Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: “Incubub” Thoughts
Link: Email LS666 / 28.08.2022 / http://littlesally666.com/incubub-2/
Note from XP: Incubub — is a fictional demonic creature that I created some years ago. I recently revisited this story — and enjoyed it again — as if it have been written by someone else (only that person happened to know all my hot buttons)!
The Incubub is a fictional creature that is an embodiment less of evil than a representative of repressed desires: all those things you want to do but can’t, that you wish you’d done but didn’t? Incubub can and does do them all. It thrives off of sin and temptation, and if there’s any inclination to do something especially something wicked, the Incubub does it and coerces others to do the same. It has a particular fondness for sexual sins, and even more so for getting people to partake in sexual sins. The Incubub manifests in many dark forms, sometimes to scare and intimate with a large mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, goat-like horns and the shiny black wings of a bat; other times its guise is to tempt and seduce in the form of a young androgynous boy or girl.
“Incubub” Thoughts
So started to read your. “Incubub” story. I started on. “Incubub 2 / Chapters 4 – 6” — when got this chill and visions again. Am actually going to look into the book you have in the story. But with what have been talking to my demons about this vision was not all that glamorous. So am going to share as best as to how it is coming to me and with what has already transpired.
It has been a while since started to try a d learn divination and how to summon demons. I read how Satan loves lust and has no problem with a guy who wants to be a girl and such. Let’s just say, “He loves us perverts.” I found many years ago I had feminine attributes and then started to find myself interested in other men in that way. So even found myself reading what I think was called the book of the dead or something. As I started to familiarize myself with some demons I realized the potential if I were to call on them as guides and more. Maybe even become one with a few, imagine the power if they lived inside me.
I did some research to ones with duality ,such as Baphomet who has both breasts and a penis. I then looked up deities who may have that genderless identity and may be able to help me as well. It started quite simple as I did small rituals to try and reach demons and even Satan himself. Through others I found a few to call on, Lilith was popular and then there is Astaroth and then found some like Marbas was known as a shape shifter.
Maybe I could be supernaturally changed or enhanced. Of coarse you must give to get and how far am I willing. But I imagined having a more feminine body and being fucked over and over. Satan has been known for lust and maybe if I offer to serve him I can do so with lust. With my imagination I could even picture these wild looking demons and me having sex with them. Maybe even be there little prostitute. And so it begins.
I know have broken through and started to make offerings in hope to possibly have demons help change me. I have had all these dreams of wild creatures and having sex with them and it was all great. It would end with me laying there soaked and oozing cum like a whore. I never head the warnings as in one instance I am learning sigil magick.
You are told that the ring around a sigil helps bind the entity until it is activated and by no means should you draw a demons sigil on you. But I also read you can make a pact for a given time such as allowing one to be with you to enjoy a sexual encounter as an offering. Imagine having the demon of some succubus inside you as you have hot sex with someone and then after you send them on their way.
I have even found myself trying to summon a “Succubus” and at one point a “Gay incubus” to fuck me. They will take your energy though? Well, who knows. I also like reading and writing stories for a site called “Littlesally666.com” and come across one about something called an, “Incubub”? But this creature can come in a couple forms but one is an androgynous type who looks like a young girl with a penis. Mmmm, a young shemale — Wow — so in the story as far as I have read there is a book which brings out this creature and it seduces a mother and her young son. It has even joined in with the young boy once at this point. It has two forms so maybe shapeshifter, maybe can help me?
It has been a bit and I have felt this calling from Baphomet as at one point asked her to be my sister. I have felt her in the past and maybe its time to reach out again. I have been in a d out of the bible and light and dark. I think its time to call on him and see if there is one who can help me change and get all the sex I want.
I decide it is time to stop playing and if it is worth it to make that big step, but a little at a time as I lay in bed I decide to call on my shadow side and go right to it. I find myself calling out to Satan himself and if he will accept me am willing to give 1 fifth of my soul to start to show intent if he will help. So it is time and I do a drawn out ceremony in which I call for my shadow side and then find as it is time I offer half to him. I feel something as I ask him to allow me access to those who can help me. I love shemales and would love to be with many of them as I picture this hot orgy with them.
So I call on the Baphomet one morning and ask for the Baphomet to help me feel my duality and as an offering ask it to spend the day in my body and I start to get a chill. The whole day I seem to be referring to myself in feminine ways and get all tingly. At the end of the day I feel called to draw the Baphomet’s sigil but without the ring and find myself repeating the “Demonic Summoning Enn” for it as I draw. I lay back on my sofa as I grab a pen. Before I know it I am saying it again as I draw the sigil on my chest. I follow that with the brimstone sigil under it. I find myself staring at it as I am still repeating the “Enn”.
It is a few days later and still feel something as I feel have been accepted so decide to go further. I set it up and call for Satan and ask permission to call on his demons for help. I call Baphomet as my twin now and then a few who can maybe help empower me and help supernaturally make some changes to me and even for the sacred prostitute to become one with me. My goal? If all works out will get slightly bigger breasts and cock and the urge to sexually serve like a whore with no doubts or fears.
So I am lying in bed and all kind of thoughts run through me about shape shifting and “Succubi” and “Incubi” and even the stories I have hear about the “Incubub”. And for some reason bodybuilding and seeing a guy tell me no pain no gain but in the end its worth it, but think to myself what the fuck? I start getting these thoughts of the different versions of the “Incubub” as one says she is like a young girl while the other some sort of monster, can she shift? Maybe help me shift if I make an offering. I am now not thinking shall I say, with my own head. I decide to try something.
I am going to reach out,but where as cannot do it at home and most places would kick me out if they hear what may go on, but wait. I remember this sleazy motel at the edge on town where had to take something to someone once, you could hear all the hard sex going on but no one cared. The person I took something to even said there is one room no one uses as they say its the gateway and the owner if said he would not only let someone use it free but would give them money if they stayed in it. I decide to check it out and go to the office as the motel is shut down for the weekend due to health department.
I go to see the owner in the managers office and ask about it. He is watching something nasty and to be honest looks like he is jerking off behind the counter. I ask him about the room and he starts to go on about it and how he would pay and everything but as of now he is not allowed to rent any room. I tell him he is not technically renting it and maybe he is helping out a friend. I then ask him about what he is watching though not sure why.
He tells me today’s porn sucks as he cant even get excited enough to shoot. I tell him maybe he needs to watch it in the back room as I stare at him, again not knowing why. I tell him I can show him if he licks the door and he does and we walk back. I tell him to turn on a radio to some station I don’t even know and it is an eerie music that comes on. He is standing there as I see he has a laptop and he is naked with his cock hanging as I give him this site to look up.
I ask if he is scared of demons and stuff and he laughs. He says anything that will get him off. He opens the laptop and goes to the site as it is some sort of demonic sex ritual and he stands there as he watches and starts to stroke and get hard. It is with succubi and incubi and he says he wish he had one and as he asks how I found this sight he turns and I am on my knees. He begins to ask why I am on my knees and have on a bra as I grab his cock and slide it in my mouth.
I begin to suck on it as he gets excited as the music and video take hold. Hr grabs my head and starts to pump in and out of my mouth and each time he is ready to explode I stop. He starts to ask why I keep stopping him as if I did not want him to cum in my mouth he would pull out. I told him there is a better place as I stand and pull down my shorts to show a pair of panties and turn and lean over his table facing the laptop.
My panties have an open ass and I ask him what it would take to use that room for s night and he looks at my ass and over my should to the porn as it draws him close until his cock is between my cheeks. He watches the porn, as he says, “Maybe we can work something out,” as I push back against him until he is inside me.
Before I know it, the laptop hits the floor, as he starts to pound me like a rabbit. We end up moving around the room and falling onto his sofa as he begins to shove and finally shoots into me. He lays there for a few minutes grinding in my wet hole before pulling out. He tells me he is not sure who or what I am but he hands me the key and tells me to come back anytime. I stand up and put my shorts back on but leave my shirt to go to the room. I have his cum inside me and it is almost like a drug. I get ready to go to the room as he mentions my shirt. I tell him I will come back for it if that’s okay and he says he will be waiting.
I walk to “Room Six” and think, seriously? I look and the number on the door has two more sixes under it to form the triangular “666”. Most people think of it as a warnings — like enter at own risk — and some say that it is a “Doorway to the abyss”. There is also some other writing in some other language, go figure. It was said that there was a satanist who used the room one Halloween to summon Satan and he opened the doorway inside and went through. Normally I would say yea, right but now knowing about that realm I wonder. So I walk in to find what looks like an alter set up already but it has a weird looks as if partially old and partially new.
It has a bed and pentagram and satanic symbols all over, stereotypical. Then I swear I hear a very soft voice say welcome and come in and join us. I start to get a chill and have second thoughts as I see what seems to be some sort of goth lingerie laid out in the bed and for some reason I take off what I have on and stand there naked. My head goes back as my eyes close and I get a chill and tingles then hear the door close behind me,but I do not remember walking in. I look at the bed and the lingerie is not there and it is on me.
I notice the time has changed and I must have sleep walked or something and I go to look in the mirror. I see myself but yet look different when another face pops up and says she has been waiting. I stand as I wait for it to come through and it tells me to open the door. It is a young girl telling me to let her out and she will help me. I feel something guide me as I start to light candles on the altar and am even chanting in some sort of tongues.
I lean over and stare into the eyes of the reflection as I am leaning over the candles and feel the flames. I hear her ask what it is I came for even though she knows. I now realize the smell of stale sex in the room and am guided to the bed and as I sit it feels a little sticky. I look at her in the mirror and she says, “No pain. No gain. Right,” and I lay back and close my eyes as I start to chant a few “Enns” for Satan and others.
I feel something enter the bed as it tells me to keep my eyes closed snd think about my wants and what I am willing to give for them.I feel a tongue across my limp penis and it become erect and then another against mine and a hand holding them. I am told to open my eyes and see this young beautiful girl. She has white wings and a small chest and she grabs our penises and pulls on them. It hurts a bit but it is getting bigger.
“Is this what you want?” she says as it grows.
She then puts her hands on my chest and as I look up at her she makes her breasts grow and asks if it is what I seek. And a pain in my chest as mine grew as she repeats about no pain. She asks if I am looking to be that sacred whore and I cannot lie. She tells me the is more to it and I will need a deep throat and ass and she can help. She then sits on my bigger cock and is pulling it with her ass and it hurts as she asks if I am will to give a piece of me to get a piece of her and it is like she is milking my cock hard. I start to moan as she is taking some of me while milking me and she tells me to suck it up. She tells me there is nothing free here and I know that.
Meanwhile, back in the office the owner is telling friends about what I did and me being in that room. He tells then I am going to come back and he will fuck me again and his friends want to come over and secretly watch. They come over and reboot his laptop and watch the satanic porn and they start talking about what they think is going on in the room. They start to feel gay urges and they are now playing with each other and start to say I am a witch and other things but are not against what is happening.
Back in the room the young girl seems to grow long fingernails snd she runs them across my tits and belly and then draws some things on them as her nails cut like little knives. She puts the same on her body as well and rubs our blood together. I cannot move as she rides me til I am dry and then leans over and licks the symbols while tasting my blood.
She then kisses me and her tongue snakes down my throat as it gags me and seems to get thicker as if to open my throat and then the throat goes slightly numb. She whispers in my ear that it is the key to the deeper throat and kisses my neck and then a bite like a vampire. I notice her wings have grown dark and then she sits back up and again mentions no pain and no gain as her face has changed.
She had long sharp teeth and I feel her cock slither on my body and wrap around like a snake.But how and then she smirks at me as I feel the head press against my hole as she stares down at me.
“This is who we are inside, no pain no gain baby,” she says.
She lays on my body and as he tongue probes my insides she tells me it is time to be one as I feel heat as our cuts on our bodys meet as if exchanging something. Then she shoves her cock up my ANd and like a snake I feel it move inside as she giggles.
“Careful what you wish for huh?” she says as she giggles.
Then says she is going love being a part of me. She shoves and then explodes inside me. She slides up and off as I lay there spent and tells me we are not done that we have company and to sit up proper for them. She goes back into the mirror as there is a knock on the door. I am sitting on the edge of the bed, like a prostitute waiting for her “Johns”, and tell them to come in. At this point the wounds are healed leaving satanic marks as the owner and his friends walk in naked.
They apologize for being naked as they say they thought something was wrong. I ask if I interrupted anything as they say the were just jerking off to the sight I showed. I tell then jerking is no fun and ask if there is a girl to use. They tell me they wish and I tell them wish granted and to come join me. As they approach slowly I tell them it is a sin to waste that seed and should have a place to put it as I take the owner in my hand and start to suck him.
I reach and grab the others and stroke then and then pull the owner to the bed as I fall back aNd he ends up on my face. I let go and spread my cheeks. I squeeze out some of the cum from earlier as one of the men slide into my hole and fucked me. Before I know it there is an orgy going with everyone and I see her in the mirror with a smile. She is back to her younger self and then points and closes her eyes. I have one cock in my ass; while mine is in the owner’s ass. I see the look on her face, as if she just came as I cum inside him. She licks her lips. She opens her mouth as mine does — as a guy shoots in it.
After a few hours I am lying limp. They all leave and the owner tells me this is my room now. She smiles as he leaves. But who and what is she as she tells me welcome to her world.