Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 19.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis: A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 6

Mrs. Norton was dressed only in her underwear, which in itself surprised Adele. She had assumed the middle-aged teacher only wore skirts and blouses, or perhaps plain dresses. She probably lived in them, Adele might have thought. She could have slept in them too for all she knew.

But the sight of the woman in her black lace long line bra and hi-sided panties, one with a control panel at the front to keep her belly under control, took Adele a little by surprise. Somehow it had never occurred to her that exciting lingerie could ever be part of this mature woman’s life.

Adele was still faintly surprised, despite everything that had happened to her, to discover sex and sensuality were such a regular part of women’s lives. How naive she had been, thinking women were only what you saw on the outside. But then that was all her life was, an outer experience until she discovered Kiddiefights.

It was a thought that tended to occupy Adele’s mind more and more, but she knew that until Helen had bedded her in Vegas, she had no concept of being sexually attracted to women, and couldn’t be aware of their capacity to be intimate. Up until that time, she believed only men fucked women.

Now, though, Urina’s once-staid mother at least knew far more about such matters. Not only she had climaxed on Helen’s fingers (many times, as it happened, since they had become virtually partners) but also cum delightfully on the skilled fingertips of Mrs. Norton, and in an empty grade one classroom at that.

Still, thinking of the teacher, who was supposed to be kind and caring to her little charges, thinking of the woman beating on a child had made her incredibly hot, and she had cum on her own just by thinking of it. She had made time to visit with the teacher at her home on Saturday morning.

That was when she saw Mrs. Norton in her expensive sultry underwear. Bizarrely, she still didn’t know, although she had been so intimate with her on that first meeting, the woman’s first name. For various reasons, people were all away from Adele’s home, so the opportunity was perfect for this visit.

Adele was intrigued by how good the older woman looked and felt her cunt heat up at the unexpected sight.

“You’re early,” said Mrs. Norton, welcoming Adele to her home.

There was no sign of a Mr. Norton, but she had said he traveled for business. That provided her the privacy required for her outrageous hobby.

The teacher’s comfortable house was quiet and the woman had no problem walking around in just her underwear. She also wore spiked high heels and they made her strong legs seem even more powerful. Adele felt quite lightheaded as she watched the half-clad woman move, and saw the light gleam on the satin stockings covering her strong thighs and calves.

“Should I take my clothes off too?” Adele asked, blushing a little at the idea.

She wasn’t sure why she should say this but it seemed the correct thing to do.

“That’s up to you,” smiled Mrs. Norton, “I will be busy so I won’t be looking.”

On impulse, Adele decided she would strip down to her pink lace-trimmed panties and her matching pink bra. In a way, she felt better for being so lightly dressed.

“Do I look okay?” she asked, slightly anxious that Mrs.

Norton should be approving of her in her underwear. Adele was also wearing spike heels.

“You look fine, my dear. My other guests won’t be here for a few minutes, but let’s go to the room where I beat the shit out of little Lexi.”

The teacher led Adele through to what might normally have been a large dining room. Instead, it was stripped of furniture save for a single upright pole in the center of the room and several tall, upright but narrow cages stood round the walls.

“Lexi and I will be here,” said the teacher, indicating the pole.

Adele noted was not only thick and with straps hanging from it at various points but was set into the floor on what looked like an incredibly powerful spring.

“You and the other guests will be in the cages. Two to a cage, I have to say,” added Mrs. Norton.

From the look of the setup, it was used often. This was never used as a dining room and had no table or chairs.

“There is no Mr. Norton, is there,” Adele guessed.

“You’ve found me out,” the woman confessed, not missing a beat, “I just like people to think there is, to make them think I am much more normal than I am. I think you’ll understand being caged while you watch my performance with little Lexi,” she said with obvious relish.


“Because there is quite an audience for these little events,” said the teacher, “I have to double up or else,” She was cut off.

“No, I mean why the cages? I wouldn’t interfere.”

“I am sure you wouldn’t dare, but it’s an old pleasure of mine. I like the mom of the girl I am punishing to be caged and watching, so if I cage everyone then there is no favoritism,” Mrs. Norton grinned, “Plus I can imagine that way you are all somehow concerned relatives, eager to be here but equally wanting to get out and save the poor child.”

“Uh, will we be gagged?” Adele gulped.

“That’s your choice. I do prefer my watchers to be quiet so the only noise should be the sound of my fists, me cussing, and of course, the girls I’m beating on crying and screaming, but I trust you to be quiet while I’m busy.”

“You said, girls. Is Lexi not the only one you hit?” It was a stupid question really, Adele thought.

Mrs. Norton thought so too.

“Good heavens no! Whatever gave you that idea? When I hit a girl like Lexi she will be badly hurt, and have to be off school for at least a week. Though I do favor girls who heal quickly, I admit I do need to get my ‘fix’ as it were more often than once every three months.

“Lexi is beaten four times a year, so in between I arrange for other girls to be here from time to time.”

As she spoke Mrs. Norton punched the palm of one hand with her other fist, and Adele blinked at the noise it made. She was a powerful hitter.

“Share and share alike,” she chuckled.

“I see.” Adele nodded, “Which cage do I go in?”

“I think you should be in this one,” the woman patted the first cage, “You will share with my neighbor, old Miss Hutchings. She’s well over seventy now but loves these little shows. I am sure she will appreciate a younger woman in her bra and panties pressed up against her.”

Adele stared: the cages were narrow, so two people in there would be pretty intimate. She also noticed there were a couple of small cages just big enough for a dog. Mrs. Norton saw Adele looking and offered an explanation.

“Oh, those. They are reserved for any kids who get brought along. There will be at least one child in there, possibly two.”

Adele’s cunt was for some reason burning hotter.

“Caged children? How wonderful,” she said, her voice so dry it was almost cracking with excitement, “Sisters and brothers watching! Do you ever want to beat on those?”

Mrs. Norton laughed.

“My, you are a fucking filthy perverted bitch, aren’t you? Well, sometimes their disgusting mom will let a little one out and I like to kick them some. Nothing as severe as Lexi, but a little slapping helps me cool down.”

“Oh God,” sighed Adele, “Are, are all moms this disgusting?” Adele was feeling fresh waves of lust mounting in her.

“Filthy cunts like you and that mother of the brat Cowper? Why yes, of course, bitch,” Mrs. Norton seemed different now, her tone more severe, “Your sniveling kind make me want to puke. You randy cunts breed little brats without permission, fucking like mink just to satiate your lust for cock!

“You drag them into the world because you were fucked by some stupid man’s cock, unprotected, and then you start moaning about how hard it is, how much work it takes to raise and train the little cunts. It’s all about what you neeeed!”

Mrs Norton had put on a mock whine at that point.

“Think of meeee! And the kids are just like their stupid mothers. The fuck-kids just shit and piss and throw up and behave badly. Like their fucking useless moms.”

Adele gulped at the tirade, feeling that old familiar tremble in her, a burning in her cunt.

“So please, are you saying moms should be punished?” her voice was weak.

Mrs. Norton laughed.

“Shit, yes.”

She leaned into Adele and punched her in the belly. The shocked younger woman crumpled to the floor, clutching her stomach and gasping for breath.

“I didn’t tell you, did I?” said the teacher standing over Adele, lying sobbing in the fetal position, “I also like the satisfaction of beating on stupid whore moms.”

“Moms like me,” Gasped Adele, tears in her eyes.

She felt both incredibly aroused and scared at the same time.

“Just like you,” said the teacher with a sneer.

She leaned over Adele and spat on her, her saliva splattering Adele’s face.

“Exactly like you, you fucking bitch cunt.”

“Oh God,” moaned Adele, not daring to wipe the spit off her face, ”Please. May I cum now?”

The teacher snorted a laugh and put the heel of one of her shoes on one of Adele’s tits.

“No,” she said, with a smirk, ”I cum in my house because I am in charge, but bitches like you don’t.”

“Yes, of course,” sobbed Adele.

She felt like her daughter must have felt when beaten. The pain and the weird delight that she had been bettered and battered. She also felt aroused and yearned to finger herself. But this punishment was deserved, she knew. She was being treated like this because of the shit she was.

She had brought Urina into the world because of one night of drunken carelessness, seeded during a tryst of immense passion with her husband’s best friend, Cal. Now she was going to be punished for the filthy whore she was. Adele bit her lip.

“You know, don’t you?”

“That the little bitch Urina isn’t your husband’s?”

The older woman laughed and pressed her heel more into Adele’s already hurting it.

“Yeah, everyone does. It’s pretty obvious your husband ain’t the father, though he’s probably never noticed. Or if he has, he doesn’t give a shit.”

“Please,” said Adele, realizing that was probably why Kelvin spent so little time with Urina: she wasn’t his but he somehow accepted her presence, “I’m sorry.”

“You will be, you filthy fuck whore,” said Mrs. Norton, ”From now on you will do exactly as I say,” she paused and pressed even more with her heel, ignoring Adele’s scream of pain, “Do I make myself perfectly clear, bitch?”

“Oh God, yes,” moaned Adele through her tears.

“Can you see my cunt from down there?”

Mrs. Norton was right over Adele now, and she hooked the crotch of her panties to one side. Her fat, full, and wet pink cunt lips sprang into view, even though there was a near forest of black and gray pubic hair.

“I see it,” whispered Adele, “And it’s going to piss on me, isn’t it?”

“If you say please.”

“Please,” gasped Adele, and took the full force of the sudden acrid yellow jet in her face, spreading her mouth open as a whore should do.

She was grateful to be used as Mrs. Norton’s toilet.


From the cage, pressed firmly against the skinny old woman, Adele’s view was astonishing. She could see the teacher in her black bra and panties circling the heavily strapped doll that was the lovely little Lexi Cowper. The child had been stripped naked and then tightly fastened by its straps to the pole.

Mrs. Norton had taken her time securing the little girl so she was pressed with her back to the four-inch pole in the middle of the room, her knees slightly bent and apart, giving everyone a clear view of her pretty puffy cuntlet. The child was whimpering and fighting back tears, even though she hadn’t yet been hit.

She was probably crying because she knew full well what was coming, and how much it would hurt. Every sob made the spring-held pole tremble and move, making her a sort of moving target. Adele was not sure what the spring was about, other than it might make the pole behave like a punching bag.

The child’s tormentor, for that was what Mrs. Norton was, wore black leather gloves that went past her elbows. She still wore the support bra but had brought her large breasts out of it so they were on display, and she had removed the panties so that her garter belt and its straps to her hose were all there was on her lower body.

She was ready to punch, ready to inflict pain.

Mrs. Norton was taking her time. She had earlier forced several women into the row of cages while Lexi stood to attention fastened by the web of straps to the pole, including one tight around her slim throat, watching among others her mother being pushed into a cage along with a rather fat woman so Mrs. Cowper was pressed hard against the bars and unable to move.

The cage mesh was already digging deep into Lexi’s mother’s helpless, trapped body and face, and all Mrs. Cowper could do was moan and gasp for air. She looked in agony, and Adele wondered why she did this. But then, why did so many women do all this? It was sex, obviously, and the feelings and desires were far too powerful to ignore.

Only one of the small “dog” cages was occupied, and that was by a pretty little girl aged no more than four if that. She was the mixed-race daughter of a black woman who arrived with her twin sister, and once the dyed-blonde-haired child was crouched in her little locked cage her mother and aunt, both full-blooded niggers, were obliged to share a cage.

Unlike other adults in the cages, they were naked and looked pretty happy about it too. They were kissing as and fondling each other as much as watching events through the bars of their cage. With hands jammed between each other’s legs, they were ignoring their whimpering little cuntlet of a daughter and niece.

It sounded as if the child knew all too well what was coming to her as she crouched naked in her cage. Adele wasn’t sure about sharing with Mrs. Norton’s neighbor, Lilibeth Hutchings, especially as the old crow had one hand forced down inside Adele’s pink panties and was chuckling as she worked her scrawny long fingers up into Adele’s sopping wet cunt.

If it had been Helen trapped in there with her then Adele would have been delighted, but this old woman was anything but attractive and she had demanded that her long, floppy tits were fondled by her younger cage-mate. At least as much as Adele could in the confined space.

More, the old woman’s breath stank and Adele felt nauseous. She had no choice but to take in what the old cow breathed out.

Mrs. Norton stood in a boxer’s stance, her knees parted and slightly bent, ready as if the naked child bound before her had a chance of throwing a fist at her. Without warning she jabbed the first punch. It was perfectly timed and caught the bound Lexi right on the point of her cute nose, making the child yelp. A spot of blood ran from one nostril.

“Did that hurt, you little cunt?” Mrs. Norton demanded as the small girl wobbled on the pole, rolling and yawing like a toy clown on its round base.

“Yes ma’am,” sniffed the child, tears already running, “Th-thank you.”

“Good, you filthy little shit of a cunt bitch,” said Mrs. Norton, “You deserve this pain.”

The child nodded unhappily in response.

And so it went, slowly and painfully. Every carefully considered punch from Mrs. Norton had to be thanked. Some hit the child’s slender torso, some hit her face, and some from the side were on her thin, strapped-down arms. Bruises were springing up and blood running from the girl’s nose and lips.

Each punch was tearfully, painfully, politely thanked. If the fastened-down little bitch didn’t say it loudly enough, maybe through crying, she had to repeat her thanks, more loudly. Each blow set the pole moving more, making an ideal moving target for Mrs. Norton, though she hardly ever missed.

Adele shot a look sideways as best she could, considering Lilibeth was now trying to kiss her, and she could see that Lexi’s mom was desperately trying to get her trapped hand to her slit. But the total lack of space and the way she was pinned to the cage side meant she simply couldn’t.

The wire of her bra was cutting into Mrs. Cowper’s tits, and one hard nipple peeped tantalizingly out. Adele almost felt sorry for the mother, unable to finger herself to orgasm, but then she remembered what Mrs. Norton had said, these moms were bitches, and didn’t deserve anything good.

Mothers like her and Mrs. Cowper and even the smug nigress whores in another cage were stupid mothers, and that meant punishment was due.

“Kiss me,” said stinky-breath Lilibeth.

Adele almost said ‘You should be watching the fight.’ But first of all, it wasn’t a fight and secondly, what choice did she have? She turned her head and felt the older woman’s creased, thin lips against hers, a tongue poking into her mouth.

Adele felt hot. More, she could hear the teacher cussing and swearing, heard the slap of the punch on the strapped-down child, and heard the heavy spring creak and groan as it was forced into action, and of course, heard both howls of pain and thanks from the battered Lexi.

Lilibeth was fingering Adele hard, even brutally, as if she didn’t care if Adele was pleasured or not.

“Like this, you filthy whore?” asked the old cow.

Perhaps it was hearing the small girl thanking her teacher, but Adele couldn’t help herself when she responded, “Thank you, yes.”

“I think I will own you,” said the old woman as she bit on Adele’s offered tongue, “Seems the best thing for a shit like you.”

“Um, yes, of course,” moaned Adele.

She wanted to get back to watching Mrs. Norton punch the helpless child, but Lilibeth was demanding attention. Adele could tell that Mrs. Norton was punching harder now, stepping up the pace and power. but she couldn’t get to look and she felt so frustrated.

“Good, I’m so glad you’re learning to behave,” said the old woman with a cackle.

The laugh made her breath smell even more disgusting, and Adele felt her climax build at the unexpected thought of being made to clean the old woman’s yellow teeth with her tongue, licking any half-chewed food off them, smelling Lilibeth’s foul breath.

It was such an unexpected thought that Adele gasped as her clit tingled fiercely. Was this what her future was? And if so, what about Urina and Helen and everyone else? What about all the Kiddiefights she was going to attend?

“Oh God,” she moaned as she started to cum, “Please, I have a daughter who needs,”

A wet, sloppy, and revolting kiss from Lilibeth stopped any chance of conversation, and the old woman’s fingers forced up harder into Adele. Only when the old cow was satisfied that Adele had climaxed did she permit Adele to look back at the action in the middle of the room?

She looked back at what had become an incessant torrent of punches, right and left, at the helpless naked little girl. But the child could take no more. Lexi was still, hanging by the strap around her neck, as good as unconscious, on a motionless pole. Blood ran from her small, once pretty but now battered face, mixing with tears and snot.

She wasn’t thanking her teacher anymore because she was barely aware of anything. There were big bruises all over her slender body, and blood ran over the straps, dripping onto the floor by the heavy spring. Mrs. Norton was screaming obscenities at the child, glove off her right hand, and fingering herself hard.

In the other cages, women were moaning and crying and gasping as they came too as best they could. It’s over, thought Adele, and I missed some of it.

But the event wasn’t over. Mrs. Norton suddenly went to the small, occupied dog cage and dragged out the little mixed-race girl.

The child was sobbing and begging and calling for her mommy but her nigger mommy was calling her child names, telling her daughter, “You fuckin’ well behave, you lil’ cunt!” Her aunt was shouting too, things like, “Go on, beat the fuckin’ lil’ bitch up.”

And that was precisely what the teacher did. First, she delivered a kick that sent the small girl flying across the room, and then, bending over the tiny figure, she aimed a rapid series of punches well. The small girl was free to get up and try to run, though Adele doubted there was any place escape, but the child huddled in a sobbing, squealing ball, and more punches rained in.

Then Mrs. Norton, in a fit of rage, hauled the child up by her dyed blonde hair and delivered one last, hard punch to the little child’s face. It was lights out for the poor girl, and Mrs. Norton dropped the bloodied and silent child to the floor as she finished herself off with a loud yell of deep satisfaction.

The teacher’s flared cunt with its inner lips dangling freely was dripping moisture that announced her level of unmitigated sexual excitement. She turned again to the post where Lexi was gradually returning to consciousness. She undid the straps and lifted the child by her collar with one strong arm.

The other went to work, again punching the body of the naked little girl, pounding on her tummy and sides. At last, it became clear what she was doing when Lexi’s buttocks spread, and the child inadvertently slid out a firm stool from her anus. Mrs. Norton was beating the shit out of the kid!

Mrs. Norton put the child down, bent over, and picked up the lump of kiddie shit in her glove. She held it high, then grabbed the mulatto child’s collar again and again lifted her to hang by her collar. It was obvious to everyone the child was having great difficulty breathing.

Then she did the unthinkable. With the naked little girl screaming at the top of her lungs, or as well as she could as she was being throttled, she thrust the stool in her fist into Lexi’s wide open mouth and forced the naked little girl to swallow the lump of her shit.

Mrs. Norton surprised everyone when from the open lips of her cunt came a bright amber stream as she pissed on the floor from her excitement. Lexi swinging high, also pissed.

“In today’s world, we have to do everything possible to recycle whatever we can,” she said with a chuckle.

Lexi’s stream of piss was not from excitement but from her tight collar in the grip of her muscular teacher strangling her, as she finally sagged in death. To satisfy her passion for extreme violence, and the amusement of the audience crammed into the cages, she had murdered the child.

Adele was being kissed again and fingered hard by Lilibeth. She was cumming once more and didn’t care about anything now. Not even the old woman’s bad breath and scraggy tits bothered her. She had just witnessed the vilest thing she could ever imagine, the intentional killing of a naked little girl with the mother and aunt watching, approvingly.

As a gaged but consenting witness, she was involved in the most revolting thing she could imagine, the purposeful killing of a naked little girl in front of her mother and a group of female adults, done just for the sport of it. The little girl had died simply for the amusement of the people gathered to see her fail.

Lexi was not much under the age of her child, and sexually stimulated by the shock of it, Adele was more than happy to be part of it. Life was changing again for Adele and she moaned her thanks to whoever was listening.

Nobody was.


1 thought on “KIDDIEFIGHT CLUB 6 by Regis”

  1. Absolutely loving the piss and shit aspect of this story, thank you Regis. Reminds me of my own fantasy of being firmly secured to the ground under the floor below public toilets for a couple of days, with the pipes redirected to my location. My only freedom of movement being that my right arm is secured as such that I can still use my right hand to masturbate as the sludge piles up on my torso and face.

    Please consider turning your talents toward a story exclusively about peeing and shitting. I’m sure you would come up with fantastic stuff!

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