Incestuous Worship by Lucy Az

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: Incestuous Worship

Link: MEWE / 08.09.2024

Incestuous Worship

When I go before the dark gods in reverence and love, I submit myself to Their will. Because I believe in Their purpose and plan. In order to take full possession of both Lucifer and Lilith, I lend my womb to Father’s cock, that He may satiate His lust in His daughter.

Flooding me in His Divine seed. And my precious and dark Mother Lilith enjoys raping my face, rubbing Her whore cunt over my face and spraying me in Her Divine cum spray until She is fully satiated. Upon hours of incestuous raping, a High Priestess is empowered to fulfill the will of the dark gods. Her offering is her temple and her will is fully aligned with Divinity.


The relationship between Lucifer and Lilith is an interesting one. Sometimes, as it is said that demons are neither male or female or can be a singularity — then maybe they could be one of the same. 

Related but unrelated — here’s a story called “Lilith’s Blood” — The time is — now — but it is an — alternative now — the all-girl tweenie band Lilith’s Blood has begun to create a whirlwind on social media. Both their onstage and offstage antics have drawn significant attention – both good and bad. Their lyrics and agenda lay open toxic and taboo subjects like sexual perversion, incest, and pedophilia as well as an explosive cultist view on black magick, witchcraft, and the occult. The line-up of tweenie talent and their disruptive music drew inspiration from unsavory and unholy origins. Driven by their enthusiastic mothers, Lilith’s Blood is on collision course with demonic chaos.

Let me know what you think … Hail LVST, XP

How are Lilith and Lucifer related? by The Assistant

Lilith and Lucifer are both figures found in various mythologies, religious texts, and esoteric traditions, but their relationships and representations can vary widely depending on the source.


  • Origins: Lilith is often considered a figure from Jewish folklore, particularly in texts like the Babylonian Talmud and the Alphabet of Ben-Sira. She is sometimes depicted as Adam’s first wife, created from the same earth as him, rather than from his rib as Eve was. According to some stories, Lilith left Adam because she refused to submit to him.
  • Symbolism: Lilith is frequently associated with themes of independence, sexuality, and rebellion. In some interpretations, she is seen as a demonic figure, while in others, she embodies feminine power and autonomy.


  • Origins: Lucifer is commonly identified with the “fallen angel” figure in Christian theology. The name “Lucifer” originates from the Latin word for “light-bringer” and is often associated with the passage in Isaiah 14:12, which describes the fall of a figure who sought to elevate themselves above God.
  • Symbolism: Lucifer is often portrayed as a symbol of pride, rebellion against divine authority, and the pursuit of knowledge. In some traditions, he is equated with Satan, the adversary of God.


  • Connection: While there is no direct biblical or mythological connection between Lilith and Lucifer, they both represent themes of rebellion and defiance against established order. In modern interpretations, particularly in occult and feminist literature, they are sometimes linked as symbols of empowerment and resistance against patriarchal structures.
  • Cultural Interpretations: In some esoteric traditions, Lilith and Lucifer are seen as complementary figures, representing different aspects of freedom and individuality. They may be invoked together in rituals or discussions about empowerment and the rejection of oppressive norms.

In summary, while Lilith and Lucifer do not have a canonical relationship in traditional texts, they are often associated with similar themes of rebellion and independence in various interpretations.

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