Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: Juvenile Posturing
Link: MEWE / 26.01.2024
Juvenile Posturing
Christian — We have the power of the Holy Spirit.
Priestess — Is that the same spirit that inspired your train wreck of religious texts? Cute.
Christian — Well, we have intercessors that pray with power.
Priestess — Are those the same chumps that have to hold each other’s hands for emotional support and quote scriptures because they have no mind of their own? Also cute.
Christian — Erggh … Well you know what, we have the king of kings. Jesus Christ!
Priestess — He truly is the king of narcissism, I grant you that. But just bear in mind, kid, your criminal carpenter doesn’t even meet the criteria for your long-awaited “messiah”. Your very Bible points that out, or didn’t you read it? Look child, you posture with insecurity and much ignorance. But you do amuse us with your vigor. Perhaps, I can hold a place for you in my ranks — once you learn courage — and some critical thinking skills. The religious sandbox is still open to play in. Might want to get back to it before your fellow sheep condemn you for trying to play outside the box.
The Wisdom of the AZ
My Queen
Lucy Az