He led an array of naked little girls, of several races, all of them incredibly beautiful, and each with a puffy cuntlet ready to be impaled on His shaft to bring Him pleasure as he watched the immorality play about to begin.

Adele had a strange look on her face when they met the next afternoon. She asked Helen to come home with her.

“We’ve got something to do, and I want you to be part of it,” she said, her breathing shallow, and a look of determination that told Helen everything about what was going on in her friend’s thoughts.

When they arrived, Kevin was not there, as he had just departed on a two-week business trip, orchestrated by Satin, but her mother Arlene was there, and Urina had just arrived home from school. Adele got busy in the kitchen, making a late lunch for them, with fried hamburger patties, potato salad, baked beans, and lots of green salad, filled with cut-up sweet peppers, celery, and tomatoes.

They all enjoyed the meal, and finished it off with a large bowl of ice cream covered in fresh blueberries, liberally covered with Grand Marnier. They had only eaten a small breakfast and had missed lunch, so all of them were hungry and ate it all. Now they felt stuffed, and entirely satisfied.

After they finished the desert, they repaired to the family games room.

Adele said “There’s something I’ve wanted to do for some time now, and I’ve decided to go ahead. It’s very exciting, and I think you’ll approve.”

Neither Helen nor her mother showed any idea of what she was talking about, but they were interested.

Adele’s home had a large family room with a walk-out into the back yard, and next to it a games room, with no outside window, where their exercise machines were kept. The floor was tile, so that sweat while working out would not ruin the hardwood that covered the rest of the floors on this lower level.

“Let’s get more comfortable,” Adele said as she began removing her clothes.

Helen and her mother matched her until they all stood naked. Adele called Urina, who came right down and was surprised to see her mother, her grandma and the lady she called Aunt Helen standing without any clothes on.

“It’s a warm day,” Adele said to her six-year-old daughter, “It’s too warm to be dressed, don’t you think, so I’d like you to get out of your clothes too, darling, to be naked, just like us.”

Without questing, the pretty child obeyed, throwing her discarded garments carelessly into a corner. She stood naked facing the three adults, and saw them looking lustfully at her exposed little cuntlet. She tried to cross her legs, but couldn’t stand comfortably that way. She could see the sex lips on their clean-shaven sex organs were dangling. Hers didn’t do that.

“Let’s dance, sweetheart piss girl,” Adele said to her little daughter and drew her towards her.

Urina didn’t like being called that, but her mother did it regularly. They held hands, facing each other, and Adele started to sing, dancing to her own music. Urina joined in, and the two swung around the games room with such unison it was as if they had rehearsed their dance.

“Isn’t this fun!” Adele said, and the child smiled.

They continued dancing, and the mother was doing something quite purposefully, which was to move her waist like a washing machine, stirring her food-filled intestines, moving her lunch and everything below it downward, until she began to feel pressure in her rectum.

“Isn’t this something,” she said, “Here we are having fun together, and I think it would be wonderful if your grandma handed me that length of cord so I could bind your wrists behind your back. Wouldn’t that be special? You could demonstrate how well you can use just your legs to dance!”

Arlene passed the cord Adele had left there earlier for this very purpose, and she crossed the child’s wrists behind her back, securing them tightly with the cord. Urena exaggerated the use of her legs, having lost movement of her arms with the unexpected binding of her wrists.

“Now I feel like I need to have a bowel movement, Adele said, “That late lunch has got my colon full. Can you imagine how thoughtless we were when we designed our home, to not put a bathroom next to the games room? I don’t have a regular toilet to use, but I’ve got an idea!”

She grasped Urina’s hair and pulled her head down to the floor.

“You can be my personal toilet, honey girl! Your grandma always thought it would be fun to have her little one as a human toilet, but I somehow escaped that humiliating experience.”

Urina screamed as her mother positioned her bottom over her face, and with shock she watched the puckered anus above her begin to spread open. The brown pointed end of a stool began to emerge, just like a little mouse coming out of its hole. She had never seen shit coming out of an anus, although she knew how it worked.

Her scream increased as the thicker part of the stout shit log appeared, and the end of it began to move toward her open mouth. Helen and Arlene were speechless with delight as they watched their daughter and lover shitting into the open mouth of her helpless daughter.

Urina’s teeth and lips momentarily came into contact with the offal her mother was delivering into her mouth, but when she felt the moist texture, she opened wider, to avoid further contact, and that simple move provided full access to the emerging fat turd to her throat. The stool continued sliding into her mouth and slid over her tongue until it reached her tonsils.

As it continued into her oral cavity, her mother’s fresh shit log entered her throat and cut off her scream. She could feel its warmth, the heat of her mother’s lower torso being transferred to her. The fecal flavor now started her gagging, but instead of blocking progress, that pumping action gave the log of her mother’s shit the passage desired by her tormenter.

“It’s time!” Urina’s grandma Arlene said, and Adele lowered her ass to the child’s face.

At the same time, she lifted Urina’s legs and brought her impudent vagina up, and leaned forward, taking her naked daughter’s cuntlet into her mouth. Her tongue probed the little girl’s vestibule.

She promptly found and pressed her rolled tongue firmly against the child’s intact hymen. She was surprised to discover Keven had never thought to rape the little girl, even though he was a randy prick, and was constantly seeking new satisfaction. Somehow, he had ignored the pretty little cuntlet that was so available to him.

She was startled to think that he preferred her mother’s cunt to that of his own little girl. Often when she had left him alone at home with her she was certain he was raping his daughter, but had never thought to check that he had. Who would ever guess a man would not take sexual advantage of a little girl with such access?

Adele pressed her anus firmly down on her daughter’s mouth, and by doing so, forced it to remain open as she continued to heave the firm stout shit log into her little girl’s mouth and throat. When she had ejected the whole thing, she slid back, moving her moist cunt over the little girl’s mouth and nose, denying her access to air.

Arlene and Helen were delighted with what she was doing to her own daughter. Between them, they had brought Adele a long way, and now she was acting out the extreme fantasy they all shared. She was going the distance, and they did not incline to stop her.

Urina began struggling in earnest, and with her wrists securely bound behind her back, had only the kicking of her legs and the twisting of her torso as tools. They were highly attractive and equally ineffectual. Adele had her, with her head locked under her weight and her cunt held in the tight grip of her mouth.

It took nearly two minutes of thrashing, kicking, and twisting for Urina to exhaust the supply of oxygen in her lungs, and movement was quickly reduced. Adele held firm, her cunt covering her little girl’s nose and shit-filled mouth, and at last, Urina pissed into her mother’s mouth as she ejected a stool of her own, as she slumped in death. Her mom had killed her only child!

“Fucking harsh!” cried her mother in praise, and she came over to hug her daughter, who was standing in triumph.

They began to dance around the fresh corpse on the floor, and then Arlene took another cord and playfully bound Adele’s wrists behind her back, as she had done to her daughter.

They continued to dance, and it was clear Adele was euphoric, as her mother grasped her hair on both sides of her head, and jerked it down so that she hit the floor. Her mother was instantly on top of her as she lay on her back, her weight pinning her bound arms. She was as vulnerable as Urina had been.

Arlene squatted over the prone Adele’s head, and she painfully squeezed her daughter’s breasts, causing her to scream. With her daughter’s mouth wide open, she had no trouble depositing a large turd in Adele’s mouth, filling it before allowing her pinned daughter to close it.

Adele knew what to do, and she quickly chewed and swallowed the offensive offal. Arlene had anticipated this, and grabbing her daughter’s big tits, again caused her to scream, opening her mouth to a fresh shit log. This one was longer, and with the other stuck in her throat, insufficiently chewed, it filled her mouth.

Quickly Arlene dropped her cunt onto Adele’s face, covering her nose and mouth, sealing off any access to air, as she had done to Urina. Helen was thrilled at the exotic and highly erotic show she was treated to, watching her lover being strangled to death as she had done moments ago to her daughter, dying by the cunt of her mother. There was justice, and justice was being served to her on a platter.

They were doing the Devil’s work, and Helen, a devoted follower of Lucifer, was thrilled at how things were going. Arlene was ripe to become a fellow worshiper of the Dark One, and she would both introduce her to her coven, and convert her to live a life of evil, a path she was already well along.

Adele had emptied her colon, but she produced an impressive stream of urine as she performed her death piss, and her mother was so impressed she joined in the unholy behavior. Lucifer danced with joy at the claiming of another pair of spirits, and His minions joined him in His celebration.

Arlene at last stood, her work complete. Helen moved to her, and the pair hugged, kissed, fondled each other, and then the two naked women got onto the floor for a protracted round of lesbian lovemaking, each getting fingers and then a fist into the willing cunt of the other.

They fucked each other with bursts of passion until they both tired and fell asleep in each other’s arms. Satan moved in and thrust his rigid erection up the ass of Arlene, and she awoke, believing it must be Keven who was buggering her, as he usually did. She was surprised at the size and passion of his penis.

When He had seeded the woman, she fell again asleep, and he moved to the other side, to give Helen the same treatment. She had taken his seed into her often, both vaginally and rectally, and there was no need to hide His identity from her. She moaned in pleasure as he stroked into her rectum.

When He was ready, He planted his semen once more in the depths of her colon. This was humankind, swimming with His sperm. Lucifer had ejaculated several times earlier as Adele and then Arlene had done their work feeding their shit to their daughters, and he had ejaculated fire into the little girls he was fucking, roasting them from the inside.


3 thoughts on “KIDDIEFIGHT CLUB 7 by Regis”

  1. this really surprised me. I thought there would be more kiddie fights. Never expected Adele to kill her daughter or be killed by Arlene. Guess this is the end of the series.

    1. Plenty of kiddie fights in a previous story. This one was more about the women in the club than the actual fights. The generational influence and dedication to the act. I love how Adele didn’t object at all to be bound with the cord by Arlene. She knew what was coming, and I would like to think her attempt to swallow the shit was more about prolonging the experience than trying to stop it.

      It’s up there with Jeannie willingly participating in her own impalement and Lily White exploding herself for her audience. Cunts who understand what is required of them for the sexual pleasure of others.

      I of course enjoyed the piss and shit aspect of this one. More please Regis!

  2. Thanks Jim and Jennifer,

    This, as the title implies, is about the club more than the fighting kiddies, although they figure into the action.


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