Hail Everyone
Just uploaded PLEASURE HAS NO BOUNDARIES 10 — please check it out — as you know, I am a hungry writer who thrives on encouragement and would appreciate your positive feedback … [email protected]
A white wedding is on the cards. A virgin bride. A beautiful church ceremony. Maggie, whilst still connected to the church, counselled the young Ben and Sally Chow in their matrimonial duties — now the time is approaching when they will tie the knot. But not everything is as it seems. Maggie has been scheming as usual and is up to no good. In tow, she has the husband-to-be, Ben, at her beck and call.
I wish my wedding was like that. Maggie can fuck me anytime! I cum so hard thinking about perverted taboo pleasure and your stories are the cream on the cake of perversion XP.
You’re a darling … we need to corrupt the world … and then it would be a much happier place.
Excellent, I really enjoyed that.
Thanks — updated these changes — much appreciated … it doesn’t matter how many times I check … I still miss a few
Your series are masterpieces — I’m so happy to see this series continue. I can’t wait to read it! — What young girl growing up, doesn’t wish and fantasize about her wedding night … The copious amounts of alcohol, mixed with a drug endured euphoria. Being tied to her bed chamber and while passed out, used by their church counselor. To share the bed with two strangers, and a succubus like witch, owning her virginity by claiming the the honor on the tip of their flesh colored demonic cock. As strangers repeatedly pump her holes full of cum, all while her new husband records it on her iPhone for sharing the moment with future grandchildren — Well done XP …
I couldn’t make this stuff up … it’s so hot that it actually happened — Maggie is such a slut — I love her totally.
Looking forward to reading the story.
So beautiful.
This one is the best in my opinion, I loved it!
Thanks! Hail Satan!
Thank you brother I enjoy your stories.
It was incredible looking forward to it next release — Hail Satan, Hail Lilith.
I really love your Pleasure Has No Boundaries story line. This is another excellent chapter. The part about the baby sacrifice was particularly dark (in a good way). Thanks for posting.
Another great read my friend. I have yet to go back and read the previous but will soon. Thank you.
Hot decrepit pedo debauchery.
Awesome! Looking forward to reading it — I loved the latest chapters of Pleasure Has No Boundaries 8! Wonderful! I love how bratty Gin is; so disrespectful to her parents and open to corruption. And Maggie’s hatred of her husband and orgasmic desire to kill him. Weeks ago that you sent it to me, but I also enjoyed Blue Magic the film. Loved the style. Thanks a lot for giving it to me!
Hi XP — Thanks for putting so much work into your blog/website. I just discovered it this week. It was like an invisible hand guided me to your doorstep and I feel really lucky to find a place where I can share my stories & passions with others. I love hypno/mind-control since I was deliciously used and abused as a child. I was fully sexually awakened by age 4, initially as a slave and then as a young master. From your site I discovered a whole new world of religious fetish that I had never before experienced and it is life changing. I even signed up for religiousfetish.com‘s boards. LVST4EVER, Matt
I plan on reading tonight, thanks for sharing with us. Chapter 13 has me wanting more. You’ll have to read but I’m dripping wet. Great job @xpanther 2008
I wish it was like the Bible with versus.
@xpanther 2008 chapter 13 has me dripping wet, rubbing myself, wishing this was a hard bound novel consisting of 44 chapters with versus so I could share the passages that are the most appealing to my worship
I did read it and my review is that it is one of my favorites you’ve written. I see it as both an ending (if you want it to be) and also a beginning (of a new adventure). “Always leave the audience begging for more” and I think you’ve done that. But it is a very satisfying story as it stands as it completes the arc started in part 1.
XPanther I would just copy Lani’s review and post that on your website because I don’t think anybody will be able to give you a higher review. Her words are higher praise than two thumbs up from Siskel and Ebert. And by the way I completely agree with her assessment of this latest installment. It could be a most satisfying conclusion to one of my favorite works on your site. Or it could equally be the beginning of a whole new adventure.
FROM (EMAIL) : jamesgreene1
Loved it!!!!!! The final chapter was especially hot and nasty. I loved the meeting of Maggie and her sister and their shared delight at their wickedness and corruption, their fall from grace. So fucking hot! Wallowing in evil. It made me think how delicious it would be to see these kinds of scenes in Lilith’s Blood.
And I loved the first scene with the Indian girl and mother. Really hot. I love navels and cropped tops, so sexy exposing the belly, drawing attention to it.
It was a great idea to have Maggie pretend that she was still good and Christian, then reveal her depravity to Hannah. And the description of the sex they had had with the 6 year old, causing her pain and abusing her… fuck. Evil bitches. And the altar descriptions I love.
FROM (EMAIL) : Sabrina CD
Another great story I so want to experience what Maggie has bee experiencing in the story. For what ever reason I closely identify with both Maggie and Kris at least in my imagination. I wish I could actually experience what they have done. Maybe some day? I am going deeper into depravity and lust thanks to your great stories and I love it. You are an astounding writer, keep up the good work.. I am proud to call you my friend. Truly indeed, pleasure has no boundaries.
FROM (MEWE) : Lallo Tacchia
Hail Satan! Hail Lilith! Dear Xpanther, once again your novel hits in the right point and it’s able to enhance the Lust in me. Also this novel is very beautiful and it seems to be there living the story in first person with characters or at least that’s the dream that your novel gives to me. Satan be praised for giving you such beautiful inspiration! I hope that a day you will be able to write a book full of blasphemous Lust that includes all the sexual activities that from bigots are judged as perversion. Of course you know I’m kinky CD blasphemous Nun addicted to rubber and boots and it would be nice to see some characters properly dressed to worship our Mother Lilith and our Father Satan.
Sweet. I really appreciate you sending me this. I’m on your site everyday checking for new stuff. I have read everything. Hehe
FROM (EMAIL) : Robert Scott
Great! Was wondering about you…
FROM (EMAIL) : Ed Jono
Greetings my Brother I hope you are staying healthy during these times. Thank you for the link I will check it out a bit later. I am sure it is excellent as all your writings are. Hail Satan.
FROM (MEWE) : Serpentine Shadows
Very nice indeed.
FROM (TUMBLR) : sammera0011
This is awesome… I love it ..
FROM (TUMBLR) : bannedbooks777
Loved it! I really enjoyed it. I could see it in my head.
FROM (TUMBLR) : supergm1
Its a hot read!
Mmmm a lovely story yet again xxx
Thanks Gwen … Appreciate the encouragement … XP
Hail XP,
Pleasure Has No Boundaries is my favorite story, The corruption, the fall, and the depravity, This latest chapter delicious. It makes me wish my wedding night went that way. It would truly be adoration of Satanic lust. Well done XP.
Hail XP, Hail Satan and Lilith.
sabrina cd