Writer: Satanica-Cultus
Subject: It’s A Lie
Link: Tumblr / 02.11.2023
It’s A Lie
I, too, was once a Lutheran minister. Those clergy who know the scriptures, and think about the claims that the Bible makes about Jehovah — they know that the stories in the Old Testament, and the Book of Revelation just do not add up to being true. It’s a lie.
Why do ministers continue to support this lie?
Power —The love of power. Not having much power and true knowledge, and being honest with themselves, they discover what they teach you is a lie. It’s a lie for and a lie for them and that’s not going to change.
The reason Eve and Adam had lust and desire has nothing to do with God. It’s the way humans are. There’s a reason it feels awesome to masturbate. There’s a reason that you like porn. There’s a reason why you desire wealth and power. Because that’s the way humans are — lust turns into desires and desires become the will.
It’s not as Jesus prayed in the garden, “Not my will, but yours, God.” Get used to not your will god; mine is more important. So stroke your cocks; watch porn, desire wealth, and tell god to fuck off. I’ve only addressed the Christian myth here because that is what I know.
Exercising one’s will is normal for the rest of the animal kingdom — it should be normal for humans — I invite former leaders of other faith traditions to address the lies that your religion teaches. Since I write this, I am available for questions that you might have, especially if you feel caught in the middle between what you’ve been taught and what you know about yourself.
Hail Satanica-Cultus,
I’m a former fucking christian, and believe every god-damned word of the fucking word of god.
It’s not that I’ve convinced myself that it’s not fucking true that caused my god-damned rejection, it’s that, by my own god-damned volition, I fucking rejected the god-damned cock-sucking christian god, his fucking bastard son and the mother-fucking holy spirit.
My Satanic Whore-wife and I fucking accept our god-damned damnation,, and will gladly serve our God Satan’s purpose, in this fucking life and the next god-damned life to cum!
No fucking apologies, no fucking fear of Hell and eternal god-damned damnation.
You can’t get much more direct and to the point than that…. well said Marcus!!!
Lately, I have had Satan working in my life in MANY ways… so many that I am both amazed, happy beyond words, excited, and have even stronger commitment to Satan, an even stronger love for Satan and His ways, and a much stronger desire to serve Him completely with zero reservations.
A sign of His work is that as I opened LittleSally tonight to catch up on my reading, that I come across this post right after writing something to my own “gift from Satan” wherein I express my beliefs. I add them here.
This is my answer to the question…
“Regardless of how many kids we keep or abort, we will teach them Satan is King… what would you do if our kids acted up or misbehave?”
My answer speaks of my view on Satan in my life and it is….
“Satan will guide us as to the keep/abort and yes, they will be raised to put Satan first… they were…
* created because of a satanic bond between their parents
* created for a satanic relationship with their parents, siblings, and the rest of the world
* created to serve Satan above all, it is by His power, love and purpose that we all are here and doing what we do
* to go against Satan is the ONLY sin that is “unforgiveable”…. not because Satan threatens people with some bullshit hell story like the bastard’s book of lies, but because to go against Satan means you will miss out on Satan’s rewards. Satan doesn’t NEED any of us and His work will endure. But if we work with Him and for Him then He will reward us (just like He has rewarded the 2 of us).
teaching respect, prudence (being smart in life to get thru life), and other things are an important part of a parent’s job raising kids. I want to have kids that become their own strong Satan servants… not because it was what their parents did and it was “expected” of them (which was the case with my xtian raising) but because they can see for themselves the beauty, truth, wisdom, and blessing of Satan and they WANT that for their own lives. Their own Free Will in action. But sometimes kids can be little assholes and so I would discipline them however I thought was right in the moment. Now this is all for the ones we plan to actually let live to carry on for Satan. If there role in life is that of a snuff bunny or fuck toy meat then they may be treated as such and any punishments would be designed for our evil pleasure and I wouldn’t care about teaching them since they will eventually be dead at the end of my cock or under your cunt and it won’t matter…. Out Pleasure Is All That Matters in those cases.”
That was great!
I loved the last part about doing the right things to the fuck toys!
Hail Michael,
Tatiana and I will not have our own children to raise for the god-damned glory of our God Satan, I fucking had them in my former fucking christian life, what a mother-fucking waste. But Tatiana and I will fucking adopt a god-damned female child and raise her to be a god-damned Satanic whore for our Unholy Father God Satan.
We’ll fucking teach by god-damned example and encourage her to use her fucking mind, heart, body and soul for her own fucking pleasure and to fucking accomplish the god-damned destruction of the cock-sucking christian god, his fucking bastard son, the mother-fucking holy spirit and his ignorant fucking church.
We’re of the fucking opinion that our god-damned child should never be fucking tainted by the mother-fucking christian religion or its cock-sucking christian god.
Hail God Satan
“It’s not as Jesus prayed in the garden, “Not my will, but yours, God.” Get used to not your will god; mine is more important.”
Such a wonderful sentiment. I rejected Christ and God simply because I care more about what I want than being good or following the Bible, even if every word is true. I am proud of my sins and embrace Hell and damnation, I plan to spend every fucking minute of eternity cursing the bastard simply because I hate him. No other reason needed! 🙂
Fuck you Christ, I hate you from the core of my being.