Writer: Young Andi
Subject: Invitation
Link: Email / LS666 / 14.09.2022 /
Invitation For Perversion
My name is “Young Andi” and I’m a young pervert piss slut that wants to be used for Satan — and I seek “Pedophilic Perverts,” — to tell me how they want to rape my tiny virgin holes for Satan — So come and tell me how much they want to, “Piss in my virgin holes.”
Email me now … “,” … I am waiting, wet and desperate to be abused by you. Cum and tell me all that you’d love to do to me. It makes me hot. I fucking love to be talked to dirty — especially pissing. I’ll talk about all types of perverted things with you while I touch myself.
I’m actually touching myself right now — thinking of all the fun — we’ll have through email. I’ll tell you wherever you want. You’ll have complete control over me and my tight virgin cunny. I want you hot salty piss and pedo cum. I want you to impregnate me — so we can force an abortion sacrifice together — as you fuck and fill my delicious baby holes.
Love Young Andi
Oh fuck! My darling if I had a dick I would rape you until your cunt finally felt the sweet satisfaction she deserves… So, my love, if your inbox overflows, my holes are available too. Mmmm. Such a good girl.
You don’t need a dick to rape me. I’m a slut for all of Satan’s children. Willing to serve and be used
@Andi – such a good little slut. Tell us more about how you want us to use you
I want cocks and tongues, raping my slutty little holes. I want them to make me scream in pleasure. I want piss all over my body. I want to be taken complete control of
@GoodLittleChurchGirl – I’ve read your comments here and on my post under the Amanda Blonde Pedo Rape story. I think we should chat as we seem to have much in common. Feel free to reach out to me [email protected] or on my MeWe (https://mewe.com/i/mickmichaels1) or iTaboo (https://itaboo.com/-mmichaels) or on Wickr (MMichaels). Wickr might be best for more perverted private chat. And anybody else who wants to chat then feel free to hit me up and I’ll reply as soon as I can.
Email me if you want to know more about how I want my small tight little girl virgin holes to be raped. How I want to be touched and fucked by all pedos that will do nasty nasty things to me
Ja, hast Du schön gesagt. Aber die Mailadresse haut nicht hin. Hab es versucht. Konnte nicht gesendet werden. Netzwerk Verbindungen prüfen. Schätze so wird es wohl vielen oder allen ergehen. Ein Mädchen, dass sowas sucht und verlangt und so herrlich pervers ist – sogar Lustabtreibungen gerne genießen möchte, kann ja gar keine Ruhe mehr bekommen ohne Abzuschalten. Auch Mädchen würden sich für Orgien melden.Also da stimmt was nicht.
How right you are, by the tongue’s and cocks of satanic worshipers. Hail Satan and Lilith lust perversion and depravity and abortions.
Andi, you might believe that you understand your Cunt, but my angel, you are just beginning to understand what She needs. I would enjoy showing you all that your Cunt can offer you. I’d be delighted to watch you in absolute rapture. I think we both know what your Cunt craves. Wickedness in all forms…I will find the dark crevice where your depravity erupts. Your Cunt brings joy, precious girl. So, spread your legs for the men, Andi. Hold open your Cuntlips. Let them all be mesmerized by your hole. Feels good doesn’t it. You’re quite special, you know.
I want my ass and cunt ruined. I want my insides full of piss and cum. Your new story makes me insanely wet. I wish I could be used by a woman like that
“I wish I could be used by a woman like that.”
Oh Andi, darling, you have me right here, Angel.
Although I want you for my very own little girl, you must know how many legions of us who will simply devour you. You’ll be with us forever, that way.
I want to use you for the sole purpose of pleasing my Cunt. So let’s make me happy, shall we?
I have something to put over your head.
You’ll have to be quite conservative with your oxygen. Not sure how long before you run out.
So try not to scream as all of my friends, violent killers, molest and attack your slit. All their cock-weapons have been approved for their monstrous features: huge head, slick soft skin over ironhard cock sticks. Large or small, all the cocks have one goal: destroy Cunt.
You are what they need, Andi. Don’t disappoint them.
We will obviously rip your holes with them, it cannot be helped. But be good and take it or you’re not Mommy’s girl anymore. Yes? Nod your head in your hood.
I’d hate to have to sell you.
I’ll keep them from ruining you forever. Only because you’re useful to me.
Be sure to keep me pleased and you will survive, my Angel.
Andi, do you secretly want to be afraid that Mommy will go too far with you?
Does your fear excite you?
Regardless of your feelings, I need to harm you, Andi. Your holes are perfect and pink and must be raped.
In fact, you’ve got my Cunt so wet that I’m going to give you a nice shower of my sweet life-giving piss.
Open your mouth.
And eyes.
Good girl, Andi. Mommy loves you.
Oh yes mommy. That’s so good. I’m dripping mommy. Please email me @andimarks.proton.me
Please email me mommy, I want you so bad. I’m going insane touching my drooling cunt
Email me so we can talk further
You have been touching yourself.
That doesn’t surprise me.
But, darling, I have warned you: you must tell Mommy every time you cum. I need to know.
I will give your eyes a feast, with cruel, rough child rape images and videos. I want you to tell me what you see, and then thank those sexy pedophiles who made it possible.
You love pedos don’t you, Andi? You want them to choose you first!
Because of them, we can watch tiny cunts be molested, abused, raped, hit, punched, even…
Oh my love, most of the time Mommy can control herself but it’s time for me to feel good.
I want you downstairs, in a Tshirt and panties only. We are having guests.
Remember Mommy’s pen pal from prison? Well, he was just released on a technicality and needs somewhere to hide from the media for a while.
He will be moving in. You must keep it a secret. I cannot guarantee your safety if you tell anyone. And knowing this evil ways, I think it’s best if you are confined to the house.
“If I find out little Andi-cunt told anyone, you know I will fucking destroy her body. You will watch, you filthy Mom, and you will fuck yourself while I systematically rape and fucking snuff your little girl. ”
He said those things and more! I had to make that deal though. He’s going to be the best Uncle you ever had! Don’t worry, you can earn his love eventually.
Bring him toys to fuck and kill and he won’t need to end you.
Try to be good. I cannot guarantee anything, but allow Uncle Jack to rape you, and don’t forget to scream and cry. It won’t help you but it makes Mommy and Uncle Jack fall in love!
Good girl. You look like a tiny baby girl, innocent in your panties.
Inspection time. Now!
Good girl. Spread open your legs and show me your panty-covered slit. Your little fat pussy is a fucking magnet. I have no clue how I’ve kept you alive so long … So many rapists have been inside Mommy’s cunt, just waiting to get to little Andi. Fuck. You are a cunt treasure. Spread open. Now.
Don’t cry yet. Mommy needs to get the camera.
Oh fuck, Andi. Mommy adores you!!!
I decided to edit a bit and then create more fun with little Andi
she is SUCH a good girl. Xxx. and if anyone likes this madness of my twisted mind, the whole first 2 “chapters” should post to the blog soon. Be patient with me… I’m new😇
RapeCock daddies and pervs: If you’re nice and twisted like “Mommy” is, you should see if our little Andi is still looking for cockworshiping and severe cruel rape playtime. She’s requested it! Just be sure to do it the way she deserves. You’ll know when she’s crying for Mommy. What a great little cunt. We love you, Andi.
Schon einmal habe ich es versucht, lieb, geile Andi, es geht nicht Dir zu Mailen. Inzwischen hast Du so viele Angebote, dass es sicher Sinnlos wäre zu Versuchen, Dich noch geiler zu machen. Herrliche, grenzenlose Perversität mit und in Deinen herrlichen, unersättlichen Löcher nach Geilheit, wurde Dir schon massenhaft angeboten. Was mit Deinen 3 unsagbar herrlichen Löcher und in ihnen, alles an höchster Abnormalität und höchster Perversität – was ja satanisch die herrlichsten Dinge sind – anstellbar ist bis immer wieder zur geilen Ohnmacht, würden Dich so geil machen, das Du glaubst, im geilen Himmel der Hölle zu sein. Den gibt es nämlich auch. Und dazu noch wie von Dir erwünscht, die selben Handlungen und Behandlungen an Deinem ganze Leib und auch in Deinem Leib. Was Dich immer noch geiler machen würde. Aber nicht nur Dich, meine Liebe. Du bist ein wunderbares, herrliches Mädchen, das ist mal sicher. Aber es gibt noch mehr so junge, herrliche Mädchen. Und eine hat Dir ganz wunderbar hier geschrieben. Und Mädchenpisse ist ja etwas ganz herrliches, wie ich weiß. Meinen Namen und Mailadresse gebe ich ja hier an. Ich bin Heinz. Du kannst mir ja schreiben – auch hier – ob Du möchtest, das ich versuche Dich anders zu erreichen. Ich warte mal.
Translated for Andi …
I’ve tried it before, dear, horny Andi, it’s not possible to email you. By now you have so many offers that it would be pointless to try to make you even hornier. Magnificent, limitless perversity with and in your wonderful, insatiable holes for horniness, you have already been offered en masse. What can be done with your 3 unspeakably wonderful holes and in them, everything of the highest abnormality and highest perversity – which are the most wonderful things satanically – up to horny fainting again and again, would make you so horny that you believe in horny heaven the to be hell. There is that too. And in addition, as requested by you, the same actions and treatments on your whole body and also in your body. What would make you even hornier. But not only you, my love. You’re a wonderful, gorgeous girl, that’s for sure. But there are more girls so young, gorgeous. And one wrote you wonderfully here. And girls piss is something very wonderful, as I know. I’ll give my name and email address here. I am Heinz You can write to me – also here – if you want me to try to reach you in a different way. I’ll wait …
Such a good little girl
So fucking horny pleasure too see a young girl who knows how to get what she wants
So perfect
[email protected]
I would like to make a second invitation XP.
Such a pleasure to see a young girl offering to be fucked raped [email protected]