Writer: XP
Subject: Just got Sanctioned on MEWE
Link: LS666 / 11.08.2021
Just got Sanctioned on MEWE
Well, after two years of posting porn on MEWE, I have just been sanctioned for the first time — give a twenty-four hour suspension from my account — WTF. Since when did MEWE sanction porn? It’s fucking full of it — and I don’t post indiscriminate pix of dicks and cunts either.
Well to say I am pissed is an understatement — probably reported by some “God Fucker Christian who needs to repent” … HAIL SATAN. HAIL LVST. HAIL EVIL.
Thanks for those who commented on ReligiousFetish about the size of my cock … YES … I am not the biggest cock around …
Take a pic and show me ,what you think is little XP
Is it bigger than yours, I wonder?
It has to be … And mine is a she-cock!
It’s a hella one though!
Hail All … It’s embarrassing to say … Serpentine’s is bigger than mine … Anyway being only 5′ 2″ … it’s all just proportionate … I know that there’s lots of “size queens” out there that love BBC etc, but I have something they don’t have — Satan blessed me with a very vivid i’magination (i’m) and a very perverted mind … must count for something, right?
Hail XP!
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to these things.
As far as I’m concerned all cocks are good.
Hail George — it drives me up the wall — like you say “no rhyme or reason” … it may turn out to be like TUMBLR … ruined a perfectly good medium for sharing filth … BTW … that’s for being supportive of my small cock …
love your writing
I completely understand and have been there myself multiple times. I’m on my fourth MeWe profile since they kept shutting down the others. I finally had to give up on Tumblr completely after the 3rd or 4th termination there. Same thing has happened on Fetlife. I think the only accounts that I still have that are original accounts may be iTaboo and PornHub (and maybe XHamster and some of the video sites but I never post on any of those). It seems random but is usually the result of somebody complaining (some bible-thumper asshole) or, like with Tumblr, when they are doing a big purge because they want to please advertisers or some shit. You get used to it and you either rebuild or you move on… nature of the beast in the modern online world we live in.
Hail Mick — It’s just so “random” and it annoys me because those that complain really shouldn’t be there in the first place — why join my profile, if you are not interested in the same? Do I go to their profile and look at what they are up to and criticize them? No. I have no interest in their affairs and I wish they would just fuck off … and leave us alone … I guess this is why LS666 is important to me; as I have been shutdown in so many forums in the past twenty years … and miss the folks that I had connected with in those forums … and there has been many — this is why I have my own database of “friends of XP” that I never want to loose … and of course, you are one of them. Thanks. XP
What is your contact on itaboo. I am on it and would like to share with you. Hail Satan and Lilith.
Joined MeWe and would like to know what groups are best for perverted sex and such. Also my Religiousfetish wont log in for some reason. “The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.” Was extremely interested in this cock comparison page.
Hail XP. I am sorry to learn of the sanction on MeWe. I have suffered three deletions on FetLife, but I just put up my pictures again. Since I paid the modest FL support fee, I have not been bothered by the porn police.
They do it because they don’t have a life and don’t want anyone else to have one either. Then you have the righteous holier than thou that feel its their duty to stamp out anything they don’t agree with. Quite probably all are closet perverts that feel ashamed of their thoughts and masturbation to what they shut down, Come to the dark side and live. Joined FetLife and Church of Porn, if any are also look me up. Share shit not relevant here. Hail Satan and XPanther for this forum of wonderful filthy perverted expression.
You are a beloved mind, XP.