Writer: GarySix
Subject: In Response to Pastor Tom
Link: LS666 Comments / 27.12.2022
In Response to Pastor Tom
Good morning brother in Christ and better, in Satan. On XP’s site I’m GarySix (hope you’ve seen my filth blasphemy posts). I’m Gary and I serve as an associate pastor In a small non-denominal church here in Connecticut. I came to experience Satan and his glorious filth about four years ago in counseling a young man at church into porn. Until he finally confessed it was Satanic porn. That really scared me and I kind of moved him along to focus on other topics.
Over the next few sessions I found myself thinking about satanic porn and just exactly was that? So, I cleverly asked him to explain what it was. As He did I could see his cock swell in his tan khaki pants. That made me hard and we both noticed. That’s when he said, let me show you so you can better heal me heal from this. Well I was really shocked and frightened with these demons and sex and all manner of blasphemy filth and I wanted to stop him, but didn’t, at the same time. Anyway, it went on from there. (I now have learned so much about sex demons that it has helped me to adore them, well, one in particular).
This lead to me running a post on XP’s site inviting clergy to partner with me. Doing this with regular men is very good but sharing it with another ordained minister is beyond compare for sexual satisfaction and satanic delight. I had a pastor from Idaho contact me but he was unable to handle the sex satanic blasphemy, although he tried. In the beginning it was difficult for me as well, but there is no comparison to it’s delight and pure evil filth. I am hoping you have the same feeling about a relationship with another ordained pastor to share and explore the deep satanic filth Satan has offered us. In either case I would love to hear from you.
Pastor Tom, You may know that I have posted numerous notes here on the special, unique and thrilling, exquisite joy of remaining Christian (not a very good one) but nonetheless, there is no greater thrill and joy in my opinion, to function as a Christian and enjoy the glorious filth blasphemy that Satan offers Christians. If you remain a Christian and adore Satan, he uses you as a trophy to show around in the divine realm. I would love to hear from you by email and trade ideas.
It’s truly an honor & a privilege to be Satan’s trophy.
Gay Satanic sex totally turns me on like nothing else.
Would love to discuss this with you
Would love to know how to connect with others like you
Wow!! I am now a trophy fag wife!!
My cocklet is hard for SATAN!!