Writer: ShadowySweetsPaper
Subject: Jehovah Robbed Me!
Link: Tumblr / 04.02.2025
Jehovah Robbed Me!
An interesting turn of phrase where one shares his regret when it came to things sensual and sexual in his life — I didn’t do it because I was told or felt I couldn’t do it if I was to be truly devout.
Those were not the exact words shared by a pastor within a group I am aware of. However, his statement is profound. I’m sure the illustration isn’t the best as to applicability. However, it speaks volumes at least from my perspective, because the moral demands of Christianity — when followed — too often robs one sensually.
This is because we are called to see those lusts and desires that we will normally experience as feelings, and thoughts, that are displeasing to the Christian Almighty. It condemn us and we need to avoid and deny at all costs unless we indulge in marriage, and even then, per a prescribed set of expectations where pleasure isn’t the ultimate end.
Religion, even when that group may be orgy-oriented can and does turn sex into a drudge. Why? There is no freedom in the doing even when we can because even in the religious orgy there are those damned rules. And if anyone has read my articles one will see where I speak of Christian wives who can’t enjoy sex for a great number of unreasonable reasons (including jilling), which I see as a gift from the creator.
I’m not going to plough again those fields of explanation except to repeat lust and desire is results we face in life which will always be with us even if we hate it while enjoying it. Why would a loving God condemn us because we can engage in and enjoy casual sex? And we have always struggled with monogamy, a fact well known because of all those injunctions against adultery and covetousness — think about it.
Allow me to again expound: Abraham, the father of the three great revealed religions, “a man after God’s own heart,” married his sister and after that passed her off into the beds of two different powerful men — not once but twice — forgetting to share she was his wife to save his ass at the expense of her, well, body. Then, his wife, not getting pregnant, to make hubby happy, has him get it on with what today we would call an employee.
A baby is born outside the marriage — one of the reasons Islam is unhappy is because some Christians say the baby was a bastard so not in the family. One theologian said it was a people wanted versus what God wanted, a situation. Then Isaac, the son of the promise? When it came time to find a wife was sent by his father back home, to indulge in an incestuous arrangement — which he did — and because Moses’ parents was the union of a younger nephew marrying his aunt (In the Christian Bible), I had to and still ask myself why all this condemnation over what we see as sex we should avoid at all costs even if it feels good.
And then there’s the fact Moses married a black woman and the scholars play hell explaining she wasn’t. Considering the fact Moses’ family opposed the arrangement to the point the Christian Almighty struck Moses’ sister, Miriam, with leprosy after proclaiming he dealt with Moses mouth-to-mouth (the Bible says face-to-face, my husband said that was impossible and the Hebrew means mouth-to-mouth), again, all this condemnation we throw around especially today gives me reason to wonder.
I won’t stop — Consider Isaac. He had two wives, real sisters. Keep it in the family seems to be a motto. He had twelve sons by four women — the reason modern Islam in Saudi Arabia allows four wives. The two sisters became involved in what I will call the fertility wars. Follow Sarah’s example, both brought in an employee for keeping Isaac sexually sated — I won’t begin to mention pregnancy fetish and the current trending breeding fetish emphasis in porn.
So the old Patriarch had to deal with four women all at the same time. Were there moresomes? Again, all the family relationships were all over the place. Yet today we are to see sex as something to be contained even when we think about it (sins of thought), so that phrase “Jehovah robbed me” stands out when I look at the past.
Think about it from the female perspective. Things sensual and sexual, similar to things spiritual=in the end whether we say we are this or that or even try to be is personal to each of us regardless of what we say outwardly about how we see God — are part and parcel of who we aren’t and can’t be avoided. Pleasure quickly becomes a pain and faith can be compared to a BDSM arrangement where there is never any peace of mind.
I follow the Dark Lord for reasons I have explained in articles one can read among the over five hundred I find I have written that are in this Tumblr because I have to live with my fellow man (render unto Caesar). However, I am free to be me when it comes to things sensual and sexual without all the guilt, apprehension and angst so many experience trying to be devout. See my articles about the impossibility of achieving the xian goal: sinless perfection — besides, what is that?
I’m a pastor’s wife who enjoys the occasional drap of moonshine. I admit it. I’m not talking about legal, tax paid, store-bought booze. Mine is made in the backwoods by the light of the moon in a copper still by the son-in-law of a respected Pentecostal preacher who proclaimed Rotyer’s ability to distil as a gift from God. I point to this because while I enjoy it, it’s not tax paid, illegal to drink and possess much less manufacture and sell. Why do I share this? Why does religion today trend toward teetotalism when before World War Two especially alcohol was in every home in the form of drinkables (according to the old folks)?
It might be we need to ask ourselves how much we’ve molded He Who Is in our image to satisfy this or that trend, etc. Considering sin can’t really be defined in this day and time, I share all this so others will understand why I’m me and believe as I do as well.
The illustration is, for me, an illustration where we, females and males, can see what we missed striving to achieve what we were told Providence was telling us was best for us. I leave with this last thought: Sensual pleasures require we act. Avoiding snesual sin requires we do nothing. Nothing equals no pleasure. Maybe that is why “nun” and “none” come to mind.
Forgive the flaws in my effort to expound as I have. I am created to experience sensual and sexual pleasure. That includes me having a toddy after I hit post!