Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: Inventing Jesus
Link: MEWE / 26.09.2021
Inventing Jesus
Interviewer: How did get away with your savior scam with this Jesus character?
Inventor: Easy, unempowered people always look outside of themselves for salvation. Playing on their ignorance, I just gave them what they wanted. A savior, a shepherd a false God. I simply played the masses with feeding fantasy into their childlike minds, ensuring their growth and maturation would be stunted. Knowing humanity’s tendency for shirking personal responsibility, I knew that my ploy of “faith” would secure their ignorance.
Interviewer: Even though there isn’t any credible evidence for your Biblical Jesus character, you still managed to persuade billions. You must be a master marketer, convincing folks of your narrative, while suspending all skepticism and rational thought. Amazing.
Inventor: If you feed people propaganda that suits their biases, they buy in without applying any critical thought. I simply feed their fantasy, embellish with a few miracles here and there, steal from already known Pagan lore, then package it up for them as “truth”. As we know, people are entirely too lazy to fact check, or apply critical thinking, so my narrative will set and take root.
Interviewer: And when another sly scammer rivals your persuasion on humanity, how do you handle it?
Inventor: They die the sword. You remember the Crusades yes? Then back it up with simple biased rhetoric by insisting that they are wrong and evil of course, while you are holy and righteous. Again, telling them what they already are predisposed to. It’s a no-brainer really, build you a shepherd, and the sheep will come. Easy shit right?
Hail Lucy Az
Wise are the Words of Az
Thank You Brother Xpanther
For Spreading Her Wisdom
Hail Zaman … thanks for the continued support … Hail LVST
I will always support you Brother Xpanther
Hail Lust
I have known you many years
Hail Lilith to this.