Writer: Satanharlot666
Subject: Joining Bible Study
Link: Tumblr / 22.06.2023
Joining Bible Study
Thinking of joining bible study so that I may destroy the enemy from within. So many holier than thou marriages to destroy and lead astray. Instead of a Trojan horse it would be a Trojan whore. My only drawback is I’m afraid I’ll puke reading that trash and being around those pathetic sheep. Wondering what my fellow believers of the one true lord think of my plan.
Thank you to all my fellow children of Satan who have written me after I posted of my blood sacrifice of my aborted bastards. The lust it brought forth in you is my satanic pleasure and I am honored and humbled by your demonic cocks and cunts unleashing their appetite upon me.
I had two abortions. One at fifteen. One at seventeen. Satan told me to give them unto him for his amusement and his pleasure. I did so willingly and without hesitation. May he enjoy the gift of my bastards that came from my satanic cunt.
My satanic womanhood will spew forth its wickedness tonight for you my lord Satan. It will cry. It will cum. It will bleed. It will show its love and devotion to you and only you my blessed father in hell. You will witness how a true whore worships at your feet my dear King Satanas. I do it with all that I have. Enjoy my lord.
My beloved Satan.I gave myself to you when I was thirteen and now I am eighteen. I thank you for showing me the truth and the joy for past five years and saving me from the pathetic lies of the fools. I am yours in love and lust.
Hail Satan. Hail the children of hell.
A perfect child of Satan she opened her fertil legs up wide and a satanic fucking hard cock stretched out. Perverted cunt hail Satan hail Lilith
Cocks having fun without fear got this satanic sperm slut pregnant I hope it was many who bred her so she has no idea which cock pumping her cunt full of satanic filth got her pregnant and trained to love bastard’s
A satanic fucking girl in her I hope she took dildos and rammed the girl with the cock head over and over again
Definitely join church group’s and steal away as many weak mentally disabled adults into satanic fucking bliss
Jemisha – I looked at some of your tumblr after reading this post and I would love to chat with you sometime. I am a former xtian who now sees beyond the lies and has accepted my one true Lord Satan. I liked what you said (We are every where and in many forms. We are the wolves among the sheep and will devour the pathetic creatures of foolishness) as it sums up who and where we are and what the end result will one day become.
I see you have “been to a couple of Wednesday night bible meetings. Gotten a few nibbles that I’m working on…” and I hope you will continue on your Trojan Whore mission. Yes, you may be sick of hearing the crap they spew BUT… if you can convert even one to the Dark Lord then your work will have been worth it.
For several years now I’ve been on a similar mission to be that wolf amongst the sheep. Until recently I was a regular part of a church music ministry. And I have run several tumblr blogs and other social media profiles on MeWe, iTaboo, Fetlife, etc. Through those sites I have chatted with a couple hundred people and at least a few have now found their eyes opened to Satan’s Truth. At one point my most successful blog had over 8K followers. But sadly, not everyone is as openminded as we are and I’ve had many accounts shut down over the years.
Here’s a couple examples of my thoughts and writings from past blogs (MySinful…, MMichaels, etc.) to give you an idea of where I’m coming from. Hopefully we can chat sometime as I’d love to help you anyway that I can in your mission to spread the REAL “good news” of Satan!
And finally, congratulations on your two abortion offerings to our Lord. I’ve helped two friends with their abortions but my wish is that one day I may intentionally breed with abortion in mind as the planned outcome. I pray that my Lord helps me to find a willing vessel so that together we can make such an offering(s) to Him.
Great plan, be a whore to the end!
Great whore! Would like to breed her for giving another sacrifice to LORD SATAN!
Hello and it’s great to know that you are doing what you want in your life with the Dark Lord and I am trying to find people just like you to get together and just talk
I am glad I have come across you once again.
I am so glad to hear from my Sister in Satan’s service.
We connected on New Tumblr before it shut down.
I am so proud to hear of your continued devotion to Our Lord.
The lust in my mind still burns with the image of your wet cunt, and I pray to His Darkness the image of my master’s black cockburns in you still.
I would loce to hear from you. Your confessions if lust and perversion makes my cunt wet with lust and desire.