Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 17.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis: A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 4

Urina was six and slim and blonde, with rosy cheeks and mysterious dark eyes and eyebrows. She was very pretty; the sort of cute little girl who would look terrible with blood running from her pert nose, a black eye swollen shut, or a little fat belly, swollen from an excess of enforced shit eating.

In short, she was the sort of cute little girl that when being beaten or bound naked would make any woman want to cum. Helen said that as soon as she saw her. “What a wonderful little bitch, with such a pretty cuntlet on her!” was the older woman’s summary. And with a delightful name that means piss!

Adele had been surprised at Helen’s change of plans. Helen said she had canceled her flight back to Washington and would fly instead with Adele to her home. “You can put me up for a few days,” she had grinned. “I can even sleep on the couch if you’ve no spare room, though I’d rather sleep in your bed.”

Adele wasn’t quite sure what to say to her new lover. In a way she had been sacred of Helen finally seeing Urina, knowing that would be another step on the path to making her daughter a full-fledged Kiddiefighter. Or for that matter, should she refuse to take part, a captive bound shit-eating slave?

There was no doubt Adele wanted the excitement of any or all of that, but her motherly instincts were trying to reassert themselves. She even confessed her feelings of guilt to Helen on the plane. They couldn’t get adjoining seats but met up in the small, cramped toilet for sex. Adele had just climaxed from being fingered and kissed when she began to cry.

“I’m so worried,” she had blubbered, “My mom will be there, and seeing Urina so innocent, I know what deep down I want for her. I really shouldn’t.”

Helen had then surprised her.

“I know,” she had said soothingly as she held Adele close, “I went through all that myself. I know exactly how you feel.”

She had held Adele in her arms and kissed her tears away.

“Of course there are doubts. I had them. Every loving mother does.”

“You mean, you thought twice about it all?”

“Twice, three times, more. I worried endlessly about it. But then I thought it would drive me mad not to, not knowing how Kelly would manage, how she’d fight. As it happened, I made the right decision. It turned out she loved it all. Kelly won way more than she lost, and when she retired at nine after she nearly killed her opponent, well, she was as good as any little bitch I’d ever seen in the ring.”

“Retired. So, Urina can stop when she’s nine?” Adele had suddenly looked hopeful.

Helen had smiled and kissed Adele’s nose.

“Listen, hon, they can retire at the end of any year after they reach seven. Some moms retire their girls early, but most want them to fight until their ninth birthday. When they reach nine they can stop. There are two reasons, and they’re both weird.

“One is by that age they do so much damage they can kill their opponent, as Kelly nearly did. We’ve had it happen a couple of times, but it’s rare. The other reason is that no one seems interested in the ‘olders’ as they’re called, no one wants to see girls as old as nine fighting. Once they grow titties they can fight in adult nude fights, as long as they have faked birth certificates.

“Some ‘older’, nine to eleven, are supposed to find a place in someplace like Mexico or Brazil where they have ten and eleven-year-olds fighting, but from what I’ve heard it’s brutal and messy, and often results in killings. The people down there like that, and in fact people here like to see it too, but with more ability to track people here, if not managed with proper planning, it can turn out to be a lot more complicated.”

“What we are planning,” Adele had said, “Is brutal.”

“Not as brutal as in chains tied round fists, spiked gloves, or the kiddiefighters hobbled in chains or fastened by the neck to poles so they can’t move much and dodge the blows.”

“My God,” Adele had moaned, partly in shock at the idea and partly because Helen had slid her fingers back into her spread, sopping wet cunt, “Please, darling, finger me again. What you’re describing is so fucking hot I need to cum once more.”

Helen had done that, and Adele had made up her mind she had to do this kiddiefight thing, no matter what. At least she felt reassured she would never send Urina to Mexico, Central or South America. Now they stood in Adele’s home with Urina smiling up at Helen, her mom’s new friend.

“Honey,” Helen smiled down at Urina, ”You are quite the prettiest little girl I’ve seen in ages, for a girl with a synonym for piss as a name. And you know what, I think you look like a dancer.”

Urina had giggled.

“I can’t dance,” she said shyly.

“Oh, I bet you can. Show me some moves, sweetheart,” said Helen.

The child obliged with some impromptu dance moves and Helen applauded. Meanwhile, Adele’s mother Arlene had taken her daughter to one side.

“This friend of yours, this Helen woman you met in Vegas,” she said, eyes narrowed, “She seems mighty interested in Urina.”

“Uh, she’s a dance teacher. mShe loves to help girls to dance, and express themselves.”

Adele hated lying to her mother, but it was so much better than the truth.

“You’re lying,” said Arlene.

“No, Mom!” Adele felt panic rising in her. “I’m not.”

How could she know her daughter was lying? She found out.

“Theresa, your friend, came over yesterday. We had quite a chat, her and me.”

“What?” The feeling of panic in Adele doubled.

She felt she could hardly breathe.

“I was real curious about why you’d gone to Las Vegas. You ain’t a gambler and wouldn’t know one end of a roulette wheel from the other, so I figured it was a man. I wanted to find out why you needed to be away for three days. I found out that you were in Vegas to watch some shows. She told me all about it, eventually.”

“Uh … eventually?”

“I plied her with drink. Theresa’s sweet but she talks way too much when she’s had a few glasses of wine.”

Adele gulped.

“I think she makes things up,” Helen suggested.

“No, my dear. She showed me some videos she had. Little girls fighting, without any clothes on. She said you’d gone to watch some fight with a girl named Tyler.”

“Tyson,” said Adele, feeling tearful.

Behind her, Urina was still dancing, and Helen still applauding.

“Whatever,” shrugged Arlene, “You into this thing then?”

“I was just curious, that’s all. She put me up to it. I would never do anything to hurt Urina, you know that.”

“Bullshit,” said Arlene, “This woman is a kiddiefight trainer. Helen Regent, right? I saw her name as producer and fight trainer on the kiddiefight video Theresa had. The name stuck out because as a child my best friend’s name was Regent,” she paused, “What I saw was downright barbaric.

Undoubtedly that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, all that blood and sadism. Women howling and playing with themselves in public,” she said the last part like it was the most disgusting thing she could ever imagine.

Adele felt devastated. Her plans had already come undone.

Her mother wouldn’t let this go. She had probably told Adele’s husband Kevin, but he was out right now, thankfully.

“Mom, it isn’t what you think,” whispered Adele.

“It is what I think,” said Arlene, ”So here’s the deal. I do not want to see a single drop of blood on my granddaughter. I do not want to see scars or bruises or cuts, and I do not want to discover she has broken bones. That’s the bottom line. If she’s going to do this, I need assurances she’s going to win, always.”

“Then don’t look,” said Helen.

She had finished watching Urina’s dancing and now stood right behind Adele and Arlene and was holding Urina’s hand, with her other hand reaching under Adele’s arm to cup her breast. Urina looked happy that she had been asked to dance.

“What you don’t know won’t hurt you,” Helen said.

“That’s my granddaughter you’re planning to have beat up,” said the older woman sternly, turning to Helen, “You think I like the idea of that?”

“I’m not going to do anything to her, but I want to teach her to defend herself. Also, I think,” said Helen carefully, “You want something for your silence. You want a reward for not knowing, not looking at what’s going on.”

There was a cold silence between the two females and then a slow smile spread across Arlene’s face.

“Oh my, you are good, aren’t you? I looked up some stuff about this kiddiefight stuff. On the internet. Not much there, I admit, but some comments on this one weird place. They kept mentioning this Helen R. woman. They said, she always gets her way. She’s smooth.”

“I am. So. You want me in bed?” Helen didn’t seem the least fazed by any of this. “Or you want your daughter in bed. She’s pretty good when she has a woman’s tongue in her mouth.”

Adele gasped at what was being said, but to her astonishment her mom laughed. “Good try, Ms. R., but I am not gay. I guess you’ve bedded my daughter already. I always thought she might be a bit bi-curious.”

“Mom!” Adele finally said.

“Let her finish,” said Helen.

She hadn’t let go of Urina’s hand but the child seemed contented to stand there. Urina may have understood something of what the adults were saying but she didn’t look upset by it.

“So I want something and I’m not lez? I’d say a man, wouldn’t you?” Arlene grinned, “If you and my daughter Adele are going to fuck each other, I guess I better take over Kevin. Give him a little amusement. After all, his wife’s going to be busy getting ready for the next fight, correct?”

Adele gaped at her mom, but Helen chuckled.

“Perfect. And you already know Kevin would want to play your way, right? A man getting hot for his big-tit mother-in-law.”

Arlene laughed back. It seemed these two females understood each other perfectly.

“I did buy some new underwear,” said Arlene, “Sort of a corset-like thing. Garters, hose, that kind of thing. Gets men going, I know. I let Kevin see me in it, and hey, he cuddled me up and told me he always really liked me. He goes for mature women and,” Arlene pushed her big chest out, “There’s sure a lot here to pack away in some black lace bra and let Kevin flip them out. I know he’d like that.”

Adele found her voice.

“You’ve already fucked him!”

Arlene grinned.

“All three holes, hon. You wouldn’t believe how slick that big dick of his slides up my ass. He tells me you don’t do the anal thing, but I do. He appreciates me on all fours so his hands can reach and maul my tits. Sorry, darling, but that’s men for you. Kevin’s a great stud!”

Helen was unconcerned by this revelation.

“So it’s settled,” she said briskly, “You and Kevin fuck merrily, front, back, or suck, while Adele and I will share a bed. We will keep the damage to any little kiddiefighters out of his way and your way.”

“Agreed,” said Arlene, “And now, as I have never seen a pair of filthy lesbians at it, I guess you can put on a show for me. All solely to further my education, of course.”

“Can I see the show too?” Asked Urina, smiling up.

“Sure,” both Helen and Arlene said as one.

If the little cuntlet was to become a kiddiefighter and fight in the nude, she might as well start her learning about sex at home.

Adele thought she’d faint, but her pants were already soaking wet with her cunt juices as it was. It was even more remarkable that Urina clapped when she saw what sort of show it was going to be, and thoroughly enjoyed seeing her mommy and Helen make each other cum in a sixty-nine.

Urina showed she’d been paying attention when her mom and dad got it on in their bedroom when they believed she was asleep in hers. She even understood what “Make me cum, you fucking slut,” meant and said yes, her mommy was a slut when she did that with her tongue in Aunt Helen’s pussy.


The arrangement seemed to work well. Kevin was as embarrassed as hell that he had been revealed as a mother-in-law fucker, but he got over it when he saw his wife was having sex with another woman. The sleeping arrangements worked well, and he was happy Urina was being taught to dance.

“Dancing is important in a fighter,” said Helen, “Urina’s going to be a late developer; most fighters start when they are four, so she has some catching up to do.”

The garage had been cleared as the training area, all unknown to Kevin. His sexy, large-breasted, and eager mother-in-law kept him fully occupied.

With her attention, he didn’t care what happened elsewhere. He hardly saw Urina most of the week because of his work, and no one seemed to mind. Aunt Helen, after all, was the new influence in the little girl’s life, and she loved the dance lessons where she had to hold her hands up with fists clenched.

Theresa had to be involved too. She had felt guilty about having revealed to her mother, while drunk, Adele’s purpose in going to Las Vegas, and she was relieved that World War Three hadn’t broken out. She was made to feel welcome at their home, experiencing the rigid persistent firmness of Kevin’s cock, and as a result very pleased to meet Helen.

A couple of three-way sessions first with Adele and Helen, and then with Kevin and his mom-in-law, made her feel part of the family. As a consequence, she served as a go-between, keeping Adele informed about how well her husband and her mother were getting along, with details of their intimate fucking matches.

It became hard to believe that so many people were under one roof and yet they so rarely met. Arlene, however, agreed that when Urina was ready to fight, she would whisk Kevin off somewhere for a long week of fucking and sucking, so the child could recover from any battering she took.

It would all occur out of her grandmother and dad’s sight. They had no interest in the kid, and if she got into scraps, which became their go-to cover story, that would explain whatever scratches and bruises she might obtain.

“She might not even get a battering,” said Adele. “Helen says she’s looking good.”

“Honey,” sighed Adele’s mother as she got some coffee on one of the few times their paths crossed. She was dressed in a mature set of pink and white underwear but with no panties on. There was dried cum on her girdle and stocking tops. Adele had always thought of her mother as being somewhat of a cunt, and the mature bitch was displaying the obvious.

Arlene said “The purpose of this is to see Urina hit and hurt, as well as to be hit and hurt, so don’t pretend that’s not the case. She may win, whatever that involves, but I know you want to see that sexy little cuntlet be hurt.”

“Sorry,” said Adele.

“It’s what women do,” said Arlene cryptically, “we get our rocks off seeing out girls getting the shit beat out of them!” She turned and took her coffee upstairs to where Kevin was waiting, stroking his sizable penis, ready to put it to work again plunging repeatedly in and out of his mother-in-law’s tight but accepting asshole.


Theresa proved to be a great help in another way. She had found a small girl who would act as Urina’s sparring partner. Adele’s daughter now understood this was not just dancing, but a special sort of fighting dancing, and she also grasped that she was meant to use her fists to punch out.

She had worked hard on the punchbag set up in the garage, and Helen said her moves and the way she threw punches were a delight. However, she said she couldn’t take the training very far without having a human opponent. Sooner or later Urina needed to face a real child.

The solution was provided by Theresa. A cousin of hers by the name of Yvonne, who was seven months pregnant with her second child, had been to a couple of kiddiefights, and while she had enjoyed it, she felt torn between wanting to see more and protecting her little girl.

“No way,” she said, “Could I let a child of mine be beaten like that.”

Yvonne’s daughter Sian was five, and while she was lithe and a good mover, she had never thrown a punch in her life. Still, the purpose for her being there would be to try mostly to avoid being hit, so she could spar with Urina providing she could wear a helmet to protect her head.

Yvonne insisted on it. No head protection, no sparring. The best that Helen came up with locally was an inflatable rubber hood that was designed to be used in sexual bondage, with small clear panels over the eyes. It meant Sian couldn’t see very well but any blows to her head would be cushioned by all the air.

Helen had got the smallest adult size she could since no one within miles would sell kid’s bondage helmets or equipment, and she pumped it up hard, having assured Sian and her mother that it would protect the five-year-old. Sian was worried about how to use the built-in gag part of it

She figured out how to wear the gag in her mouth, but asked how would she be able to speak with it. Helen assured her that she couldn’t scream with that in her mouth, and all she had to do was hold both hands up to show she needed to stop for a rest. It was as simple as that.

For her part, Yvonne fretted she wouldn’t be able to stand there and watch her daughter being punched, even with a helmet on, and not intervene.

“I had a devil of a job not going into the kiddiefight ring to rescue some poor girl getting beat badly when I attended my first such home party. The other women thought I was going to interfere again at the next fight, and I was tied to a chair so I wouldn’t jump up and stop the event. At the best of times that would be tough, but with this big pregnant belly of mine, what the fuck could I do to stop the match? It was sort of cool to be bound, though.

“Don’t misunderstand me, I loved what I saw, it was sexy and a turn-on, but when I saw those kids battering each other, I felt it was my job to intervene, because, isn’t that what mothers do? Anyway, they took care of me, because being tied up to that chair made me stay out of the way.”

It was agreed that Yvonne could watch her daughter sparring if she was tied the same way. Yvonne was seven months pregnant with her next child and so was allowed to sit on a chair in the corner of the garage and Helen tied her in place, being careful of her swollen belly.

“I better gag you,” said Helen, “As I don’t want you shrieking out and disturbing the neighbors, okay?”

Yvonne reluctantly agreed, and a ball gag was used to keep her quiet. She moaned a little when she saw her naked Sian being gagged and hooded, and the air pumped up inside it, so she had a grotesquely swollen black rubber ball instead of a head. The little girl took a few minutes to get used to holding her head up with the hood on and not staggering around, but she was soon ready.

The sparring began slowly. First of all Sian wasn’t used to the helmet so she didn’t move much and Urina was unsure about aiming punches. For the first few minutes there wasn’t much movement and Helen stopped the ’bout’ to talk to Urina. When they resumed, Urina had a better idea of what to do.

She began jabbing fast and hard, and a couple of times made the nude hooded Sian stagger back. From her restraining chair, Sian’s mother Yvonne was moaning helplessly into her gag. Those punches that connected in turn prompted Sian to try and dodge more. She began to weave and lean away and made a better training partner for Urina.

The two girls weren’t connected by a neck chain, and there was no electric wire ring fence to keep them from moving too far. Several times Sian backed into the garage wall or the workbench, and once fell over her helpless bound mother where she sat. Helen was pleased with how the training was going, as the brave Sian seldom held her hands up to stop.

There was, however, too much ‘running away’ by Sian. Helen decided that they needed a restraint of some kind to stop all the back-pedaling by the hooded little girl, for although she was told to more or less stay still and just dodge, her instinct was flight, which was to run.

The easiest solution was a rope from the beam above the garage fastened to the top of Sian’s helmet, where there was a metal D-ring, since it was a restraint device. Helen told Yvonne what she was going to do to her daughter, but didn’t remove the woman’s gag to find out her views.

Yvonne was making some urgent mmphing noises, but Helen took no notice, nor for that matter did Adele or Theresa, who were there to watch. Theresa had gone to stand behind her cousin and put her hands on Yvonne’s heavy tits, rubbing them lightly so the tied-up woman’s nipples stood hard against her thin shirt.

“She used to love this when we were in our early teens,” explained Theresa. “We used to play doctor, and she loved to be the patient, to get herself fondled.” Apparently Yvonne still did, though it was hard to tell what the tied female was trying to say, either about that particular attention or what was happening to her child.

Sian was secured by the D ring so she had some room to move a fews step back and sideways, and the two children recommenced the sparring. More and more punches from Urina were hitting the inflated rubber ball that was Sian’s head, and the hooded girl was trying to move as far as she could on the end of the rope.

Then the unexpected happened. Either Sian got carried away or was scared, but she brought her hands up like Urina’s were, and tried to fend off the blows in something approximating a boxing position. Helen grinned. She was planning to continue this training for Urina, but already it was proving to be excellent preparation for Urina.

The real shock was when Sian went on the offensive and lashed out with a punch of her own. Urina was utterly unprepared for it and the little girl’s fist caught her on the nose. There was blood everywhere and Urina staggered back, quite shocked to find out what it was like to be hit.

Everyone made some noise, especially the gagged Yvonne, who sounded as if she cheered. Helen asked Urina if she wanted to stop, but the six-year-old said no, spitting some blood out of her mouth. She was game to continue, despite the rude surprise.

“But tie the dirty bitch’s hands,” she said, indicating Sian.

Helen nodded and did so, and then let Urina loose on the child. The blows rained in on the air-padded head of the helpless Sian, and then on her body. There had been no instruction from Helen to do that, but Urina was mad as hell.

Privately Helen was pleased; she needed to see that Urina was a proper fighter and not just a dancer. Sian for her part now that her hand was tied behind her back, couldn’t protect her slim, pale naked body, and several times she almost collapsed from a blow to the chest or belly. Only the rope to her hood stopped her dropping fully to her knees.

The hooded child had to straighten up repeatedly to endure more punishment. With her hand tied behind her back, she couldn’t signal she had had enough, nor could her bound and gagged mother. This was the perfect training situation, and Helen was pleased the child was responding so well.

Theresa was now pinching her cousin’s hard, erect nipples and rubbing her legs together as a way to masturbate while she stood and watched the action from behind the chair. Adele was simply masturbating openly; she no longer cared who saw her playing with herself.

By the time Helen had stepped in to stop the one-sided sparring bout several minutes later, the floor was splattered with blood from Urina’s nose, and there were blotches and purple bruises all over Sian’s thin, pale naked torso. She had even taken a brisk kick at the perfectly exposed cuntlet.

The naked little girl was sobbing underneath her hood, and when it was finally removed, floods of tears cascaded down the poor child’s face. Her tiny body had taken highly visible punishment, and she had bruises, scratches, and welts swelling all over herself.

The gag was removed, her hands untied, and she fled to her mother to hug her, even though no one had made any attempt to untie Yvonne. Theresa did take Yvonne’s gag out and the bound mother cooed and consoled her daughter, who was saying over and over …

”It hurt mommy! It hurt!”

An hour later they were lounging in the house, and all seemed to be back to normal. Urina’s nose had at last stopped bleeding. She was cleaned up now, and there were no bruises visible on Sian, as she was dressed in a big baggy t-shirt. The two little girls sat in front of some kids’ show on television, enjoying milk and cookies as if nothing unusual had happened.

The four adults, Helen, Adele, Yvonne, and Theresa, sat around the kitchen table enjoying coffee and cakes, discussing the afternoon and Urina’s progress. Yvonne appeared to hold no grudge about being bound to a chair and gagged to prevent her from interfering in the beating her naked little daughter had taken. She had enjoyed watching the punishment the child took.

“In my mind, the events prove that Urina is a real fighter,” said Helen. “She got mad when she was struck, and wanted to hit back. She got over the shock of being hit and bloodied.”

“And I thought she looked good,” said Adele, secretly very proud of how her daughter had coped.

“I liked the way Urina held herself,” said Theresa, who other than Helen had seen the most fights, and had some idea of kiddiefight techniques, “As she gains experience, she’ll learn about warding off blows like the one that caught her in the face.”

“I feel totally confused,” said Yvonne, “It hurt me seeing my daughter pummeled like that, but I love the fact that when she hit your daughter, she drew blood. Sorry, Adele, I know it was your girl who got punched out, but that hit was, well, powerful, and so good to see,” she blushed, “It made me proud to be Sian’s mom, and I had a quiet orgasm.”

Adele grinned. She now knew she had no problem with her little cuntlet Urina taking a beating. She too had cum, and not as quietly as Yvonne, when Urina was struck by that well-aimed punch to her snotty little face.

“It sure was a good punch,” Helen nodded, “Urina has to learn that this is what kiddiefights are. Regardless of the mismatch, it isn’t all one-way stuff. It’s very much give and take,”

“And I was happy to see Urina hurt,” confessed Adele, her face coloring up, “I was fingering myself when it happened and I’ve got to tell you, my climax was just awesome.”

“That’s what kiddiefights are all about,” laughed Helen.

There was a strange noise from in front of the television, and the four women hurried through to find the girls had finished their milk and cookies and were now rolling on the floor. The women were startled to see the two girls had got out of their clothes so they were naked, and were now wrestling.

“Hi Mom,” grinned Urina, looking up. “Me an’ Sian are jus’ seein’ what it’s like fightin’ like this.”

“It’s kinda fun,” grinned Sian, “But not like fighting properly.”

“What?” asked Yvonne, hands on her fat belly in shock.

“Mom,” the five-year-old scrambled from under Urina and jumped up to stand in front of her mother.

She was grinning. Her little cuntlet was open, as Urina had worked her fist into it, so that when she pulled it out the little organ gaped.

“Can I fight too, please?”

“Please what?” Blinked Yvonne at her child.

“Can I please, please, pleeeease learn to fight like Urina does? I promise I’ll be good at it.”

Urina had come up behind Sian and put her arms around the younger girl.

“An’ I don’t mind if she hits me ‘cos then I get the chance to hit her back,” Sian added. “Please?”

“Oh fuck,” moaned the pregnant Yvonne, “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

Then over her shoulder, she asked, “Could someone eat me out, please? God, I’m desperate.”

Remarkably, the pregnant woman had five volunteers.


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