Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 03.07.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young, Pregnant, Violence, Abuse, Stuff

Synopsis: Kate is a new hostess at a club that features naked teens in birthing competitions. She relates her experience in becoming a hard-hearted torture bitch, including painful torture of ladies and girls, and a unique situation where she was hired to push the handle of a hammer into her vagina and use it to pulverize the testicles of a man who had bet the Family Jewels and lost. She then presides over a show where teen pregnant girls perform in a nude birthing competition.

Kate And The Belly Dancers


Everyone was comfortably settled and the doors locked. The bar was open, but none of the guests bellied up, because they were being served. Five eight-year-old girls were the waitresses. They were tall for their age and even taller because of the special steel-soled ballet shoes they wore that forced them to walk up on pointe.

These were extremely bizarre shoes with slender spike heels that provided little balance. They did contribute an extremely erotic appearance to these domesticated naked children. The gorgeous little ladies had been recruited from a ballet school which was a professional training center, where they had been in residence since the age of five.

They had been identified as talented and brought forward from the National Nursery. They had early along been separated from the main group to be developed as erotic ballet entertainers. The school was invisible to the city in which it existed. It was in what was labeled as a top-secret research facility.

The huge warehouse-style building that housed the school was buried in a large park that was well-fenced, equipped with extensive video monitors, and guarded by round-the-clock guards. Children were obtained from orphanages, and reform schools and supplied by professional ‘collectors’ who kidnapped little girls on an assignment basis.

The school’s highly trained little girls were in demand and were in most cases leased or sold to private Gentlemen’s Clubs and to rogue bars like this one to provide their special services to customers who appreciated the advanced sexuality of specially trained naked young girls.

These kids were skilled beyond their years and were either sold outright or rented out, as was the case with these. They depended entirely on their tiptoe skills to walk on their severely arched feet in the skimpy nine-inch ballet heels, a skill only acquired with many hours of practice for weeks, months, or even years, often during their training with extensive encouragement to their pretty bare bottoms from a slashing whip.

The slender young girls were well practiced, as they were all able to completely straighten their knees, shaping their posture with their round buttocks sticking out, giving them exceptional penis-erecting posture. The five lean young waitresses were otherwise stark naked, displaying their pre-pubescent forms most remarkably.

They were so attractive in their amazing tiptoe performance as cunt-tail waitresses that even the women were becoming highly sexually aroused from watching them, their pert little bums protruding from their exaggerated posture. There wasn’t a flaccid penis in the house, although they were straining to get out.

All penises were at this early stage of the proceedings securely tucked in their owner’s pants. They would emerge soon enough. The beautiful pre-teen girls had all given up their virginity, a fact which was clear as soon as the guests saw that they each carried a bundle of clear plastic stirring rods in their hairless cuntlets.

They pulled one out for each guest who requested one. When all of the guests were served, a woman entered the room. She too attracted immediate attention. Like the nude mini-waitresses, she wore ballet heels and nothing else, but she carried a stiff riding crop. Unlike the girls, she had a large vulva in full bloom.

Her clean-shaven cunt was as clean as theirs, and she had a full and voluptuous figure with large breasts, while the flat-chested girls had yet to enter puberty. The girls lined up across the back of the stage, and the woman with the riding crop stood facing her audience, her legs parted to reveal her open vulva, to address them.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” she began, “As you know, the Club is in lockdown, due to the extreme nature of this evening’s entertainment, which will commence as soon as our security people have fully vetted all of you and your guests, to ensure none of you has any connection with law enforcement.

“Just to remind you, should any of you not pass the security check, you may enjoy the performance undisturbed, but upon its completion, you will be escorted onto the stage, where your clothing will be removed, and you will entertain the others by receiving a slow and erotic full-body impalement. Are there any questions?”

There was silence. Every week one of the regular clients would bring to the Club an unsuspecting guest, a completely innocent young woman, but who would ride the shaft naked, to be fully impaled as the evening’s final act for the amusement of the others, who required something as severe to satisfy them.

Bringing a woman here for that purpose was the perfect tactic to dispose of an acquaintance or employee who either offended or knew too much for their own good. The Club arranged for an accidental death report and cremation before questions were asked. No questions were ever asked.

“Let me tell you about my marvelous new job,” the voluptuous nude woman continued, “My name is Kate, by the way, and as you can see, I’m a vivacious six-foot, buxom (to say the least), and by all feedback, gorgeous brunette, with raven-black hair, really, with bangs and a set of carefully prepared long curls down to my shoulders.

“For work I usually wear my hair in a ponytail, to keep it out of the way, as well as to show off my beautiful slender neck. My long shapely legs, my pedicured feet in my outrageous six-inch spikes, and the two-inch extension on my working shoes, topless with clear plastic strips holding them on, make me appear to be a true Amazon of a woman.

“If you’re six-foot-eight, I can look you straight in the eye. Otherwise, you will always be looking up to me. What makes me perfect for this position is the pleasure I take in performing merciless, heartless, cruelly creative sexual sadism, bringing extreme pain and discomfort to the young ladies I am provided with.

“I’m sorry if what I’m saying upsets you, as that’s an outrageous statement to make, but I do enjoy harming others, even permanently disabling people. That way they’ll always remember who made them that way. I love to cause irreparable damage to a man, such as castration, or even better, working on a beautiful young woman.

“I love to remove a hand, a foot, or sometimes an entire limb, or as a special treat, a man’s erection. The only thing better is to be permitted to kill them. It’s just a little quirk of mine, and because of my success in “managing” people, it has got me some amazing jobs! It’s what makes me a perfect match for this job, and I assure you, I’m going to do very well here. You’ll love it!

“I discovered my enjoyment of hurting others just after I started grade seven. I was the toughest white girl in school, and there were about thirty Spanish-speaking Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in my new middle school. One of the Putrid Ricans was nearly as pretty as I am, her parents were super-rich, and we arranged a fight to see who was best.

“We were only twelve at the time, but both of us had grown a pretty good set of tits for our age, and were starting to develop adult bodies. Of course, the spoiled young bitch cheated, hiding a jackknife up inside herself. Her mom had found out about the fight and had showed her how to hide it in her pussy, get it out and use it.

“It was small, a zip knife that opened with a flick, but her boyfriend had sharpened it well. We just wore our panties and bras, and with lots of encouragement from the kids backing us, in no time they were ripped off. She had some class because at least she knew to shave the peach fuzz off her pussy, so we were both as bald down there as the cunnies of these vivacious little serving girls. Guys like that.

“We punched, pulled hair, wrestled and scratched for a while, and then when I got in three quick successive punches to her gut, the jackknife she’d slipped up inside her pussy started to slide out. I grabbed it before she could, and got it open and ready to use on her. The stupid Mexi-bitch panicked, screamed, and backed up against the wall, surrounded by the other kids, making her really easy for me to work on.

“I worked her real good. I stabbed her in her cunt, slicing off a cunt lip, slashed her tits and face, gave her a couple of shots in her belly, and then to finish strong, I cut off the bitch’s pretty nose, starting from right up between her eyes! I stuffed it right into her cunt! I couldn’t believe how exciting that was.

“That was the end of her ever being pretty! Her family didn’t have money, so she was going to have to live with her face destroyed for all of her life. She would never marry a rich man, but would hovel as a beggar forever! She couldn’t even get a job as a whore with her destroyed face, let alone her scarred tits and cunt.

“For me, my satisfaction was that I would always know it was me who had done it good to the filthy Hispanic bitch! When I was fourteen and in grade nine I saw this guy sitting on the curb outside a liquor store, begging. What made him stand apart was that he didn’t have any hands. Both were gone!

“That really turned me on, and I sat down beside him and was nice to him, and I rubbed my big boobies against his arm, and when nobody was looking, I even stroked his rising cock in his pants. I opened his fly and reached in to grasp the whole thing, and was surprised to feel he didn’t have any balls! None! The prick had been castrated!

“There was just a seam I could feel on his scrotum, but nothing inside! He told me his story about losing big time in the sex and gambling joint downstairs under a restaurant, a secret gambling den called, because of its specialty, The Family Jewels. He’d lost so much he wagered his personal jewels, and lost them!

“They took them off in a special show, just moments after his gambling loss, and with his balls gone the stupid prick kept on gambling, losing both his hands, which came off that same night in a later show! Can you imagine such a shocking thing? At least he hadn’t gambled away that huge cock of his!

“I don’t know why he thought he needed his cock, with his balls gone. Surprisingly, he didn’t gamble away his head! He told me some rich guys gambled away their wives and daughters, and you wouldn’t believe what happened to them! He told me, and I came twice just from listening to him.

“I love gambling, and seeing what some stupid people will risk just for the chance at a big win sometimes makes me cum! I saw the guy was pretty desperate, so I paid him ten bucks, and he told me the name of the Restaurant. It was one I knew, because it was very high-end and owned by the city’s Mayor!

“The next day after school I dipped into the box of money I’d been taking from my Dad’s wallet for years, and the stupid prick didn’t even figure it out! I bought some thigh-high black transparent stockings, a bright red garter belt, and an ultra-tight and short tube dress, powder blue, that was so short it didn’t quite cover my bum.

“To complete the look, I put on some amazing red high heels. That night after supper I got dressed up, noticed I’d forgotten to get special panties so didn’t wear any, slipped out my bedroom window, and went down to that restaurant. I had a fake ID in my purse in case I needed it, but as it turned out, I didn’t.

“I lied to the restaurant’s Matre d’, telling him I had a job interview for The Family Jewels, and without hesitation, he took me to the back of the dining room to the Ladies toilet and told me inside was a door marked Staff Only. It turned out that was the secret women’s entrance to what he called the Jewels Club.

“He had no concerns that although I had big tits, I was still just a minor as if that was normal, and he wished me luck with my interview. It was my first visit to an adult club, so I was surprised when I got down there that the waitresses were all no older than I was and some quite a bit younger, which I guess I should have expected.

“Except for sexy spike heels, leather collars around their necks, and lots of stage makeup, the young girls working bets and drinks in the Family Jewels Club were all stark naked, just like the beggar who’d told me about it has said. Those who were old enough to grow pubic hair on their cunts had their pussies shaved clean, so they’d look younger.

“This was a cool place! It turned out the turnover among young female workers was so high that it was common for half a dozen girls a night to come to apply, and if they met the criteria, they were usually immediately working. They had ways of getting well-built young schoolgirls interested in applying but somehow had never found me.

“Maybe it was because I wasn’t in school that much! Only a few of those applying each night were successful in getting hired. The continuing need for recruits was not because of girls quitting, but due to frequent raiding techniques. This was when other clubs hired these lovely young ladies to work for them.

“They were attractive because they were already trained to accept the shocking events that went on in such Casinos, from this small one-owner single casino operation, to work in the big-time multi-national D-Ring Inc. Corporation. The young girls had to be conditioned so they wouldn’t puke when gross serious stuff happened, and then they’d get hired away to work in a big-time operation.

“Because they were minors, the girls that went to D-Ring Inc. simply disappeared, as they were always quietly shipped off to their other operations somewhere else around the world to make big money, and so we never saw them again. Ever. The mayor’s buddy, who was also a shareholder in the Club, was the Police Chief.

“He always found a way for the girls to discretely ‘disappear’ without any ties to The Family Jewels Club. Nobody ever knew they had worked here, or that this Club even existed, except for the hardened gamblers. I was lucky to get into the Club and discovered visiting girls with high expectations and no clue about anything, like me, were the norm.

“The club was nearly full when I got there that first time, with both male and female gamblers standing around the tables, fully involved in what they were doing. A tough-looking guy in a striped suit, which was a bit too small for his muscular build, came over and asked if he could help me. I said sure, I wanted a job.

“He looked me over, with a particular interest in my ass and boobs, took me to the back to a small office, and told me to wait. He ran his hand across the hem of my tube dress crossing my bum and slipped his fingers over my pussy. He wasn’t making a move, but just confirming what he could see through the thin material of the tube dress, that I had no panties on, and that my cunt was hairless.

“Inside that small office, there was a wall of eight-inch by ten-inch glossy photos of naked girls, some as young as ten, and none older than me, wearing spike-heeled shoes and collars, all of them looking amazingly sexy. They carried a tray of drinks, working as what I learned were called cuntail waitresses, which was appropriate, as their cunts were bare.

“Most of the girls in the pictures who were twelve and older had tits, but none of them had any pussy hair. There was one shot of a thirteen-year-old with really big tits sitting on a stool with one leg up, her groin rotated, shaving herself. She looked so sexy I reached between my legs and started to masturbate.

“In a couple of minutes, a woman came into the office, told me I was too tall to be a waitress, and asked how tough I was. I told her tough enough, and she liked that. She wanted to see my pussy, I’m not sure why, but I was there for a job, so had to be cooperative, and I lifted the tube dress, spread my knees, and showed it to her.

“I think she was impressed that I had come to an interview without wearing any panties and had been stroking myself to swell and moisturize my cunt lips before my interview. I knew enough that for a job in an adult Club where ladies often showed their cunts, everything about my appearance was important.

“She handed me a hammer and said she wanted to see me grip it in my quim. That was a big surprise. At fourteen I’d had my share of cocks go up inside me. I mean that’s what cunts are for, and hooking up with guys was what it was always about, particularly by the time you got to be as old as I am.

“She was assuming I was no virgin, and thank God she was right. That hammer handle would have been a hell of a device to use to pop my fucking cherry, but I would have done it, there and then, just to get the job! I worked the handle into me further than she thought I could, and let go, gripping it as tight as I could with my cock-squeezing shaft.

“I felt the weight of the hammer’s steelhead, but gripped it firmly by squeezing my vagina as if I was grasping some stud’s cock, or even my dad’s big penis in my womb. She clenched the head of the hammer in her fist and gave it a jerk as if trying to get it out, and I held on firmly in the grip of my cunt. I knew better than to let it go.

“She said she was quite surprised the cunt on a fourteen-year-old could have that kind of grip. She said I was hired and could start work that very night. She told me to leave the handle of the hammer stuck in my pussy, because I would need it before too long. That was a surprise because I couldn’t think of how I’d use it.

“I was to start work by going out on the floor between the tables and mixing with the gamblers. She said if any of them did what she’d done, like try to jerk the hammer out of my cunt, then I should let them do it because as a member of the Club, it was their right. Like really, I know that’s what cunts are for.

“She said I should leave the tube dress on, but should pull the top down so that it fully revealed, lifted, and squeezed together my big tits. She said it would improve my cleavage instead of covering my gorgeous big boobs and nipples. Young female employees working the floor who weren’t naked had to have their tits and nipples exposed, she told me, and that rule particularly applied to big tits on a girl as young as me.

“When I had them out, she adjusted the top so that my tits looked spectacular, lifted and pressed together. The tube dress was so short she left it like it was at the bottom, with my bum partly uncovered and my pussy only partly covered but with the head of the hammer in full view.

“Everyone would know what I was there for, she told me. The only person not sure about what I was to do with the hammer was me. She said that was fine, because I would find out soon enough, and there’d be no doubt about what I was expected to do when the time came, so I did as she said and went to work.

“Some of the gamblers wanted to touch, hug, and even kiss me, and I let them, even when they grabbed the head of the hammer and pumped it as if it was screwing me. I was embarrassed at first but got used to it. I was hired and would be paid for their entertainment, not mine, that was the way things work in the real world.

“I would get my kicks when I watched the more serious discipline to losing gamblers when the Club claimed their loss. I was getting hot just thinking about what I might see happen. I was hoping to watch some hunk of a guy lose his fucking gonads! I’d never witnessed a castration before, total ball removal, and couldn’t wait.

“Just then there was quite a bit of excitement at one of the tables, and one of the guys, a middle-aged businessman, gave a forlorn scream. He had been cleaned out of his cash and had put a gold token with the letters FJ prominent on both sides. It immediately attracted a crowd. He had bet his Family Jewels, his fucking nuts, and lost!

“I soon learned this kind of misfortune happened three or four times a night at this place. Some guys just always thought they would be lucky. There was only one more serious loss, a coin marked PFJ. This one was by far more valuable because it meant the loser’s penis as well as his testicles were to be taken off!

“I was also soon to learn why Family was an appropriate part of the name for this Club, with naked youngsters involved. That didn’t bother me at all, because I was more into the cruelty than the naughtiness of the events. It didn’t matter that naked little girls were working here, getting tips stuffed into their little cuntlets. I got involved when I was performing my bit at my first major event.

“The woman who had given me the hammer and hired me came and took me to the stage at one side of the Casino. In the center was a foot-high block of wood. When I climbed onto the stage I immediately noticed that the top of the block was bloodstained. This was, as I suspected, a chopping block.

“The block had a special shape, showing that it was designed for the public castration of the big losers! That was the whole point of this secret place! This Club was for real, and that poor fucking handless beggar who had told me about it had probably lost his nuts and his hands on this very block!

“The woman told me to spread my feet on either side of the block, and to lie on my back, then raise my hips as high as I could, lifting my feet on tip-toes, which was particularly erotic in my new spike heels. I drew admiring stares in this position. Also, in this position my tube dress rode up onto my hips, completely revealing my groin and my gorgeous hammer-stuffed clean-shaved cunt.

“It also positioned the heavy steel head of the hammer directly over the block. I was being a very naughty teenager and was about to get much, much naughtier. I was going to be a part of a guy’s castration, by hammering his nuts to a pulp, right inside his scrotum! What I thought was particularly cool was that a teenage girl’s cunt would be directly involved in the castration. Mine!

“Here comes the family part, although not in the traditional sense. Half a dozen seven and eight-year-old girls climbed up onto the stage, wearing nothing but their perfectly fitting little high-heeled shoes. In these their little legs looked amazing, extra-long and gave them all outstandingly sexy posture!

“Their bare little split pubic mounds had been rubbed up to make them stand out with prominence, to the delight of the gamblers. They began to sing in unison, and to dance, thrusting their little hips or bending in deep bows, presenting their pretty little vulvas and puckered rectums as a welcome sight to the gamblers.

“The man who had lost his major gamble was brought up on stage by a pair of muscular bouncers, his pants and undershorts were removed, and he was positioned on his back on the stage floor with his hips raised so that his testicles rested on the block, directly under the hammer in the firm grip of my cunt.

“The woman also came on stage, now carrying a stiff woven leather riding crop, and she began slapping it sharply upward between the little girls’ legs, punishing their puffy cuntlets until their singing turned to squeals and sharp screams upon contact. This harsh treatment caused their exposed immature pussies to swell to new prominence, opening to reveal the short hood of their little clits and the spreading inner lips that were stung with each blow of the merciless crop.

“Then the slashing stiff whip moved to their little buttocks, and the girls were relieved to know they were now required to leave the stage, having provided the entertainment and set the mood with the public punishment to their early maturing genitalia they were required to endure. They left squealing, their little butts bouncing erotically as they stepped off in their spike heels.

“Later on I found out it was in the fine print of the contract their mommies had signed to allow their little girls to begin their long and danger-filled trek as naked and regularly punished cherubs on the road to devious stardom as sex objects, perhaps ending as snuff-video stars. Now the brief show was moving to its shocking climax.

“One of the nude young waitresses, a girl I guessed to be no older than ten or eleven, knelt over the man and took his penis into her mouth. She began sucking and pumping her head, fully engulfing his sex meat, causing the limp organ to rise and stiffen to full erection. She worked it rapidly, bobbing her head while grasping the base of the penis with her small fist and pumping it at a desperate rate.

“She was good! The vicious lash of the woman’s riding crop slashing through her spread crotch and snapping into her gaping little vagina and swollen rectum encouraged her to increase her tempo by disciplining both her open cuntlet and the perfectly presented and slightly open ring of her anus.

“Suddenly the girl raised her head from the man’s erection and backed away when she felt he was ready to ejaculate. His ample production of sperm splashed onto his navy jacket, and up as far as his face. Now it was my turn to be startled when the woman’s whip lashed down across my breasts, painfully crushing both of my nipples as it struck.

“I took that as the signal and began to drop my hips repeatedly, quickly learning how to control the hammer to punish the losing gambler by cracking his nuts for the entertainment of the others, driving the heavy steel head down as hard as I could onto the wildly screaming and still ejaculating man’s throbbing testicles.

“My work was proving to be very effective. I raised and lowered my hips rapidly, driving the steelhead of the hammer gripped in my cunt down with crushing blows on the man’s helpless gonads. His rubbery nuts bounced with each blow and scream, but had no escape, held in place by his scrotum.

“He was held firmly in position by the two burly male handlers and was unable to move an inch in either direction. That kept him perfectly in place as I was pounding the shit out of his rubbery balls, flattening, diminishing, and mashing them to a mangled pulp within his scrotum as he screamed out his agony.

“I would never have guessed when I had decided to seek work at that club that I would be performing such an obscene and damaging act, particularly on my first night, and enjoying it so thoroughly. This was the most exciting job I could imagine, but as I proved my worth, other jobs would be even better.

“The woman lashed my cunt a stinging blow with her riding crop and said I could stop now. I got to my knees, but before I could get up, she handed me a pair of sturdy clippers, I’m talking serious tools, the type used for cutting a whole chicken to pieces. It turned out they were also perfectly good for performing a castration.

“You get the honor of removing his Family Jewels”, she said. Without hesitation, I grasped the flesh sack and put the blades of the clippers over it. I squeezed the handles together with all my might, and the clippers proved to be perfect for the job, as the man’s nut sack came off in my hand.

“I had never in my life felt so powerful as I looked at the large whimpering man who, thanks to me, had ejaculated for the last time. I worked at that Club for nearly a year, happily removing external gonads from some of the most powerful men in the State. Most people had no idea they were such losers!

“I discovered that not all serious gamblers were men. Although the gamblers mainly came to witness men being emasculated, I also got to give a painful hysterectomy to five unlucky women who had also bet their gonads. Three of the gorgeous young women were guests of wealthy men who had brought them to experience my work.

“For their lack of luck, they had to take a large triple hook driven into their uterus, pushed through their cervix, and then I had to jerk the hook out of them by a stout string emerging from their spread cunts, tied to their internally anchored hook. I just loved pulling the gonads out of a screaming woman!

“I don’t know if any of them recovered from the incredible internal trauma I gave their internal sex organs, but I knew for certain their uterus was no longer useful for reproduction, and the pouting puckered opening of their cervix would now more resemble a torn flower. That was, for them, the price of being a showgirl.

“The other two of the five were the wives of gamblers, and although technically it was the men who had lost, the husbands had wagered the internal reproductive system of their spouse, providing a delightful form of entertainment for the other gamblers. Their husbands had bet their wives’ gonads, and I suspect the cocksuckers intentionally lost.

“For this honor, the husbands were invited to choose the form of organ extraction their wives would experience. They made it clear they had little interest in their wives surviving the procedure. One man didn’t want his wife’s uterus taken out through her vagina because she had just told him she was pregnant, and he thought it might legally be considered a birth if she was aborted through her cunt.

“To avoid this distinction, he wanted the audience to see his naked wife’s belly cut open and have her foetus-packed uterus jerked out through the fresh opening in her belly flesh. The audience delightfully agreed. I performed the operation on the nude bound bitch myself, and not being a medical person, to be thorough, I removed intestines and organs as well.

“The other man thought it would be amusing to have a small explosive in a burning cigar pushed in through his young wife’s cervix. He understood the uterus would unlikely be blown out through her cunt, but had no concern about that, saying internal destruction of her female plumbing would suffice, particularly if she would not survive the procedure.

“All he needed was to demolish her whole internal reproductive system, and a small bomb planted deep inside her would properly take care of it. Permanently. He called her his “fuckin’ little gold digger”, and wanted her to experience an excruciatingly painful and protracted death. I took care of it for him. I loved my job!

“When I turned fifteen, I was at the peak of my physical beauty and told my parents they had no control over me. They went ballistic and told me I was grounded indefinitely, which persuaded me to move out and get my own apartment. They had no idea where I worked, thinking I had a steady job at a Burger King. When I moved, I got my own phone and everything and didn’t tell my mom and dad where I lived.

“As far as I was concerned, they were history. I had made a special secret closet in the basement behind storage shelves at their house and had to sneak my hot clothes and shoes into and out of the house. Now with my place, I was able to have all the hot clothes, shoes, and wigs I wanted without any Hassle. I was a free woman, and life was amazing.

“I was hired away from The Family Jewels Club by one of its wealthiest customers, who liked my enthusiasm for working with women, so to speak. He was not interested in gambling and didn’t care much about nut-crushing or other forms of painful castration, or even penis torture and erection amputation.

“Instead, he wanted to find a young woman like me who could be either persuaded or coerced into torturing other women and for me, his offer was a no-brainer. I love helping women find and exceed their pain threshold, and to begin as well as end their long and excruciating departure to Hell!

“I got to work on bound naked bitches with lots of people watching and cheering me on while I did what he needed to be done to them, and soon I got to do whatever I wanted to them as well. It was fucking amazing. I got to perform some very destructive work on some very beautiful women, and the audience went wild.

“They shouted suggestions as I slowly and creatively butchered the gorgeous bitches alive before killing them! I’d love to tell you more, but I just got the signal that the show is about to begin, so I’ll step aside. You wouldn’t want to miss any of the cunt-destructive action, would you?

“As soon as the naked young serving girls have refreshed your drinks, they will withdraw, pull out the now pussy-wet bills you deposited in their cunts, give it to the manager so he can extract the club’s major share, and the curtain will go up on the nasty events they’ve planned for tonight. Enjoy the show!”


At thirty-eight weeks, one week before their due date, a dozen young pregnant girls are given an injection of a mild but effective inhibitor to prevent them from going into premature labor, and six days later, on the eve of their performance, they take a tablet that neutralizes any of the inhibitor remaining in their system.

At 6.00 PM on the evening of their production act, they get a shot in the buttocks of a powerful stimulant that will induce rapid labor, and it is not until an hour before show time that the six who will perform are selected. The reason for that is that of the twelve, two will commence the birthing process too soon.

At least one other will display signs of very extensive, long-lasting labor, which will put production of their sprog much too far off schedule for an expecting and impatient audience. She will have her own show. It won’t be any fun for her, but will fully satisfy her active audience, who pay an extra fee to discipline her.

For those with a great deal of money, whose lust has not been satiated by the main show, there is a special whipping lounge, where there is no limit to the discipline administered for the entertainment of wealthy clients. There the girl who is too late to produce for the main audience is put onto a large trampoline, and the small private audience surrounds her, all of them armed with vicious buggy whips.

She will be required to jump up and down on the trampoline, and when her jumping is not sufficiently vigorous, the whips will go to work until she picks up the tempo. The jumping does everything necessary to break open her placenta and get her nearly fully-developed sprog inside her stretching open her cervix and moving out through it into the flexible shaft of her fuck-chute.

When the audience is seated, we take the remaining three on stage first, and crucify them, spiking the wrists and feet of the pregnant cunts onto their crosses lined up across the back of the stage as an active backdrop to the ensuing competition. They are an entirely active backdrop, which increases the enjoyment of the audience.

It is very elegant, and before the show is completed, at least 2 of the crucified girls, who we call our backdrop girls, will have dropped their screaming little sprogs to dangle above the stage by their umbilical cords. Usually, all three young cunts have rid their bellies of the wriggling, squealing loads before the show comes to an end.

At the beginning of the show the three pregnant girls are mounted on their crosses, held in place by stout spikes driven through their wrists on the crossbeam and ankles on either side of the vertical post. These delightfully ripe young ladies are displayed sufficiently high on their crosses that the emerging infant won’t hit the floor when released.

It will drop to reach the end of its umbilical tether before it strikes the stage so that it will just dangle there, wriggling and squealing like a baby piglet, causing the mother great distress, until its weight and thrashing pulls out the young mother’s uterus, providing her with a natural spaying, or neutering.

Although this trauma damages the beauties to a great extent internally, it is usually not quite enough to kill them, at least not right away, and they get to witness the show from behind the main action. That’s a bonus for them because they didn’t even pay to get in. The Club figures their sacrifice as showgirls was enough to allow them to see the rest of the birthing show without charge.

The teen preggies who are judged to be the most likely to produce on schedule are placed inside a simple rope ring on the stage, and given small lengths of pipe to use as weapons in whatever manner they think best serves their purpose, which is to cause the other girls to give birth during their struggle before they do.

Each believes the objective of the obscene competition is to be the last to produce her baby, so they try to maintain their sprog in their bellies while doing everything possible to cause the other girls to give birth. This includes striking their bellies, poking them, and when things get heated, stuffing their pile up the cunt of an opponent.

These teen girls, all junior high school age, are quite ingenious and often manage to kill an unborn baby right in its mother’s uterus. The audience likes nothing better than watching a fourteen-year-old pregnant nude fucking another with her two-foot-long pipe, which is easily able to enter the cervix and severely damage the infant inside.

The show battle continues until only one girl remains standing, or if unable to stand, at least alive. At that point, the gamblers who had bet on her surviving are now armed with baseball bats, each with a long spike through it, and they are permitted to enter the ring, surrounded by the naked bodies of the losers.

They eagerly look at the young survivor, battering and piercing her with the spiked bats, ensuring she joins the others in death as soon as possible. They are successful when one of the spikes hits her temple and is driven violently into her brain. There was no way she could ever survive that, and of course, she didn’t. A stream of piss shows us she has completed her brief life on earth.

The last part of the show is the highly entertaining impalement of the backdrop girls, whether or not they have evacuated their bellies. We don’t want them to miss the highlight of this part of the show, so before the impaling pole reaches their upper cavity, where it can inadvertently kill them.

A naked male dancer representing a brave hunter discovers them, shoots a dozen arrows into each with non-lethal shots to those still alive, and then he uses his hunting knife to artfully open their still-swollen bellies, ripping their tender tummy-meat open, releasing their internal pack of viscera.

The crucified ladies do not, of course, survive full impalement, so they’re usually dead before the tip of the shaft emerges through their gaping mouths. This is good, because they’ve performed throughout the show, and their excruciatingly painful death is an expected outcome the lust-driven audience always likes. The gamblers love this kind of action and bet on which cunt will be the last to die.

To people not used to it, It might sound crude, cruel, and from the perspective of women in the audience who like it that way, heartless. Of course, everything that happens on this stage is entirely heartlessly cruel, which is what the audience has come to expect of shows in this facility. However, as everyone knows, that’s the true nature of show business, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.


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