Feature Writer: KylesPhantasies


Published: 02.12.2023

Story Codes: Succubus, Incest

Synopsis: Daniel draws out the succubus in his daughter Tasha

Author’s Notes: This is a story that I dreamed up to get myself back into writing erotica. It was supposed to be a short, single installment but the length seems more appropriately broken into a few chapters. Enjoy!

In Her Mother’s Footsteps 1

Daniel Sunner looked up from his magazine as his daughter, Tasha, entered the kitchen, opened the pantry, surveyed the contents, closed the pantry, and left the room for the third time in as many hours. He called after her.

“Tash, you okay, hun?”

After a few moments, she slipped back into the room and tried to reassure him.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just feel … I dunno. I keep thinking I’m hungry and it’s making it hard to focus.”

Her eyes are definitely darker than normal,’ Daniel observed with a little thrill of excitement.

Aloud he said, “Well, maybe it’s time to take a break? It’s only 6:30, we could watch a movie or play a game.”

“Uh, a movie maybe?” she replied, “I really want to finish this paper so I can hang out with Abbie tomorrow. As you know, we have a well documented history of losing track of time once the board games come out.”

He’d been the one left unprepared after their last unplanned, marathon game night.

“Sure, you want to start a bowl of popcorn and I’ll see what we’ve got on the ol’ tube? Anything you want to watch?”

Daniel pushed back from the kitchen counter while talking and dog-eared the page he’d been reading.

Tasha was already pulling out the popcorn.

“Action? Thriller? Something intense to grab my brain, and not too long.”

Daniel clicked his tongue to indicate he’d heard her and strode to the living room. He turned on the television and quickly scrolled through his phone for the list of movies he’d prepared and quickly pared it down to Tash’s genre selection while opening the first streaming app on the menu. The popcorn started popping in the microwave while he checked which movies were available where.

Once the cacophony had stopped, he called out, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Atomic Blonde, Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, Deep Water, Fear …”

“Mmm, any shorter than the others?” came Tasha’s response.

“Not really,” Daniel noted, “Maybe Fear? All about two hours.”

“Eh, how about Atomic Blonde; Charlize Theron is a badass. I don’t really want to watch an old movie right now,” Tash announced with a mischievous tone.

“Ouch,” Daniel acknowledged Tash’s dig at his age aloud and started the movie.

The pair settled down with the popcorn between them and enjoyed the movie. They made little comments to each other steadily until the plot arrived at Lorraine and Delphine’s romance. Daniel enjoyed the two women’s lustful coupling but tried to stay still, even though the combination of the movie and situation provided more than enough excitement to make him almost painfully erect. Covert glances at his daughter seemed to indicate that he’d read the signs right, her breath had grown deeper and more ragged and she was struggling to sit still.

The movie moved on but Tash was still enraptured. The empty feeling she’d been struggling with lately was back but this time there was … something she needed. It was the sizzle of a grilling steak but she wasn’t hearing it. It was baking bread but she wasn’t smelling it.

The elusive sensation was maddening and Tasha began focusing intensely to determine it’s source. The sensation intensified as she focused upon it. After a few minutes of deduction, she got the impression that it was coming from somewhere to her right.

Tasha was still panting with arousal when she abruptly sat up and began cocking her head and sweeping seemingly unseeing eyes toward her father. She quested out with a hand and bumped the popcorn bowl off the couch. Tasha made no indication that she noticed the bowl falling and Daniel held his tongue. Moments later, she twisted her torso toward Daniel and, with an uncanny and undeniably sensual grace, brought herself to all fours with her limbs planted on the couch. She crawled forward one step and rested her hand on her father’s leg, just above the knee.

Tasha’s head swept slowly up from her hand until her gaze fixed upon Daniel’s erection. Her breathing accelerated as her hand slid up her father’s leg. Daniel held his breath. When Tasha’s hand finally reached his cock she experienced an electric sensation and a boom like a firecracker detonated an inch from her face. The shock restored restored some clarity to her thoughts but they were sluggish and and she was unfathomably horny. Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to wrap her mind around what she’d just done.

Daniel experienced the moment of contact as a flickering chill across his entire body. He carefully didn’t move his eyes from the television and avoided Tasha’s brief attempts to make eye contact. He knew that her willpower was finite, while her arousal and need would feed off each other and intensify indefinitely. The movie played on and the frequency of Tasha’s glances away from his engorged member decreased until her gaze became fixed upon it.

Another minute ticked by while neither father nor daughter moved. Then, as abruptly as she’d stopped, Tasha started breathing again while giving Daniel’s cock short, distracted strokes.

“Empty. Empty. So empty,” she panted with each exhalation, then continued, “It drags me in and pulls me apart. There’s so much need. I … I need!”

Her last pronouncement galvanized something in her and Tasha seized her father’s cock in an almost painful grip. She lunged forward and found Daniel’s mouth with her own, only then did he let go of his restraint. One hand tangled in her hair to control her head while the other groped along her side and slipped under her waistband.

She hissed in pleasure at his touch and started fitfully tugging at the waist of his pants. Daniel was not willing to lose his opportunity, now that the window had arrived, and released his daughter to unbutton his pants and push them down. She instantly seized his naked member and he had to fight off her questing mouth while struggling to remove her pants.

Once both of them were exposed below the waist, Tasha abruptly understood and followed her father’s lead. She slid off the couch, kicked off her pants, and straddled him faster than he would have thought possible.

Daniel could smell Tasha’s arousal as she settled atop him. She urgently grasped his rod and guided it to her wetness. It speared her perfectly as she sunk down on her haunches. Father and daughter announced their pleasure once Tasha had taken all she could, his a guttural, satisfied moan and hers a drawn out …


Tasha began rocking her hips while her father reached beneath her shirt. Her movements gradually intensified until she was bouncing and the rhythmic slap, slap, slap of their coupling echoed through the house. Meanwhile, Daniel had roughly pushed her bra up and was groping her breasts. She produced fitful squeaks and grunts as he squeezed her breasts and gently pinched or rolled her hard, sensitive nipples between his fingers.

Daniel soon felt his orgasm coming and the knowledge that it was too late to turn back was enough to push him over the edge. He signaled his climax with a series of his own grunts and thrust up as far as he could when he released his first squirt of cum into his daughter’s pussy.

Tasha immediately screeched her own climax and slammed herself down against her father’s pelvis. She writhed in unthinking ecstasy as her pelvic muscles spasmed, milking a second, third, and fourth ejaculation from Daniel before she collapsed on top of him, exhausted and soaked with sweat.


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