In The Name of Satan, Most Unholy, Great Almighty Lord Of Darkness – Non-Fiction

Writer: Polishpiggay

Subject: In The Name of Satan, Most Unholy, Great Almighty Lord Of Darkness

Link: Tumblr 03.11.2023


In The Name of Satan, Most Unholy, Great Almighty Lord Of Darkness

Worthy of a Satan … worthy of a act of devotion … worthy of a Sin … worthy of a betrayal … worthy of a damnation … Sanctus Satanas, Sanctus. Dominus Diabolus, Sabaoth. Satanas – Venire! Satanas – Venire! Ave Satanas. Ave Satanas. Tui sunt caeli, Tua est terra. Ave Satanas.

Through sacred blasphemy of my soul and demonic desecration of my body. I am committed to Satan. I promise serve Satan as his unclean priest. I am elected for him. I serve for Satan by impurity, blasphemy and breaking vows.

And invert all the Christian virtues, to celebrate satanic liturgies. Being blasphemous, because Lord Satan likes it. I do with the most complete devotion. I command that the spirit of Christ depart from my soul and body. In the name of Satan, I reject him and his Holy Spirit. I declare my conversion and go to the side of Satan to become his priest. I proclaim him as my Lord and God, my way, truth and life. I am his fallen, corrupted, converted and damned priest, born of the unholy spirit of Satan.

Satan make me as his offering from my life and my eternity to him and his Demons. I am the offering to Father Satan, the corrupted priest of my God and his unholy demons, I am harvest of his temptation and damnation.


Blasphemy is the way of the hell for to rejoin the devil and his demons in eternal damnation. I belong to the devil and hell.

5 thoughts on “In The Name of Satan, Most Unholy, Great Almighty Lord Of Darkness – Non-Fiction”

  1. I’m new to all of this, and my questions are out of curiosity and seeking understanding. I’m kinda former Christian and or searching. I find your “opposite” of Christianity deal quite interesting. It makes absolute logical sense, so serve the dark Lord you do everything the opposite of his adversary. So the question I’m pondering is about this life in the flesh. The Christuan deal is that you will suffer in the flesh. Poor, sick, downtrodden etc. Also missing out on all of the pleasures of the flesh. This is my biggest reason for leaving. The perversion and depraved sex is too much an allure to me. Fuck being deprived of that. So I guess my question is, not only are you then “allowed” to participate in all kinds of pleasurable filth, but will Satan give you other things in this life to please the flesh? Money? Protection from the law? Prestige? Respect? And if Satan is willing to give those things, what does it require? Sacrifices?

    Thanks truly for anyone’s feedback. I truly love this community. I’ve been lurking a looooong time.

    1. Hi Ron

      Think about it. Do you believe the Easter Bunny is real? Do you imagine Father Christmas has a toy factory in the North Pole? Will your Fairy Godmother give you a pumpkin carriage to take you to the ball? What is this? They are stories we tell children to keep their “little minds” occupied. It’s all about control, right?

      Why did they invent god? Heaven? The Ten Commandments? Sin? Good questions. Now you’re thinking. Well — maybe they were created to keep “little minds” occupied — so you do the things that “they” want; and stay away from the things “they’ don’t want — Yes, it’s another form of control.

      So we invented Satan. That naughty, Lord Satan (with horns and a tail), tells us, “Hey, do whatever you want, because there ain’t no heaven or hell; no afterlife, no white wings, harps or clouds. Fuck, do whatever you want.” — Nothing wrong with having your dick sucked by a gorgeous tranny. Or being balls-deep in your lover’s oily backside. But, being a responsible person, I must add, “Do it consensually, please.”

  2. Holy cow XP! That is such a sexy hot way of putting it! Father Satan is indeed a very delicious inspiration who will make sure that we have all sorts of wonderful opportunities to enjoy pleasures of the flesh in our lives Ron. We can pray to him and he will give us our desires. All of the darkest depraved filth that instantly makes your cock hard and pussies drip. 💧 you will like it, dear, I promise! You will like it dear, I promise Satan, is good to us and he will never leave us abandoned not knowing what to do. Unlike the Christian God that so many times left me out in the cold. Satan loves us. He will guide us until the end of our days. And yes, indeed we can do want to do. Pleasure of the flesh. We can watch porn. Just talk to him and he will bless you. He will tell you what to do. And I promise he will give you pleasure on pleasure just reopen with him and do not be afraid to be yourself and worship him the way he calls you to worship.

    1. That’s why I love Satan! If gives. He’s the true god a savior! Gave us sexually immorality to indulge are selfs in in his honor! Not like that stupid god

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