Writer: Abn-iiblis
Subject: Invocation of Ama Lilith
Link: Tumblr / 03.12.2022
Invocation of Ama Lilith
The best time to perform this rite is when the moon is more powerful on Full Moon or on New Moon. If you perform this rite indoors, the place has to be lit by black candles only.If you perform this ritual outdoors, you need to set a bonfire.The key to success in this rite is to make an offering of blood on Lilith’s seal. This will open the doors to the dark side of the Moon, and will also create a link between the Goddess and your mind and soul. Spill your blood on the seal and chant eleven times:
Focus your attention on the seal; watch how your blood is absorbed by the seal; and this becomes the portal to the dark side of the astral plane. When you feel ready, begin with the invocation:
Lilith, Goddess of Debauchery and Blasphemy, Dark Mother, Queen of the Bloody Moon, Come to me! My mind and my spirit are ready to receive your gnosis, This is the gnosis of the dark side, come with your dark progeny, Be present in this unholy rite of blasphemy! You are who will guide me to the mysteries of the other side. I long for your kiss of passion, luxury and death.
Teach me the secrets that hide the Dark Moon of Gamaliel, there, in where the Fires of the Sabbath burn and the satyrs dance around the black fires of our Dark Father Samael! You are the Queen of Harlots! Teach me how to use the power of sexuality to manifest my will. Mistress of the Bloody Moon, I surrender to you. Teach me your secrets and give me your gnosis. So mote it be! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!