Writer: Ray
Subject: Inspired By Youth
Link: LS666 Comments / 02.03.2024
Inspired By Youth
The youth of this world is so inspiring. At such a young age their minds are completely controlled by perversions and porn. It’s so nice to see, by the way they dress, and act, that they have abandoned any form of religion. They watch porn 24/7. They spend time with all their friends, smoking pot, and fucking.
There are lots of young boys dressing up like sexy little girls. Every day, being bisexual is a way of life for almost every young person. Sucking cock is normal. Eating pussy is normal. Ass-fucking normal. Their parents don’t care. They’re too busy cheating, doing drugs, watching porn, themselves.
Satan has taken over the bodies and minds of our youth, throughout the world, through porn. It’s been a lot of work but it’s now Satan’s crowning glory — watching all his wicked, unholy, fornicating youth, walking the earth. Sexy nylons. Long sexy hair. Bald cocks and cunts. It’s only going to get more mainstream as time goes on. The pendulum has swung to wickedness and perversions — for Satan — the youth growing up will inherit the Earth and Hell — no one can stop them.
It’s the end of religion and God. It’s all about sexual pleasures, anal-fucking, cunt-fucking, cock sucking. Demons control us. The beast controls us. Let sexually perverted pleasures guide us into all dark temptations of Satan. Pinch your nipples hard. Let your tongue slither out, tasting the forbidden fruit. Let cocks drip milk from the head of the serpent. Get between the legs of wickedness. And feast on filthy unholy meat — Satan’s sperm is all we need.
Thank you for the blog post “Ray”. You are so right about the youth of this world choosing Satan over religion and God. As an older person, it gives me encouragement to know that I made the right choice to leave Christianity for Satanism. All the porn, lust, and perversions anyone could ever desire without feeling guilty.
That is why the older generations that are still alive are alarmed and want to swing the pendulum back to their side. But as we know, Satan and his demons have taken control of the youth. The power over them is too strong for any part of the “Holy Trinity” to overcome. So strong that they can only say from their lips “Hail Satan! Fuck God! Fuck Jesus Christ! And Fuck the Holy Spirit!”.
I agree the lust that burns in them is to strong too convert to Christianity, there minds and body are corrupted by demons and there’s more of them each day finding Satan and Lilith and blasphemy deviant satanic perversion they are addicted to it, it’s a drug,
How can they stop lusting??? There body’s are so horny they can’t, there little cocks and cunts drip the fire of HELL no church pastor or priest or social worker can extinguish the burning flames they feel, once Satan offers them pornography there immediately sexual converted and do Satan’s will his sexual powers over them grows and grows,
Why would you want to be a good Christian and worship God??? Especially after you have been sexually influenced by the dark master god Satan your body loves to cummmmm it loves the tongues licking the twat or sucking the cock or fingering the ass pussy or cock fucking and sucking lots of cocks, no church pastor or priest can talk a youth out of sexual perverted pleasures,
Satan’s grip is for ever it’s to strong. if they happen to get a child back it doesn’t last, they lay there at night there minds go blank there lust takes over, there hands and fingers slide down there clothing to the world of wickedness and perversions fills mind and body with filth and Satan gets them off
Christianity can’t compete with porn, HELL is in there souls and cunts and cocks
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Isn’t it Beautiful?!!
I drooled reading your post. Liquid lust.
Yes, no young people are Christians anymore.
They all look at it as ridiculous and stupid and laughable, something only old people are into.
They’d much rather take drugs and watch porn and fuck each other.
And this has been Satan’s plan all along. Porn is his offspring afterall.
Christian morals are dead.
As is that freak Jesus Christ.
Satan reigns Supreme forevermore.
I drooled reading your post. Liquid lust.
Yes, no young people are Christians anymore.
They all look at it as stupid and laughable, something only old people are into.
They’d much rather take drugs and watch porn and masturbate and fuck each other.
And this has been Father Satan’s plan all along.
Porn is, afterall, his spawn, and has led directly to the demise of Christian morality.
Christianity is dead.
As is that freak Jesus Christ.
Satan lives triumphant forevermore.
Praise Him.
Yes. It is Satan’s will that each successive generation wallow in more depravity than the last. Let the world drown in semen and be buried in filth. Hail Lilith. Hail Satan.
It’s extremely gratifying to see so many transgender girls these days, and I believe they will grow in number to become an established third sex. They have a lot of haters, but that’s because they arouse those haters and the haters become conflicted between their beliefs and their hardening cock.
It is good that many schools are introducing transgender education against the will of parents, and allowing trans girls to use the girls bathroom. Getting those little cocks into the girls bathroom is just so perfect on so many levels, especially when you consider many of them will be masturbating those cocks in their bathroom stalls.
When I was 16 in high school, as a boy, I would often sneak into the girls bathroom and spend an hour or so in a stall playing with myself whilst girls came and went from the stalls either side of me. That was in the 1980s. If I was in high school in 2024 I would be wearing the girls uniform and be on hormone treatment. I was born a few decades early.