Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 16.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis: A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 3

Adele had no idea just how good it could be in the arms of another woman. The night was too short for her liking and though Las Vegas hotels are designed to encourage the guests to spend more time at the gaming tables and slot machines in the eternal quest for the riches, rather than in bed, Adele knew she had found the jackpot with Helen.

Helen was older and more experienced, and oh so gentle. She was so careful with a woman who had thought all her life was devoted to husband and daughter and the creation of a home. The taller woman made love to Adele as if she were precious and would surely break at her first Sapphic orgasm, but as there were many more to follow, she was coaxed and led and guided into the most delicious climaxes.

“I had no fucking idea,” moaned Adele as Helen lapped at her open cunt, running her experienced tongue over the younger woman’s aching, erect clit. It was the second ‘no fucking idea’ she had had in a short space of time; seeing nude little girls turn each other into a bloodied mess and getting off on it had been the first great revelation.

Now Adele was floating in the arms of this incredible woman and basking in the light of early morning. She and Helen would have just about all day to themselves before they had to depart to make their respective flights home.

“I wish I didn’t have to go,” said Adele, “I’d stop time forever if I could then continue to enjoy this,” she sighed.

Helen grinned and kissed her new lover. “But we have more loving to do at other times. We will see each other again. We won’t be apart for long,” she assured the younger female.

“And again and again,” echoed Adele.

Then she sat up, her breasts hanging invitingly for the older woman to nibble them.

“But my daughter,” she began, remembering what was said in the night, “We said Urina would …” Adele gulped, thinking of her child whose name meant piss being naked in the ring, ready to fight or be hurt.

“She’ll fight, yes’” Helen assured her, “We will turn the child into a great fighting girl.”

“I thought that was just a dream,” said Adele, gasping as Helen’s teeth nipped at her hard nipples.

Adele slid back down the bed, legs apart, wanting the woman to fuck her again.

“It was no dream,” said Helen, positioning herself to eat Adele out, ”You love seeing girls fight, and so do I. I will help train Urina and you will love seeing her in the ring.”

“And if she loses, aaah!” Helen’s tongue had found the hard head of her clit, lapping at it with a passion.

“Then,” said Helen breathing into the folds of the woman’s wide open wet cunt, “She gets bloodied and bruised and beaten.”

“Beaten in the ring,” sighed Adele as fresh waves of pleasure soaked through her.

“No, beaten when she has finished. You will beat her afterward. That’s what mothers do to their losing cuntlet. Never forget about the delights of hurting your own kid.”

“Oh fuck,” moaned Adele, and she wasn’t sure whether it was Helen’s adept tongue and teeth, or the idea of her daughter being beaten twice, the second time by herself, that made her catapult to an orgasm.


Over breakfast, Helen told Adele that she would take her to a special gym she knew in Vegas where she could watch young girls training for fights.

“It’s quite an eye-opener,” she smiled over the bacon and eggs, “Some of the little ones probably aren’t going to make it as top-level kiddiefighters, but their moms do their best to make them.”

Adele leaned across the breakfast table.

“What if Urina doesn’t want to do it?”

“Then my dear,” Helen said, leaning across so she could exchange the briefest kiss with Adele, “We will make her. Do you think she has any opinion on this?”

“I love you,” blurted out Adele, and then looked horrified, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.”

She looked guilty.
“No problem,” grinned Helen, “I was thinking in bed when I sat on your face for you to tongue my pussy and anus, that you’d be a nice person to love, too. Now hurry up with your meal, honey. I want to make love to you and cum at least twice before we head to the gym.”


The kiddiefight gym was an anonymous-looking building. It had a sign outside reading “Boxwood Education Center for Gifted Girls Under Ten – By Appointment Only.” The two women stepped through the doors to the reception area. The woman who worked there was a muscular and well-built black woman. She wore a navy-blue uniform with the name Lena sewn onto her breast pocket. She immediately recognized Helen and greeted her like a long-lost friend.

“I didn’t see you at the fight last night,” she gushed at Helen, “I thought you’d missed it.”

“No way! Not with that little bitch Tyson on the bill,” Helen turned to Adele, “Lena, this is a very special friend of mine, Adele. I met her at the fights last night. She has a daughter we want to get into the ring if only to get her bell rung. Adele and I will be pretty close at a lot of fights from now on.”

“Hi,” said Lena with a cheerful smile, “I guess you’ve found out how good our Helen is in bed, huh?”

“You too?” Asked Adele.

“A long time ago, when my little gal was fighting hers,” Lena sighed, but she had a twinkle in her eyes.

“And I’ve got to tell you,” said Helen as she leaned in and kissed the big woman’s full, red lips, “you’re still the best fucking big, hard bitch I’ve ever screwed. If I wasn’t so hot for Adele here I’d bed you right now,” she added.

“Mmm, still the sweet-talker you always were,” chuckled Lena.

“Better not let my lover hear you, she’d be mighty jealous.”

“Our secret,” winked Helen.

They all said ‘bye for now and Adele and Helen moved through to the gym itself.

“That woman is the best protection this place could have,” said Helen, “She’s a bitch when roused but so good in bed.”

“Better than me?” Asked Adele.

“Different to you,” smiled Helen, and she pressed Adele back to the wall and forced her knee up between Adele’s legs as she kissed her, “Want me to get Lena’s cuffs and show you?”

“Yes, but no,” said Adele, reassured, ”It’s just that this lesbian thing, it’s all so sudden.”

Helen nodded and kissed Adele gently.

“But you will get used to it with me, darling,” she breathed, “I’ll take you to Lesbos, and we’ll never depart. Ever, that’s a promise.”

The gym was like most boxing gyms Adele had ever seen in movies. She had had no experience of ever being in one, but she could appreciate the feel of it from a dozen boxing films she’d seen. It was big with a high ceiling, and there was equipment littered around and punchbags and two fight rings, one standard with ropes, and the other with wire that was electrified.

What caught Adele’s eye immediately was that one of the hanging punchbags was human.

It was the girl from Ireland who had lost the night before. Colleen. Adele remembered her name. She looked terrible as she hung in a bag supported by two shoulder ropes. Only her head emerged from the black leather that covered her, and she was swinging as a naked five-year-old girl was pummeling the human bag with boxing gloves.

It was the revenge of the losing girl’s mom, who stood with her arms folded, watching with satisfaction the small girl hit her secured daughter. The leather that sheathed her naked body offered Colleen little protection from the flailing fists of the child who was practicing her punches.

Another girl also stood naked, wearing boxing gloves, waiting her turn. Helen said her name was Matty. She was nine years old, bigger, stronger, and clearly with a much more devastating punching power. Her cuntlet was maturing into the vulva of an adult, and the pink lips were extended, to show everyone the girl had been masturbating.

“Boxing gloves?” asked Adele as they stood and watched.

“Only for some training,” said Helen, “You have to give some protection, otherwise none of the scrappy little bitches would be in any condition to fight. Kiddiefight fans like unmarked faces before the fight. After it starts, they want to see very marked faces. So this little girl here is practicing pounding Colleen just to develop her arms.”

They stood and watched, and the mother of Colleen stepped over and introduced herself. Her name was Rosie.

“I’m so sorry for my little one’s poor showing last night,” she said, “I thought I had her already but she goes and turns in a game like that,” she sighed, “Well, this will teach the little whore to keep fighting.”

“You think she deserves this?” Asked Adele, having explained that much of this was new to her, “That second girl looks like she can seriously hurt her.”

“Oh, to be sure I do,” The Irish woman sighed, “I requested her. Colleen went and won the all-Ireland title last February in Dublin and I thought she was ready to step up, but she’s not only let me down but also the whole Irish kiddiefight game. And there she was going to fight the Scottish lass for the All-Celtic title, but I’m not so sure now.”

“She will be fine,” said Helen, “She needs to keep her guard up, that’s all, and she was up against a good fighter. That Swedish girl is good, and will probably win a lot more than she loses.”

Rosie nodded.

“Thankfully no one from the Scottish girlie’s camp was here to see this, but I know they’ll hear about it.”

“So, who’se that tough little girl hitting Colleen?” asked Adele.

“That,” smiled Rosie proudly, “Is my youngest. Her name’s Katherine and she has her first fight next month. In Cork. With luck and God’s grace, she’ll murder the bitch. No, seriously, we’re planning and hoping for a kill!”

“She looks good,” said Helen, disturbed by what the woman said, “She’s got a great right hook.”

It was a great right hook indeed, and the bruised and battered face of Colleen, damage from her fight the night before, was blubbering as several shots connected to her bagged body by her little sister.

“May I ask,” said Adele, “How did you feel when you first put Colleen in the kiddiefight ring?”

“Wonderful, really fabulous. She got smashed badly but I loved seeing her face spurt blood and snot. Oh, and the tears! She looked lovely. Took her a fuckin’ week to recover, and she spent all that time tied to her bed, bless her.”

“But now she’s improved.”

Rosie nodded. She called the taller Matty over to take punches at the helpless Colleen’s face, and then she answered.

“It was an open-air fight, in Kerry. No more than a dozen locals, against a girl from Wicklow, with maybe a hundred supporters. Vicious little fucker she was, but Colleen wanted to carry on afterward for revenge. We trained her up, me and my sister, and got her back in the ring with this bitch. Colleen broke the little bitch’s nose first punch and we eventually had to drag her off, especially when she began kicking the loser’s cunt hard when she was down and sobbing for mercy as if my girl was ever going to give her that! But she was now a winner, well, until last night.”

“She still is,” said Helen, watching a good left punch bring a spurt of blood from Colleen’s face, “She’ll get over this.”

Adele wasn’t so sure what she said was true, because Rosie had lined up the nine-year-old to give Colleen some additional punishment.

As Katherine was getting carried away Rosie excused herself and went to stop the frenzy from the little girl. Adele noticed that when the punchbag was lowered and opened, the battered Colleen was tied up tight inside it.

“They’re just adjusting it to raise the bag, putting her in the range of the older, taller girl,” Helen explained, “She will have spent the night that way. As you can see, sometimes it’s tough to learn the fight game.”

Tough was putting it mildly. They hitched up the bottom of the adjustable bag to make Colleen’s cunt available to kick if Matty wanted. She did.

The two women moved over to the practice ring, where two diapered four-year-old girls were circling each other. They didn’t have gloves on and their hands were tied behind their backs They were instead just practicing, Helen pointed out, their foot movements. They wore collars with a one-foot chain joining them.

There was an older woman in the ring, apparently, the woman who owned the gym, and she had a cattle prod she used as she gave both girls instructions, enforcing what she said, prodding them with the hot end of her rod, making them dance and squeal. They were receiving a liberal education in fighting, primarily by using head butting.

“That’ll be their moms over there,” said Helen, pointing out two young women locked in a deep French kiss and with hands on the other one’s tits.

“Does it all end up as lesbian sex?” asked Adele.

She was aroused by the sight of the two women, and she clutched at Helen’s arm.

“Not always, but this is sexually arousing stuff here and we are all women. Some females stay hetero, but as you’ve seen, men aren’t allowed anywhere near this. Most moms and aunts and grandmas play some lez stuff, and those that don’t want a woman in bed always masturbate like fury. But fucking other women helps the arousals. Trust me.”

The older woman had finished prodding the two kids in the ring. One of them was crying but no one was taking any notice. The woman now tied them back-to-back and left them standing in the center of the practice ring, telling them their next exercise was balance. they had to remain standing and not fall over, or they would be punished.

She left the children tied naked in the ring and came across to Helen with a big smile. They knew each other, of course, and after a performance of kisses and feelies, they moved to introductions.

“Adele, meet Pam,” said Helen, “I first met this wonderful woman when I was fucking her husband. That was a big mistake, as Pam turned out to be so much better in bed.”

“And this woman could end my fight-training career if she opened in competition,” said Pam, nodding at Helen, “She’s easily the best-goddamned trainer in the States. She has the touch of making champions.”

There was genuine admiration in her voice. Then she looked at Adele.

”I guess she’s going to turn at least one of your kids into a champion,” she said.

“I only have the one, and I’m not yet sure,” blushed Adele, “She might not want to be a fighter.”

Pam threw back her head and laughed.

“Oh my, you think it’s a matter of choice?” she shook her head and then she grew serious, “Let me show you the alternative when the little darlings refuse.”

She beckoned Adele to follow her and took them to a heavy, locked door at the back of the gym.

Helen remained behind to watch the two four-year-olds struggle to stay upright, each unthinkingly trying to make the other fall. When one went down, they both would, but that was still for them to discover. Because they were back to back, Helen got a great view of both their puffy little cuntlets.

“This,” said Pam as she unlocked the door, “Is what they get when they turn down the chance to fight, or if put naked into the ring with another girl, refuse to engage.”

The door opened to reveal a narrow, windowless room with a row of beds, six in all. The beds were simple iron frames with a metal lattice to hold mattresses, and there were none. On each one was the figure of a small child, all girls. All of them were naked, and all were between the ages of five and seven. It was noticeable that each of the girls had swollen bellies as if they were overfed.

The six beds were all occupied, and each one of these children was held with heads clamped in position so they had to look upwards. Each girl was strapped down at the chest, hips, legs and even their necks, all secured with wide black rubber straps so they lay quite still on their backs, arms by their sides.

From the wall above their heads, six pipes emerged, all clear plastic and each tube was securely connected to a fastened-down girl. These tubes were attached to a gag-like device so the tube drained into the helpless girls’ mouths. In two of the tubes, a sludgy brown and yellow mixture was sliding through.

Then Adele noticed in a couple of others there was just a yellow liquid. It was all immediately in front of the relevant small girl’s horrified eyes. Even the empty ones showed traces of brown along the clear pipes. From each girl, a pair of tubes sprang from between their legs and these opaque tubes disappeared into the floor by the foot of each bed.

As Adele stared at the scene the girl nearest was watching a dollop of this unappealing brown sludge commence movement towards her mouth. She was struggling weakly against the tight straps that held her down, unable to move away from the fact she was going to have to swallow this mixture.

She seemed to be whimpering as if this was not what she wanted at all. The first of the mess slid lazily down into the girl’s mouth. Adele suddenly understood what the slime coming through the tubes was.

“My God,” she said faintly, “Don’t tell me that’s what I think it is!”

“And you think it is what?”

“I know what it is. It’s shit and piss,” Adele gasped.

She felt like throwing up, but equally, she couldn’t take her eyes off the foul sludge disappearing into the nearest girl’s mouth. It was a stool!

“There’s a bar next door, with its washrooms upstairs,” explained Pam, “The tubes you see are from the men’s and women’s toilets. Of course, they don’t know where it goes; the people using those washrooms take a dump or a piss, flush and forget about it. The girls here have no choice but to swallow whatever comes down the tubes into their mouths.”

“And,” said Adele, feeling weak. “Their waste goes out of them and, God, it gets recycled.”

She felt even more like vomiting.

“Correct. Under the floor are tanks and these girl’s waste collects there and is pumped back, so they can all be fed again when the bar is closed. The system I’ve designed is perfectly efficient and they need nothing. Shit and piss turn out to be reasonably nutritious in these quantities.”

“This is, well, barbaric,” gasped Adele.

She watched horrified as the nearest girl’s first dollop disappeared and a new, larger turd appeared, which slid more rapidly down the piss-lubricated tube. The poor girl was going to have to chew and swallow rapidly to cope with it all.

Pam chuckled.

“Yeah, it’s barbaric, which is why you have your hand pressing at the front of your skirt.”

Adele gasped: she did indeed have her hand pressing against her crotch and hadn’t noticed herself do it. She pulled it away sharply, but it was too late to pretend now. She was sexually excited by this, whatever the revulsion.

“So these girls are losers,” she said, her voice cracking with excitement.

“No,” said Pam. “These girls are refusers. The losers may feel bad after being beaten in a kiddiefight but they get to go away, rest, heal up, practice some more, and come back to fight another day. These bitches said they couldn’t possibly fight another girl, so they have plenty of time to think about that as they lie here.”

“Fuck me,” gasped Adele.

More shit and piss was descending into the nearest girl’s mouth. Adele was sure the kid was moaning and struggling more, pointlessly as it happened, but she had no way of avoiding the revolting slime. Adele came as she watched a stout stool slide through the tube into the bound child’s mouth.

On the bed next to her, an older girl was getting a fresh first taste of some man’s waste from the washroom above. Like the other, she too was struggling weakly against her bonds. The shaft of shit slid steadily toward her mouth, and when it reached it, continued down into her throat.

“Some of the guys at the bar next door, I am told, will jack off and shoot their load into the toilet there,” Pam shrugged, “So we hid a camera in there to confirm it. Now we know for certain the girls here get to taste that too.”

Adele suddenly didn’t care.

“I have to cum,” she said and plunged her hand up her skirt.

“Feel free,” said Pam.

“Tell me,” gasped Adele, feeling both horrified at what she was seeing and thrilled she could masturbate so openly, “How long do they stay here?”

“A week is the absolute minimum time they’re here, and often it’s much longer. Then the little bitches are asked if they have changed their mind about being a kiddiefighter. Most of them change their mind eagerly, and some don’t. The girl at the end has some religious objection she says, so she’s been here nearly three weeks, eating and drinking like that. I’m certain that eventually, she will soon overcome her objections. Her mother brought her here. Soon she’ll be begging to get in the ring.”

The girl at the far end of the line of beds had quite a swollen belly.

“They sure put on weight on this diet so they are glad to get in the gym and work that fat off.”

“And my Urina will end up here for certain if she refuses to fight.”

Adele, rubbing harder, was near to climaxing. The raw smell of wet cunt was in the air. Fortunately, the tubes contained any smell of the human waste they contained.

“She’ll only be kept here if she can’t be persuaded to fight,” said Pam, “Most of the little cuntlets listen to their moms or aunts or grandmas, whoever brings them to me, and after at least a week of consuming copious quantities of piss and shit from the washrooms above, they soon come to their senses.”

“God …” gasped Adele, “My precious daughter, she either gets her face smashed or she eats shit! Oh God, I’m fucking coming!”

“Enjoy,” smiled Pam.

Adele enjoyed it, her knees almost buckling under her when she came with a shout.

At the door, Helen was watching. She helped Adele out and the door was locked behind them.

“So, how do you think Urina would choose?” asked Helen.

Ahead of them, in the ring, the two naked four-year-olds, still bound back-to-back, had lost their balance and were now desperately writhing on the floor.

Their mothers had finished making out and were beating their crying naked daughters with thin canes, telling them they were lazy cunts, and to get back to their feet. As they did, they made their naked bodies even more prone to the blows from the canes their mothers used to beat them.

“I don’t know,” said Adele, her head resting on Helen, “I don’t know how Urina would do, but I’d sure get some great orgasms to see whatever she chooses, and how it goes.”

“That,” said Helen as she pulled her lover to her to kiss her hard and deep, her hand going under her skirt and three fingers entering Adele’s wet cunt, “Is exactly the idea. You now have a complete understanding of what this delicious sport is all about.”

Lucifer pumped vigorously on his erection, pleasing Himself. This was going exactly according to plan.


1 thought on “KIDDIEFIGHT CLUB 3 by Regis”

  1. my m, this story is getting more violent and perverted. You certainly have not lost your knack for writing.

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