Writer: The Horned Witch
Subject: Introducing The Horned Witch
Link: Tumblr / 15.12.2024
Introducing The Horned Witch
“Baphomet, The Baptizer. Who brought us to Median and saved us from our enemies” – Rachel, Night Breed
Six year old me had no idea who Baphomet really was. (Yes I know, my mother had poor decision making skills and I was raised by movies that I had no business watching.) It wasn’t until I was eighteen that I heard the name again, but it came to me not as this savior of monsters, no. It came to me as the Sabbatic Goat, The Great Hermaphrodite, or as Anton LaVey suggested, Satan.
I was not raised Christian, but I was raised around it. While I harbored a little bit of Christian guilt, I pushed forward and dove into different perspectives of philosophy, theology, and religion. The ones that stuck out to me more and more were Buddhism, Shinto, Paganism, and Satanism. Variety, I know – I found that all held some truth yet didn’t at the same time. It’s like I was a Polytheist before I even knew what it was.
Over the past twenty years of my life I have walked a very serpentine Path, filled with doubts, revelations, pain, love, loss, and abundance. All events serving their purpose, and while I may use the term ‘Awake’ I understand that it is the process, the journey that one takes. Much like The Fool, we have to experience this life to learn what we need to learn.
I use the term Theistic Witch because, if I were to give what I do a title, that is what it would be. I, as a Witch, observe the natural rhythm and cycles of The Natural world (inner and outer) and attune myself as is needed. I hold that The Divine and Sacred are found within Nature and the Cosmos.
The depths I travel can be overwhelming at times, even for myself. I often look far too deep into various things, and must maintain perspective often. You will see this in what I post. Yes, I utilize pop culture and media to facilitate understanding of concepts that can be difficult for many to comprehend. I do so because it appears our society is going through a mass awakening, one that can be difficult and strenuous. Yes I know, it’s going to be okay, I promise.
Writing has and always will be very important to me. It has come to my understanding (Through a Primary Deity) that sharing in this manner not only benefits me (stepping outside my comfort zone), it can act as an anchor to those who seek. Those who feel lost among the endless bombardment of opinions and copy/pasted regurgitated nonsense one would normally find on the internet.
I do not have all the answers, You do. Something I learned during the very first steps on my Path was: “Eat the chicken, spit out the bones.”
Take what sustains you and throw out the rest.