Just updated chapters 4 to 6 (and epilogue) of THE NUN …
THE NUN 2 (chapters 4 to 6)
What did others say about THE NUN 1 (chapters 1 to 3)
Praise for The Nun
Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement – this was a challenging story as I wanted to combine some of the dialogue from the original movie, but as the key premise of the 2018 movie was rather tame – spice it up and get into the heads of the evil nuns.
Xpanther … You’re my Hemmingway … of the left hand path … your story makes me want to go to a nunnery…and make a sizable donation … in exchange for a USED WORN … habit and veil … take it home … kneel in front of a sigil of Lilith …read a treatise of Lucy Az … and masturbate … it would be..somehing i long to perform … your brilliant … MORE … on the NUN!
Quodos to the author of a wonderfully written and really dark story. Along with other readers, I am eagerly waiting for the conclusion. Hail XP, thank you. You write so well, and produce work that is Dark, Evil, and sexually satisfying. My enthusiasm is certain to be shared by all your readers. What a delightfully blasphemous way to enjoy a story from XP! — XP goes from strength to strength, The Nun is a veritable tour de force of Dark writing, and warmest thanks in offering it to us!
Mmmmmmmm the nun Excellent! The first three chapters are excellent! The story follows closely the story line and I love the added touched so far. Do you watch the movie several limes while you write or do you obtain the script? And you included Lilith too.
Hail Hoku —Yes I watch the movie many times — I even stop-start the movie and write down ALL the dialogue — it takes a lot of time.
Wow! I truly love it and hope you eventually do the entire movie. How far did that get you through the movie?
There are three chapters to go — I will post these in a few days. I have completed it.
Great story. I’ve long been fascinated by the Black Mass. Growing up Catholic, Halloween was followed by All Saints Day, a Holy Day, so we had to go to Mass. Once in fourth grade, a Nun caught me with my hand in my pocket rubbing my balls. She just yelled to stop. At puberty, I began conjuring fantasies of naked nuns in church and cumming on the Holy Eucharist. I loved wrapping the rosary around my cock. Every time I see a Mary statue, I imagine her face covered in semen. So yeah. Let desecration continue.
I finished reading the six chapters. As Jesus said, “Go forth and teach all nations.” Perhaps a sequel when the nuns visit parishes to teach perverted rituals and have priests hold Black Masses.
Hail Bill — I haven’t thought about where to take it next. The Well of Wickedness is now open. Sister Irene is now one of The Nun’s ambassadors. The Vatican has no idea about the true nature of what has occurred (that they have accepted the “misinformation” as the truth). They will reassign Sister Irene to another “trouble spot” — and how she deals with it, may not be to their liking.
Thanks XP! I love corrupt nun stories! Still reading “Lovers” and still thinking about your looking glass story lol!
Thank You Xpanther. Loved the Story. Can’t wait for more.
Waiting disparately for tomorrow link.
Powerful, powerful!
Great story when I was 14 I fucked a nun. It was the best fuck ever. It was a Catholic school. She caught me wanking. Next thing my cock was in her mouth. She was a dirty little bitch. I took her cunt and her little tight arse. What sex.
I look forward to it as always!
This story fascinates me, thank you very much for this treasure. Please give us more of your noble power. Hail xpanther, Yes —The nun— This story fascinates me, thank you very much for this treasure … Thanks it is so mega cool.
Thank you, @xpanther 2008 for the story. I will need to dig out my grandmother’s rosary out to enjoy this one. Just need to decide which of my two pockets shall hold them while I read these chapters — Sister Irene may become the new conduit for Lilith and her companion Naamah. They could use her her to penetrate the Vatican — I guess I’m saying well done, I vote for more.
Hail Hoku — yes — I was thinking about extending the character to her ‘next’ assignment and unbeknown to the Vatican fathers, she has already been seduced by the “Well of Wickedness” to spread the love of evil and deviance.
Hi XP, Sorry to be so tardy with my feedback; at least others have been writing in, I see. I’ve enjoyed your recent stories – Lovers, this was so hot! Nancy wallowing in her pedo depravity and feeding her sin in the sex shop. And the latest chapters of Pleasure Has No Boundaries – you’ve really hit a rich vein with this story; I think it’s one of your most erotic stories to date. The plotting to kill Maggie’s husband was so fucking nasty and evil. And I also loved the Nun. Will be interested to see if Sister Irene becomes corrupted.
I enjoyed reading your story. I liked the part where the demon girl almost raped the priest.
A very mysterious story dear XP. And of course great! I liked Mother Superior and her room the most. A place of sin and sodomy. When she stripped naked and peed on her shaved pussy from her sister Oana! Then I ejaculated sperm !! I eagerly await the further development of the story. Satan and Lilith bless you dear XP. P.S.Thanks for following up on BDSLMR. I hope for a successful cooperation. Mastur666Boy
Thank you my love.
As always, a great read. Speaking of nuns, XP:
It was a cold, bitter wind, and it blew and it blew. It blew through the trees, and the little town, too. It blew past the houses, where the families were sleeping. It blew through the keyholes, where the faggots were peeping. It blew down the streets, that were shrouded in slumber. It rattled the roofs, right down to the lumber. It blew up her skirt, where her girlfriends would suck. It blew in her pussy, where hung bulls would then fuck. It blew up her asshole, which she fingered a lot. Then she blew cocks at church, until she got caught. She is a wild wicked witch, who fucks like a whore. She fucks on the altar and fucks on the floor. She fucks all the altar boys, all one by one. She even fucks the gay priest, and the slutty old nun.
As always great Words …. go ahead … Satan Will guide you. Hail Satan! … Great! Hail Satan!
Great story I wanked my hard cock till I exploded over the the Bible it was sticky fuck the Bible fuck the church and all the dirty nuns who can have my cock and balls.
Лиза Серпухова (VIA MEWE)
AVE SATANA! Thank you for the new pleasures of lust, perversion and cruelty! Blood Lilith! witches, their desires are admirable newfound freedom, desires become reality .How i want it! Rachel! her perversity and cruelty make me want to be with her and be like her — Nun. Intriguing start . i like everything, the scene, the events taking place in this monastery the feeling of growing evil excites and i begin to whisper … “Come, come, do your beautiful evil” … Please finish this story … AVE SATANAS!
Thank you satanic brother for this wonderful reading pleasure, I enjoyed reading your view of the film (the Nun) in words. I was delightfully entertained by your story for a “thank you” to you. hail Satan, hail Lilith.
Was very happy with the new email from XP. My long dick immediately stiffened. I stripped naked, started reading new chapters of the story “The Nun” and masturbated lightly. I fell in love with Sister Irena, although I also liked Oana. The final scenes when the evil nun appeared brought me to the climax, I spilled a huge amount of sperm on the carpet and shouted, “Hail XP!”
Hail LP — it filled my black heart with much evil joy — and to know that my name is a “CUM” word — that is a great honor — HAIL LVST
I love it. I wish I was Sister Irene — As Sister Irene I would beg on my hands and knees for our Master’s use and abuse. I would go back to Rome with the mission to fuck the Pope. I read it and love it. Did you get the small story that I send you to add to one of your stories
I found the pic below and I hope you like them as I do.
Hail Kim, my incest sister – maybe that should be the theme of the next episode?
My idea — In the local village, The nuns find a female and her young daughter. Mon is thirty years old, 5′ 4″ tall. Weight is about 145 pounds. Blond hair and deep blue eyes. She has a 38D tits. Her daughter twelve years of age. About 4′ 8″ tall and she has deep blond hair and deep blue eyes. She is twelve and starting to show tits. Maybe a firm “A” cup that stick straight out from her chest. Both have very strange nibbles. When that a horny the stick out a good inch —— The nun find out that my husband died when I was having my daughter. I never remarriage again. However the nuns somehow found that I was having very gross and perverted sex dreams involving her and her daughter, with many men, dog and horses. So the nuns started working on her to come with her daughter to the convent. The first night they put mon and daughter into the special room. They both dream of a large male object, half goat and half human. In there dreams they both on it large cock. It stood out about twelve inches long and thick. Mon dream it was draping her. Her daughter was dreaming the same. Then both were together. suck and fucking him —— This went on for about two months. It got to a point that one night in there home they had no dreams. They both woke up and felt like something was missing in there life. Mon look at her daughter and watch her masturbate, then noticed that she was naked and had a wooding plug in her cunt — They both went to the convent and bound on the door and was let in. They both went down stairs to the chamber that they dream and strip off their cloths and wait. Her daughter crawled on her hand and knees to her mother and for some reason mon open her legs. The nuns watch as the made each cum over and over again —— That night there dream again of there Master and he was beating her mother and Susan was playing with herself and begging for him to beat her too —— They lived in the basement until the special night. All the nuns strip and started beating and fucking her with very over sized poles and instead of scream in pain she was begging for more… Then the time came. She was hung by her legs and mother superior cut here cunt out of her and remove both her tits she hung there not screaming, but begging for her Master to came and take her. Under her was her daughter laying on the floor. Her mother blood was dripping onto her chest. A cloud was razzing and out from the cloud came there Master. Man was parsing him “Satan, take her, rip her open with your loving cock.” She look at her daughter covered in blood and watch him insert his cock into her. She could seen her gut expanding for each inch he went in. Her daughter was no scream in pain, but in pleasure. Ever one knew that it would rip her open and it would fuck into her gut. After a while, you could see nothing but blood coming from her mouth and cunt — Make that in to a story?
It was taken from the nun story. I had this thought. I was hoping that you could take what i started and go from there. Sometime i get these thought about the type of life I love and try to put it on paper. I try to work on it please understand. I was dreaming of a drug that can turn females into big tit slave. My dream was of me when I was thirteen years old. I drank it and my body change to have huge tits, deep hole cunt and ass. My whole both was an over active sex object. I need cum and piss. My dream jump around in my mine. I was giving my self to this black group of men … about twelve of them. All i knew i love it. I woke up so wet — that is how I think sometimes one night I was with you and nine months later I gave you a baby girl. We started incest on her at birth — do you understand? Your Incest Sister Kim …
Hail Kim — let me think about how to incorporate this — I have not yet put much thought into the next chapter of this story — but there is some interesting elements here that I can incorporate. Love and lust — your Incest Brother
I’ve been stroking my cock, reading The Nun. A delicious and devious piece of literature, indeed. Your talent as well as your unquenchable thirst for lust and evil, never cease to impress me.
I’ve just read it, and I found it to be sinfully delicious; I especially loved the blasphemous rituals described. Ave Satana!
Hi. I finally had the chance to read “the nun”. Fabulous piece of work. I felt like I was in the abbey. My dick was throbbing hard and leaking as I read it.
Ave Satanas — I like the Ambassador role for Sister Irene. Perhaps she could spread the word to, say, a convent of nuns dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, corrupting them, calling the The Nun to their presence, who in turn might summon Mary from Heaven — Just a thought.
Hi. I finally had the chance to read “the nun”. Fabulous piece of work. I felt like I was in the abbey. My dick was throbbing hard and leaking as I read it.
Hey there, Congrats on the further parts of the story! Will drop a review soon! — Loved the entire series so far! The sexual tension along with the horror overtones is simply breathtaking! Specially, the dream sequences of Irene and her realisations the very next day!
Lovely story!
Awesome bro
t was very good to read looking forward to next release. Hail Satan.
Hail XP! I loved this story so much I tweeted it! Awesome transformations, reminded me of those old medieval demon pics! Love ’em! Learning to navigate your site… a veritable feast! \m/
Unkle Scar (VIA MEWE)
XP goes from strength to strenth, The Nun is a veritable tour de force of Dark writing, and warmest thanks in offering it to us!
Hail Ranulf — thank for your encouraging words — I will be uploading another episode of PLEASURE HAS NO BOUNDARIES next week and I am also working on a new story called JUSTICE based upon “The Devil’s Advocate” — tell others to have a read of THE NUN — http://littlesally666.com/the-nun-2-chapters-4-to-6/
Hail XP – thanks. I am enthusiastically recommending others to visit your site!
Hail Ranulf – thank you for this – we want to reach out to our perverted brothers and sisters – so that our faith be recognised – our blasphemous minds be sate and our loins be excited
thank you satanic brother for this wonderful reading pleasure, I enjoyed reading your view of the film (the Nun) in words. I was delightfully entertained by your story for a “thank you” to you. hail satan, hail lilith
Hail Angelbaphomet — thank for your encouragement — writing is a very lonely activity and it’s good to know what your friends think — I will be uploading another episode of PLEASURE HAS NO BOUNDARIES next week and I am also working on a new story called JUSTICE based upon “The Devil’s Advocate” — tell others to have a read of THE NUN — http://littlesally666.com/the-nun-2-chapters-4-to-6/