Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 15.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Abuse, WS, Demonic, Snuff

Synopsis: A group of young mothers, all married to wealthy hi-tech executives with no need to work — all seek to end their boredom — they decide to host sports teas, where the tea is usually wine and the sport is their little girls. Inside an electrified ring, they will fight one another, completely naked, and the mothers bet on the outcome. Before long, the sport becomes a club — the “Kiddiefight Club”. There are no rules. No referees. They can do as much damage as they like. And the mothers love it. They form an inner circle, where the fighters become even more aggressive. Here, from time to time, opponents even kill one another — a huge loss but a huge payoff!

Kiddiefight Club 2

The rich bitch’s mansion in Vegas was huge and full of women. They were busy betting on whether the nigger kid Tyson could get the better of a slim Chink girl. Up close there seemed no contest; Tyson was big and seven, and Ling-Mi was six, though almost seven herself. But there was something special, a wiry look and an inscrutable craftiness about the Asian girl.

Adele understood she wouldn’t be put in the ring with the bigger girl if she wasn’t good. The question was how good. Getting booked to fight here was a big thing, and took some major winning to get here. On instinct, after looking both over carefully, Adele took a bet for a thousand for Ling-Mi to win.

It seemed crazy, but it was pretty crazy to be here, hundreds of miles from home, watching two naked little girls get ready to beat the hell out of each other. A month ago, Adele knew nothing of all this; just a casual conversation with Theresa who had been sneering at some professional wrestling on television, saying people ought to see real fights.

Now she had seen a real fight, between small girls, and despite finding it disturbing, disgusting, and even horrible, she was hooked. Fortunately, her husband had let her have the weekend away, as she told him it was with friends, and Adele had her mom back home to look after Urina so she could be here.

Adele had come prepared too; she wore a loose skirt and no panties to the Vegas fight so she could get some serious masturbation going without being too obvious about it. Everyone would be watching the kids fight, and nobody would be paying any attention to her and her active hand.

There were over a hundred women at this place from apparently all across the States, and Adele found herself sitting next to a tall, older woman. She might have passed for someone in government or college administration, such was her style of clothes. This woman, Helen, was married to a guy, who she said was a pretty big operator in Washington.

She apparently traveled all over watching these fights, as she revealed to Adele when they got talking before the event began. Adele had no idea they happened everywhere. Why had she never heard of them? Helen said this was her nineteenth fight this year, and she laughed off the idea her husband would miss while being away, saying quietly that he was happy back at home, secretly screwing small boys.

He liked her out of the way, even if he didn’t know where she had gone.

“He just pays the flights and hotels so he can enjoy his perversion,” Helen smiled, “It gets me out of the way.”

Adele was shocked she would make such a revelation about her husband, and to a total stranger, who might report her.

Soon Adele was gleaning as much information from Helen as she could about this ‘sport’, as well as enjoying just talking to this good-looking female. “The thing is, Hon,” said Helen, “it’s a growing business, what with videos and web-streaming, as always people like to gamble, and they’ll pay to see naked kids fighting.

“They’re always looking for some angle, usually a sex angle. They may say they don’t, but people do get off on watching little girls, usually naked as the day they were born, scrapping. Small girls are seen as sexual, that’s just how it is. Trust me, our Kiddiefight Club isn’t going to go away.”

“But these girls, they get hurt,” objected Adele, even though when she had watched the fight with her friend, she found it a turn-on.

It had taken time for her to admit that, but the truth was she had finally given in, confessing it made her hot.

“That little Megan was in bad shape from the blows she took.”

“So what if they get hurt?” Helen pulled a face. “The women who put their girls in this sport don’t mind. After all, the whole purpose of fighting is to hurt your opponent. No one’s going to ask the kids in the ring what they want, though the truth is they like winning. They probably don’t like to be hurt, but hey, we need to think first of what turns on us women who get off on this.”

Adele was still a little shocked.

“Well, I have a little girl, Urina, and I’d be horrified if anyone even pulled her hair.”

Helen smiled, “Really? I think you’d quite like it if someone slapped your child. Maybe you’d like to do it but don’t dare.”

Adele colored up, troubled by the fact the woman was good at seeing the truth. “Um, well, no, I mean, possibly. Uh, if she was a Kiddiefighter, maybe she could defend herself so I guess it’d be okay for her to fight.” She couldn’t quite believe she was saying this. “She’s only six though and,” Adele swallowed hard.

“Six is the age to get started, Megan was only five,” Helen stated, and I’ll bet you’d love to see the little cuntlet of yours get hurt.”

Adele tried to say no, but she could only nod.

“I feel so bad even thinking that. When I saw my first fight I tried not to think of Urina in there, and of me cheering my child on. But then I thought, I’d be cheering the other girl on, too, wishing them luck in giving the other girl a nosebleed or a black eye.”

Helen laughed.

“Welcome to the new motherhood,” she said, “Look, I was a psychology major before meeting my pervert husband, and I know a lot of moms love their kids and equally want to see them hurt. They love them and want to see them batter and be battered by another girl. It sounds crazy, but it’s true.”

“But I wouldn’t even smack her.”

“No, but that is more to do with society right now. Deep down all parents want to punish their kids.”

“But I’m a loving mother!”

“Have you ever thought of tough love? And as you well know, you are a woman with real sexual needs. We all are. We learn to get over it,” smiled Helen.

Adele looked at Helen and felt a strange stirring in her. She liked this woman’s attitude, and even being sat next to her was sending a thrill through her. She looked at the taller woman’s full lips and could imagine kissing them. Probably while watching a DVD of a brutal fight between two naked little girls.

Abruptly she pushed the erotic thought away. “Tell me, did you have a daughter who fought?”

“Goodness me, yes! Kelly’s nineteen now, and has her own daughter, but when she was seven she was good. She had a mean right hand and a crafty powerful knee to the cunt. She was able to bring her opponents down real fast.”

“And she survived okay?”

Helen shrugged. “A few bruises, a fat lip or two. Once had her nose broken, but who cares? I got off on it and hey, here I am. One day she’ll put her girl in the ring, and I guess she’ll have the little cuntlet trained up good. I sure hope so, but if she won’t do it I will. I love training up girl fighters.”

“Because you like winning?”

“No, mostly because I like to frig myself and cum with my hand covered in their blood.”

“Oh God,” moaned Adele and felt her sex pulse more fiercely at the thought of playing with herself while her hand was covered in Urina’s blood.

The fight was about to begin, or at least the preliminary fight. With people coming from all across the states, Helen explained, events like this usually had two or three fights. First up were two five-year-olds, who looked positively lost in the ring. Helen said the kids were beginners, but had a couple of wins behind them to get themselves entered here.

They gamely tried to hurt each other, pulling hair, scratching, and kneeing each other between the legs. At this level, there were no diapers, and the girls were stark naked. Eventually, the olive-skinned girl, Maria, won when the nose of the girl from Canada, Eloise, was reduced to a bloody pulp after a series of rapid blows to her once pretty face.

Both Helen and Adele had played with their clits but not climaxed as they watched the bout. Helen explained why she thought from the outset Maria would win.

“People think Mexico is the most violent nation when it comes to Kiddiefights because they have heard about the clubs south of the border where girls fight with spiked gloves. Most people don’t get to go down there, they just hear the stories, and they become more fictional as they are spread. The truth,” Helen said, “Is that only girls fourteen and older fight naked with spiked gloves, and they quickly learn to bob and weave and dodge blows because of it.

“Maria may only be five but she had good defensive moves, while Eloise was mostly hitting fresh air. It’s just a question of waiting for a good first punch from the Mex to mark the beginning of the end.” Helen paused as they watched the beaten girl being dragged from the ring by her angry mom and what looked like her aunt.

They had tied the girl’s arms behind her and were hauling the beaten child away, telling her she was nothing but a cunt, and no fucking good. “The Canucks like Kiddiefights and one of their specialties is having them fight naked in the snow. Maybe it was just too hot here for the kid.”

“Is this a world-wide thing?” asked Adele.

“It sure is. I hear some of the Filipinos are particularly vicious, and you can find some real solid little Russian girls who pack a real powerful punch. But the world champion in the seven-year-old age group is Romanian, a girl called Angela, which is a funny name for someone so brutal.”

Adele thought of Urina, her daughter, being pounded onto her little knees by a muscular East European girl and quite liked the idea. She diddled herself as she thought of her child suffering. The next fight, featuring two girls flown in from Europe, was a lop-sided mismatch.

The six-year-old girl from Sweden soon got the upper hand on the girl the same age from Ireland, and the girl called, appropriately, Colleen, was down and out inside a few minutes. She had taken a fist in the belly that doubled her over, and with her head down, got a knee in the face that ended her promptly.

“Disappointing,” said Helen with a shrug, “Mothers like their girls to make a longer fight; you earn more money if there are more orgasms, but,” and at this, Helen nodded at the crowd, “You can tell very few got off on that. No time. I expect the girl’s moms will punish her for not making the fight last.”

Adele agreed. She had barely got fingering herself when the end came and naked little Colleen was flat on her face. The ring’s floor had been spotless at the start but now it was splattered with Colleen’s blood.

“Guess I better make sure I cum for the main attraction. They’ll need to stretch it out.”

“You will,” said Helen, “We all will, as after that I guess we are pretty desperate now.”

Adele was surprised when the two girls were brought out for the main event. The ingress Tyson she had seen before, but not naked. She was astonished too that both girls had no diapers on.

“This,” explained Helen when asked, “Is a championship fight. No holds barred, no diapers. Wire around the ring edge has the power substantially increased. If they touch it they’ll know. Long contact can cause a burn. And if either of them pisses or even shits with fear or distress, which is likely, this is all good, the audience loves and wants to see it.

“Some of the more seasoned hostesses insist any little naked fighter who shits has to pick it up and eat it, no exceptions. Oh, and no coverings on the kids’ hands or cuntlets. It’s bare-ass, bare-cunt, and bare-knuckles, so someone will get hurt, and have to eat shit, likely her own.”

“I can see why so many women are here,” said Adele, “All of us primed and ready to cum.” She glanced at the audience who already seemed excited. Some of the women had brought little girls with them, and several of them were bound, gagged and one was blindfolded.

“Some of these kids are their slaves,” explained Helen, “not fighters, so they are here for a show of wealth, not to observe and learn. You might not believe it, but some women will adopt a girl from an orphanage, and never integrate her into her family, but keep her naked to be her slave.”

This shocked Adele. It was obvious that most of the women were well prepared. Panty-less crotches were on obvious show all around the ring as skirts were up and back, fingers already diddling their erect, reddened clits as Tyson and Ling-Mi had their collars put on and then connected. These sexually-charged women were ready for a violent show.

“Watch Ming-Li,” said Helen, ”I saw her last year, a special all-Asian fight which she won easily. The Chink girl has a great roundhouse kick, targeting her opponent’s cunt. But she’s had her share of concussions, and if she lets Tyson land a blow on her head, she might find it hard to get back into the fight.”

Adele was nodding.

“God, even seeing them like this, moving their bare asses and with their pretty little cuntlets on full display, makes me want to cum.”

Helen laughed, and reached her hand down between her new friend’s legs.

“Let me do that,” she said, “I’m expert at it, and you can do me too if you want.”

“You bet,” sighed Adele and put her hand between Helen’s open legs, feeling the soft warmth and wetness of the other woman’s highly stimulated, open cunt. They were moaning in ecstasy, fingering each other deeply and teasing each other, as were a lot of other women around them, as the fight began.

It was probably not the greatest fight between little girls, but it was good. The two naked kids circled for only a few seconds before they began attacking. Ling-Mi was fast and kicked hard, but Tyson was a tough little bitch and took the kicks while she delivered some impressive punches.

The Chink girl was also handy with her fists and drew first blood from a cut eyebrow. That was merely a stimulus for the nigress Tyson, who connected quickly with a right and a left.

“Two-handed fighters do some real damage,” observed Helen and the smaller girl’s nose and lips were gushing blood.

Ling-Mi got in a good kick to Tyson’s cunt, followed it with a knee to the cunt, and the nigger girl staggered back on the wire. She yelped as it zapped her, and with a bounce staggered off it, only to be knocked back against it again with another well-placed kick of a bare foot to her cunt. It looked for a moment as if Tyson was going to be stuck on the wires.

She was wriggling and howling at the pain, but she forced herself off and threw a punch of astonishing force that lifted the naked Asian girl off her feet. At once Tyson seized the prone, bloodied Asian girl and swung her up and against the wires. She couldn’t hold her there for fear of getting a shock herself but the Chink Ling-Mi was suffering.

She was also pissing a stream that wet the black girl’s leg. Ling-Mi struggled off the wire and elbowed Tyson in the face. The blow was hard and the black girl looked at first to be down and out, but she rallied and was quickly up on her feet again and throwing effective punches, perhaps quicker than her opponent wanted, or expected.

She rained in four or five hard blows, with a rapid left-right combination that sent Ling-Mi bouncing again off the wires, and this time she didn’t get up. Tyson dragged her up by her hair and punched the Asian girl’s broken nose harder with her other hand. With no response, it was over, and she let Ling-Mi fall back to the floor like a rag doll.

At that moment, both Adele and Helen came on the ends of each other’s fingers, and so did just about every other woman in the place. The collective sigh and gasp were awesome. In the ring Tyson was so pumped up she was dragging the bloody-faced Ling-Mi round the floor on the end of her connecting chain.

The victorious nigger girl was leaving a red smear on the once pristine floor.

“She’ll spell out her name now in blood if she can,” moaned Helen, in the throes of her climax.

Tyson didn’t quite manage that but she was having fun marking the floor with the blood of her unconscious opponent.

“Oh,” Adele gasped, “Urina could never beat her.”

She was still being racked by her own orgasm.

“But damn, could she ever take a beating from that fucking little nigger cunt. That I’d love to see, regardless of her being my daughter!”

“That’s why we send our kids in there,” said Helen, breathlessly, “Hoping they’ll get the shit beat out of them. Believe me, deep down, when they’re our own blood, we all want them to be more like Ling-Mi in the ring than Tyson. Look at their mothers getting it on together. They don’t give a shit about the outcome.”

In the ring, there was one final humiliation for the destroyed Ling-Mi. Tyson squatted over her and pissed all over the beaten girl, with the black’s piss mingling with the blood while the women cheered, and the owner of Crease Hers Palace got her panties off to be ready to be eaten out by the champion.

The woman sat with legs spread and glistening cunts on show, waiting for a sweaty, bloodied Tyson to come and kneel and get to work with her tongue. Adele understood now the benefit of staging a fight; there was always going to be a winner to perform the post-fight tongued thank you ceremony.


1 thought on “KIDDIEFIGHT CLUB 2 by Regis”

  1. Quite an arousing series….can’t wait for the next story. Please let there be many more!

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