Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 15.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis: A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 5

Urina staggered at the weight of the blow from the other girl’s little fist, and the blood that was gushing from Urina’s cute nose was staining the once pristine front of her white tee-shirt bright red. She looked tearful and no doubt there was snot among the blood that dripped down her.

Because it was a sparring bout and not a fully-fledged kiddiefight, the six-year-old was allowed to keep her top on, though she was wearing diapers. If she had to fight in them, as a few of the fight hostesses insisted, she may as get used to wearing them now, Helen had said, as it was important she learned to be mobile with something bulky round her slender young hips.

She was struggling with it though, looking far less accomplished with all that padding on her. She hadn’t worn a diaper since she was two. This seemed to her to be completely unreasonable, but if she wanted to be in the fight game, she had to do as her mother and trainer insisted.

The videos of the kiddiefights were placed onto a Darknet website, and recently they had begun to collect statistics of visits to the site. When diapers were used, covering the little girls bare cuntlets, the numbers noticeably dropped, or people watching left the site while a fight was in progress. The reward for watching was not nearly as stimulating as they liked.

To host, women had to agree to have the girls bottomless, even though they would frequently pee and even shit while being punched. It was an accepted part of the child sport, which most women expected, and only when no other venue was available would a fight be staged where the hostess required diapering.

For some reason, Urina’s opponent, little five-year-old Sian, was completely untroubled by her diaper. Both girls had been encouraged to pee in their diapers before they fought so the weight dragged at them, but no one understood why it was less trouble for the younger girl. There was no doubt the presence of a diaper was somehow intimidating Urina.

The older Urina had barely connected with a punch, and though Sian was extremely good on her toes and showed remarkable balance, it seemed Urina shouldn’t have been so obviously on the losing end. Helen glanced at Adele, who as usual was busy masturbating as she watched her daughter fight, and there was a worried look on the mother’s face.

She would, Helen understood, be going through the crisis that all moms faced at this stage: she wanted to see her daughter fight, was prepared to see blood, and indeed found her daughter being beaten as erotic, but it was the realization that maybe her child wasn’t good enough that was making her anxious.

Helen had told Adele that this would likely happen, but Adele thought she would be immune to it. Now it appeared as if she wasn’t. Her hand was rubbing her cunt but to no avail. She was not getting herself sexually stimulated while her daughter was not performing at a satisfactory level.

“I can’t cum,” said Adele, throwing a worried look at Helen.

She had for once stopped rubbing her hard clit and was standing straight, the damp fingers of her right hand by her side.

“Don’t worry,” said Helen with a smile, “It happens. Even men sometimes can’t get it up.”

Adele looked back at her child, trying to dodge another confident punch from Sian. It glanced off the side of the older girl’s head and while it didn’t do much damage, it was another humiliation for Urina.

“Maybe she’s no good,” said the mother, her face creased with anxiety.

“She’ll be great,” said Helen, but she stopped the bout, “That was very good, Sian. Just try to remember not to leave yourself open when you launch that right punch. She demonstrated. See, your left-hand goes down too much,” she said to the scrappy five-year-old, “But you are doing great, honey.”

“‘Okay, coach,” said Sian with a smile.

She liked calling Helen that. Helen turned to the sobbing Urina, who knew she hadn’t done as well as everyone expected of her. The blood hadn’t stopped dripping from her nose, and she looked a mess. She even had a small cut over her eye that looked raw.

It was, Helen knew, time for some tough love. The girl was good. By rights, she should be pummeling the younger girl more than she was. There were times when, diaper-less, she had proved to be far superior in technique to Sian. In the previous, non-diapered bout, she had hit the smaller girl so hard that everyone thought Sian had been knocked out cold.

Sian’s pregnant mom, tied as she usually was to a chair to watch the sparring, had been desperately moaning into her gag and struggling with the ropes. Either she wanted someone to bring her off or release her, but the attention of everyone else had been on making sure Sian was reasonably okay.

She was, and when she realized that, the gagged Yvonne looked mightily relieved. Just to help her get back to feeling good when she saw her child was okay and not unconscious, Adele had gone over, lifted her skirt, and fingered the seated and bound pregnant woman to a huge orgasm. Clearly, Yvonne liked that.

But things were different now. Yvonne sat looking pleased behind her gag and even Theresa, who didn’t in a sense have a dog, or more accurately, a bitch in this fight, was beaming. Helen was addressing the bloodied and unhappy Urina.

“Now, I need you to know that although you have the talent, I’m not pleased here. It’s time to step up, honey. You are going to learn to fight in a diaper, so it’s dance time. First off, this means you will first learn to duck and weave to avoid the hits. I’m going to tie your hands in the back and let you wear the rubber hood. It will hurt when I inflate it but it will help protect your nose, understand?”

The tearful Urina nodded and Helen continued.

“So let’s get going. You will learn, hon, so hands behind you and turn round so I can tie them tight.”

Urina glanced over at her mother, perhaps hoping for some way out, but Adele shook her head.

“You’ve got to understand there’s no way out of this. All of this fighting is for me, sweetheart, I need the thrill!”

The mother understood how important this was to her, and had got the hood in her hands, ready to pass it over to Helen.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” sniffed the upset girl, then stuffed the gag into her mouth, now unable to speak.

The hood, an adult restraint toy, worked perfectly for training the little girls.

“I’m not sorry at all,” Adele said to her daughter.

The black hood was going over her head.

“If you want to be good at this, sweetheart, this is the best way to learn. We talked about this, and we said that no matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts right now, even if you have to take a hard kick to your cunt, it’s way better than eating shit, right?”

The child nodded and tried to smile around the gag. Her mommy had told her about how bad kiddiefighters who didn’t cooperate were strapped to a table in a dark room, with hoses strapped to their mouths, and made to eat shit and drink piss. Yuck! Urina agreed she didn’t want that.

“You make her eat shit?” Adele’s mother Arlene was astonished.

“No,” said Adele, coloring up a little, “I didn’t say that. I said that only bad kiddiefighters had to do it. That’s how the Kiddiefight Club punishes the little girls that refuse to take part.”

“What nonsense.” Responded Arlene, “That’s so disgusting. Is that true? Urina seems to be pretty much convinced that’s what’s ahead for her.”

“No!” Adele was flustered, “I only let her know that so Urina would try harder, get her to make sure she fought well.”

She felt annoyed her child had gone to her grandmother and told her that. It was supposed to be a secret, and now she was struggling under the glare of her mother.

“Maybe it’s better for her,” said Arlene after a moment or two.

They sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee, and no one else was there. Urina, now recovered from her bloody nose and cuts, was at school, and Helen had gone home for a few days to check her husband was still there, though increasingly she didn’t seem to care about him or his hobbies, providing he still sent money.

“What do you mean by ‘better for her’?”

“Maybe she isn’t cut out to be a fighter after all. So maybe, to get the little bitch up for it, she needs to eat shit, just to get her to cooperate.”

“But you said you hate all this kiddiefight stuff.” Adele stared at her mother., “We had an agreement. You have Kevin in bed to pork you, and you stay away from what I want for Urina.”

“First of all I never said I hated it,” said Arlene, “I watched that kiddiefight video, so I know what happens. What I said is I never wanted to see my granddaughter ever get hurt like that?” she shrugged, “The other kids I’m not bothered about.”

“But, it doesn’t turn you on,” said Adele.

She was feeling confused.

“No, not on its own it doesn’t. My turn-on these days is a man with a stiff cock, especially when I am ready to have it fucking into me. I admit, however, the fighting is somewhat arousing, just like me watching you and Helen doing your filthy sixty-nine trick. I wouldn’t do anything that disgusting myself, but seeing you get your mouths over each other’s cunt and thrusting your tongues inside each other helps me get horny. Your husband appreciates that,” Arlene smiled a little, “He demonstrates his liking by giving me a workout with that marvelous penis of his.”

“And so you’re saying that …” Adele gulped, “You’d like to see Urina eat shit?”

Arlene smiled a little more.

“I guess I am.”

Adele couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing.

“I still don’t understand,” she shook her head.

“Let me explain,” said Arlene, “Kiddiefighting is okay, but I don’t want to see Urina get herself hurt. She will get battered in the ring, even if she wins more than she loses. She said she hates wearing the diaper, that she can’t fight in it. She feels silly wearing a diaper, she said, like a little kid.

“Now I know from talking to Helen there are fights where the kids go in naked. There’s nothing to stop them peeing or even pooping on the floor. So she could go in for just those fights. But my guess is they are fewer and farther between, so Urina wouldn’t get the early skills she needs to improve. She wouldn’t get near winning.”

Adele was staring at her mother. She’d never heard her talk like this.

“It’s changed, as it had to. These days almost all of the home fights feature the kids naked because the videos sell better, and that’s what it’s all about. The hostesses hate the cleanup but love the extra money. There are just some holdouts that need the little girls to fight in diapers, to protect their precious carpets.”

Arlene ignored her daughter’s response and continued, “So it seems to be our little girl has a choice. She either gets used to wearing a diaper, maybe all the time at home, even to school if we can, or we think of an alternative.”

“We?” Adele asked faintly.

She was starting to think her mother was going to suggest they force the kid to eat shit.

Arlene sighed.

“I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” she said, toying with her coffee cup, “Many years ago I was involved in something we called back then bitch wrestling. Before you were born. It was a turn-on for me and lots of others, seeing small girls naked and half-buried in mud trying to claw and scratch and try to murder each other.

“It was way more barbaric than the organized fights you’ve seen. Kiddiefights are positively civilized compared with those open-air sessions I was involved in. Two naked little girls were put into a hole in the ground, it was filled with water to make it all turn to mud and the two girls were left to fight, with people crowded around watching them.

“They would pull hair, scratch, claw, kick, and bite, with people cheering them on, and the little nudes would try everything they could to win. When you were born, though I desperately wanted to put you in there, for some reason I couldn’t do it. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve regretted not entering you ever since.”

“You were going to make me into a fighter? This, whatever, as a mud fighter?”

“I was never going to do that to you,” Adele put her hand out and patted her daughter’s arm, “You weren’t ever going to go in there, trust me. It was horrifically brutal. It got so bad that sometimes they’d let it go on until one of the little cunts killed the other! I’m embarrassed to tell you I loved it!”

“I’m still confused,” said Adele, “So you must have seen blood.”

“Yeah, lots of it. But it wasn’t the fighting that turned me on. That wasn’t why I was there,” the older woman paused, ”It was how we treated the loser.”

“Oh God,” whispered Adele, suddenly aware of what her mom was going to say.

Arlene took a deep breath.

“We took turns to pull off our panties and take a shit on the losing girl. She was hauled out of the pit and tied down, or tied up and tossed back in, and we all took turns to dump on her. And to finish, the little losing bitch only got free when she ate some of the shit.”

Another longer pause, before she said, ”I must confess, the killing was exciting, but what I loved was seeing the naked losing little girl eating my shit.”

Adele gulped.

“So what I’m hearing is, you want Urina to eat shit. Your shit.”

Arlene sighed and nodded.

“Not what you expected, huh? You thought your stupid old mother just liked getting your husband’s cock in her, and I’d be happy with that. I’d suppose I’m some sort of masochist, because I never flush my colon before anal sex, and after he pulls out, I get him to thrust his shit-coated cock down my throat, fucking my face!”

“No,” said Adele, shocked, but realizing her mother was telling her the truth.

“There’s more,” said Arlene, “I made a few inquiries, and I have to tell you honey that I know about the gym in Las Vegas. I’ve spoken on the phone to the woman who runs it, Pam.”

“How much do you know?” gulped Adele.

“I know about the room and the bar upstairs. I know about the six non-fighting kids in there. I know they have to eat and drink what comes down the tubes.” She suddenly leaned forward. “So I have a plan, and I want you to hear it. It will take time to implement, but I think we will all benefit.”

Adele felt faint and excited and aroused.

“Go on, tell me please,” she said, her breathing slow and shallow.

Her dear mother was a fucking shit-eater!


It was fair to say that despite the high hopes for her, despite the huge amount of training and coaching Helen did with Urina, the child was a disappointment when she went into the kiddiefight ring for her first real bout. The match was at the home of a wealthy woman, some fifty miles from Adele’s home.

It was quite a journey for them to get there because there were a number of side roads rather than a direct route. Everyone went, apart from Arlene and the increasingly isolated male of the family, Kevin, who Adele assumed wanted to stay home and fuck. Yvonne asked that she be bound and gagged, along with Sian.

While it was unusual to have the adult attendees at the fight bound and gagged, apparently it wasn’t entirely unknown.

“Some ladies,” said Helen, “Prefer to watch in a state of helplessness. It takes all kinds,” she smiled and patted the trussed-up Yvonne’s swollen belly and then tweaked her hard nipples after they had tied the pregnant woman bound to a chair at ringside.

Sian, standing next to Yvonne, was also bound, but like any girl present, was naked and roped standing up. She was eagerly looking forward to seeing the fight and wished Urina the best of luck. She even tried to shout encouragement through her gag, and only a few glares stopped her. Gags, she was informed, were to keep little girls quiet.

Urina was looking worried as she got into the ring. She had been paired with a muscular, fat girl who wasn’t very mobile, but Urina seemed over-awed by the event and in particular by the crowd of seventy women. Helen insisted that if Urina danced around her opponent, called Marge, then she would win. Helen told her the key to it was movement and avoiding the Marge’s punches.

For some reason Urina froze as soon as the fight began, and having been knocked back on to the electric wire, she staggered from the shock and slipped. With her dropping her guard and forgetting to move, only unconsciousness saved the newcomer from being smashed up even more than she was.

Fortunately, it wasn’t the only fight on the bill, so the crowd insisted she get up and resume. Within a minute a direct hit on the chin had her back on the canvas, and smelling salts were required to revive her. That was it, her first fight was over and racked up as a loss.

Nobody was too bothered by how short it was, as they’d got themselves a pair of knockouts. On the way home, everyone was quiet. The two girls were still naked and tied, but for Urina it was punishment for her below-standard showing. She wouldn’t be coming out of her ropes for a while, everyone knew, and she just lay on the floor of the car with her face hidden by bandages.

Meanwhile, Helen blamed herself for the debacle.

“I thought she was ready, but the electric shock put her off completely. I tried to give her some shocks in training to prepare her, but not enough. She forgot everything I taught her once that happened.”

“Don’t blame yourself,” said Adele, “I was happy to see her just fighting, and it was a pretty powerful climax for me when she was knocked out the second time.”

“But that wasn’t really why we were there,” said Helen morosely, “We were there to win. I didn’t prepare Urina well enough.”

Theresa, who had largely kept quiet because she was driving, said, “It’s that dammed diaper, isn’t it? She doesn’t like it. So either she goes into the naked fight game or she has to be plugged up.”

Helen nodded.

“Plugged may be the only way.”

“What exactly,” asked Adele, “Does that mean?”

“Plugged,” explained Theresa, “means the little bitch has an insert in her urinary tract. A urethra catheter that isn’t hollow. And her asshole is plugged up, too, so nothing leaks when she fights. No diaper, but no mess.”

“Is that possible?” asked Adele.

“Very,” confirmed Helen, “But she may not get to fight in some diaper fights because of the way some contests are billed,” she shrugged, “But it may be the answer to her problem.”

Adele nodded and began to play with herself. The thought of Urina plugged up and unable to piss or shit suddenly seemed very arousing.

“I’d like to keep her like that all the time,” said Adele, blushing because she couldn’t contain her excitement.

She glanced at the still-gagged Yvonne, whose eyes were shining too.

Maybe she wanted that for her Sian too. They’d try it when they got home. They’d stop on the way home at the adult toy store to pick up the tools they’d need. Like Helen said, it takes all sorts.


The anti-piss and non-shit plugs were uncomfortable, and Urina complained, though Sian less so. Their training had still involved diapers, but not exclusively so, and when naked and just plugged up Urina did much better than before. She laid Sian out a couple of times and had to be stopped from pounding the helpless five-year-old girl when she had won.

Adele insisted Urina had to be plugged all the time, which enabled the six-year-old to get used to them more, and also meant her timing her toilet visits. Urina walked a little strangely with the plug devices in her, and Adele worried again.

The mother approached Mrs. Norton, who was Urina’s class teacher when she was on her own to explain that Urina might look uncomfortable and walk awkwardly because, she said, their family doctor had insisted on some “correctional devices to help the girl’s toilet problems.”

Given that Mrs. Norton had never seen any sign of difficulties with the girl, she was curious. She explained that she had no problem with children sent to school with some sort of plug-in them; apparently, said the forty-year-old woman, a good number of moms liked to have their girls’ passages plugged for so-called correctional reasons.

Adele was astonished.

“You mean, some children in your class are regularly prevented from, well, evacuating?”

She hesitated, Mrs. Norton was a formidable looking rather prim woman, and not the sort who seemed at ease with lewd phrases. Yet she imposed anal and rectal blockage as a training method.

It turned out the teacher was more than comfortable.

“You mean to stop them from shitting or pissing,” she said without a flicker of disapproval in her voice or a look of distaste on her face, “Of course. Forgive me, but sometimes the little bitches I teach need to be prevented from doing all sorts of things.”

Urina’s mother gulped. This was not what she expected of a. grade-one teacher.

“You mean, some of the girls in this class act like Urina?”

“Not quite,” grinned the middle-aged woman, ”Urina is the only one who goes in for kiddiefights, as far as I know.”

“You know?” Adele’s mouth sagged open.

Did they have any secrets left?

“Your daughter has been punched a few times. I can tell when she gets back into class some Monday mornings. She looks like she has been beaten up pretty well. Has she got a sparring partner at the training level, or has she by now already advanced into the full kiddiefight game?”

Adele gulped again.

“Both, now. She fought the other day and lost badly. That’s why we need her plugged, so she doesn’t need to be diapered, which she hates.”

She couldn’t believe she was saying all this.

Mrs. Norton nodded.

“Good,” she said, “In which case she can carry on. To be honest, your daughter is a nice enough kid, but if she were mine.”

The woman paused.

“Go on,” said Adele, heart beating harder.

“I’d keep her naked, securely tied up, and then beat her myself,” said the teacher.

“What?” Adele was aghast.

“I understand there are kiddiefights, and women who get off on seeing naked little girls beat each other up,” said the imposing woman, “I don’t subscribe to them personally, but the only reason I’m a teacher is I get to beat up the kids myself.”

She shrugged as if it was just one of those things.

“One or two of the moms here understand that, and lend me their girls for some tough correction from time to time, whether or not they require punishment.”

“Who?” asked Adele, feeling faint.

“Little Lexi Cowper for one, I am sure you have seen her.”

Adele nodded. Lexi Cowper was a lovely, almost doll-like little girl with pale skin and nearly white hair. She looked small and frail as it was. The very thought of her being tied up naked and beaten by her teacher, particularly if her mom was watching, made Adele want to clutch her cunt.”

You, you hurt her?”

It seemed a pointless question but the teacher nodded.

“I usually make quite a mess of her, yeah,” said the girls’ teacher.

Seeing the look on Adele’s face, she added, “If you like, you can watch me punishing her. I have a session with Lexi this weekend in fact, over at my place. My husband travels on business, giving me the privacy I need.

So, do you want to watch what a woman can do to a child for a change? I’ve got to warn you, it can get pretty brutal.”

“Oh God, yes,” gasped Adele, her hand up her skirt again, “If you don’t mind having an audience.

“Good,” said Mrs. Norton, “Here, let me do that,” she said and put her hand up Adele’s skirt. “I am sure you wouldn’t mind fingering me while I do it to you.”

“Not at all,” moaned Adele.

She even didn’t mind Mrs. Norton putting her fat tongue in her mouth, either, in a more-than-intimate kiss. Getting to know the grade one teacher in this way was more than she had expected when she came to the school. Life, she concluded, was getting so much better every day.


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