Influenced by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Influenced

Link: MeWe / 05.08.2024


I was asked a question recently by one of Lilith’s daughters seeking to know my beliefs. My tenets align closely with these seven below, however, if I must prepare a short “elevator speech,” it would be: life is about orgasms, obtaining the next one, through any consensual means possible while treating others with respect and balanced with obtaining knowledge to serve my Mother and Father to the best of my abilities.

That said, these guidelines are far better than the Ten Commandments in my opinion. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures by reason. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own. Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should never distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. Every tenet is a guiding principle that inspires nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. So I ask, am I influenced or manifesting?

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